Let's try stop the fight in community and get organized instead

Open discussion topics won’t work as effective. Blizzard people should read through tons of controversy and fights between fans. Clearly there are a lot of people who like the new graphics and lots of people who dislike them very much and want WC3 to be true to the original. There are many people voting for 12 unit selection limit removal and almost as much people on the opposite side. That’s clearly very hard to manage and pluck only the meaningful parts. The proportions are almost equal, it gets into heated discussions. What I suggest is to organize a poll on each controversial topic with options so Blizzard could gather the data. If it can’t be done through this forum they can create a special website.

Right now people forced to go back to the forum every day to like or dislike on posts or leave new comments to protect their point of view. They must do it to prevent certain things they care about from happening or facilitate some points to make “the right” things happen. The feedback is hugely controversial and it’s hard to organize. That’s all I’m saying. There should be a better way.

I proposed a public poll organized by blizz but the post got buried between the Jaina’s boobs posts and don’t change anything posts :slight_smile:

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I keep trying to post suggestions for multiplayer but most people around here seem more concerned about story mode :confused:






Blizzard needs to add some categories to the forums. At the moment it’s a free for all in the general discussion.

The reddit WC3 feedback megathread is far superior to this place.

Yeah Blizzard should start making polls before this whole thing turns into big Jaina boobs discussion.