WC3R Server/Realm finder for oceanic players

I’m from Australia and there is no “Oceanic Gateway” in the original WC3. But i assume i will get decent match making for me through the WC3R battle net client with other battle net client users, would match making work like in SC2 or HOTS in regards to Australian or global servers? And how would i match with players playing original WC3 who have specific Gateways versus me a WC3R battle net client player in Australia, would it even happen at all?

We haven’t got an answer yet. Been bugging Grubby to ask the devs during a Q&A, but apparently asking when will we get Naga as a fifth race is more important than asking if thousands of people will have an actual playable server.

It’s really unknown atm. If they do it like they did SCRemastered, then we’ll be stuck playing US West with 250 ms minimum, since all they did there was add a Gateway for China, but we can always keep bugging them until they give us a server like they did for SC2 and HOTS.


I didn’t play SCR so i had no idea they didn’t add an Oceanic region, that would suck so much if it happened. Now my hype is reduced :frowning:


It’s 100% the reason I haven’t preordered. If they promised OCE realms I’d pay right now, but as it stands, they didn’t give us servers for SCR, they didn’t add anything when they remastered, and they haven’t said anything about adding them now, so it seems as usual OCE is getting shafted and ignored by Blizzard, and no one cares.

I don’t understand how asking if Blizzard is going to do future campaigns is more important that asking if the game will be playable for thousands of people. They haven’t even finished remaking the base game and yet future stuff is given attention over knowing if people can even play the base game? /smh

The best part is the panel talks about this being “our game” and wanting to bring people back into the fold, Grubby talks about how it’s so difficult to get new players into the game having to explain to them how to get everything set up, meanwhile we’re sitting here like yeah ok guys, nothing like having to play with 300ms custom games cause we dont have our own server even though we’re like 8ms away from each other, or go through a bunch of difficult to set up programs.



we take this game very seriously and
we want sub 200ping please blizzard.

A returned player from Australia here. I have played with 300 pings for over 100 games so far and managed to have 60% win rate. But agreee with everyone here, an we deserve an Oceanic server!!!

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