Oceanic servers

Hey everyone,

I haven’t seen an answer to this anywhere. I was just wondering if there are going to be oceanic serves for reforged? I’m keen to play competitive but 300ms sounds like nightmare



An answer. Seen plenty of threads

what do you think will be any different about this thread, compared to all the others? you think Blizzard saw your specific account and thought they should answer since youre the 1000th person to ask this question?

The silence just seems baffling to me. The louder we are and the more threads that are made maybe they’ll take notice?

trust me, theres many other complaints that more people are being way louder about, and blizzard sure as aint listening

$$ is all they will listen to, and upgrading the servers is not cheap… they already scrapped so much content lol

We need an Oceanic region or at least merge us close to American servers where the pings aren’t going to affect us as much. Please.

Lack of OCE servers is pathetic

We need an Oceanic server please! I’ve literally played one of my old custom games that has micro intensity in it and for some reason the units move smoother on there and the ping is always less then 200 with hardly delays. I want that experience in ladder!

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Why is Blizzard ignoring this? I am literally just bout to uninstall this and see if I can request a refund. They remaster the game, do a somewhat okay job, only for them to ruin there hard work by not adding in a decent server for a large community of OCE gamers. Pathetic from some “reputable” company.


@StylesBeyond - It has been a while since release , can you still request a refund?
I hate how they ignore this.

Why? Why are there no oceanic servers? It’s been 4 years since this thread was created. If I open a multiplayer game with only bots it puts me on a 210 ping server. How is this acceptable? Reforged is a disgrace.

oceanic server wont pay BLZ :rofl:, thats why lol.

your question kinda answered itself.

The game isn’t popular enough to justify spending more money on infrastructure, especially when half of everyone refunded it years ago.

Bumping a 4 year old thread will not change anything. We don’t even have servers in places where we actually have players, much less oceania. Best option is the asia gateway.

Ultimately it doesn’t even really matter as matchmaking is global and you’re not going to have great pings in every game regardless.