Unplayable lag/ping built in?

That’s my view, kinda. To me, that reduces the importance of fingerskills, making WC3 more strategic. The longer the delay the less true that is, though. I’m happy where it’s at now.

yeah, people complaining that WC3 is clunky little did they know that it was meant to be turn-based.


There is built in delay, but that doesn’t explain you having 300 to 400 ping.

The input delay is a minimum feature to ensure that someone who lives in California- for example- doesn’t have a massive advantage over someone who has to connect from, say, Europe.

I have this exact same issue, a few years ago I thought I get 180 ping on USWest, now I start playing War3 again and I have 240 ping.
Although perhaps my memory is wrong… REGARDLESS:

I get 180 ping to LoL USWest servers
I get 180 ping to NA servers in general
I get 240 ping to USWest War3 servers

So first off 180 ping is moderately high in my opinion, to me a good ping is like <100 ms

What is your location and what server are you playing on?

It’s extremely common for Europeans to have unplayable pings in USEast for example.

There’s no built in ping delay, however a looooong time ago war3 did have 1 second server delay on ladder servers due to old technical “limitations” iirc, but not sure if that still exists.

Either way I’d feel pretty confident in the future as it seems like blizzard is prioritizing server updates for Reforged so keep an eye out for stuff like that.

I think all games do this too sync everyone up so no one has an unfair advantage! For example say I have Xfinity sitting here with a 30ms ping to dallas servers but say someone has aol dialup in Canada is trying to connect to those same dallas servers to play with me. What if they take 200ms for their packets to travel there? It just simply would not work unless you added this natural “latency”! or you would be constant be getting the please wait lag screen and that would be no fun right? :frowning:

Well, the crux of the issue regardless is just the overall badness of the servers, arguments regarding the nature of the “ping equalisation” can’t really be had until the servers actually work decently… There is a server upgrade occurring like 5 hours from now - Blizzard Forums
Will be interesting to see if I can get back my 180 ping from 250, would make it just that little bit more playable.

180 ping USWest is OCE (NZ/AUS) to NA, we don’t get our own servers for smaller population games as not enough critical mass. I get 180 ping for any other USWest area servers for 99 percent of games, just 250 ping in Warcraft 3, and all of us in OCE are reporting the same problem.


What a load of BS.
When and where is the source of wc3 ever supposedly being a turn based strategy?
Why do people make up nonsense on these forums…

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Base line minimum latency is something that’s been in every Blizzard game since Starcraft.

They’re not making it up, it’s there so that someone who lives 10 miles from Blizzard servers doesn’t have an inherent advantage over someone who lives 10 hours away.

good ping by 2018 standards is more like <50ms…anything over <100ms and its incredibly noticeable. They did mention there was quite a bit of network code that needs updating…so we might not see that for awhile yet.

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As said in my post, I live in New Zealand, im in the Southern Hemisphere as in… many many miles away. ~180 ping is considered the normal for New Zealand to USA.

But People in New Zealand and Australia are getting like 250 - 350 ping to War3 USA servers. AND people in the USA and Europe are all complaining about the current lag and quality of the servers in general, i guess from their perspective it will be something like, they are getting 90 ping instead of 40-50.

The servers just seem crappier than any other game, yet they are probably located within a few miles of each other… or maybe literally in the same building.

I.E - CSGO servers, Overwatch servers, LoL servers, [INSERT GAME], War3 servers are probably all within a few miles of each other for their respective region. IF we decided to play on NA servers for CSGO, Overwatch or LoL, we would get 180 ping, but playing War3 NA we get 250 ping.

The question is - Why are War3 servers so crap.


Hopefully when the Re-Forged launches next year they use the Servers located in Australia to host games in Oceania.


google the following word: s-a-r-c-a-s-m

My ping is still 250 post server upgrade that occurred yesterday :confused:


Blizz fix your stuff please. Get the ping as low as possible for this to be enjoyable or people will find other games to play!, you are no longer the cream of the crop and you need us more than we need you at this point.


Blizzard needs to add servers in more regions, especially OCE and SA. It’s impossible to play games with such high ping, and since they removed the bots there’s no way to play with less than 300ms…


Hey, sorry for necroing this thread, but I just wanted to ask if there has been any sort of communication about the ping problems?

I have been playing this game since it was released with my friend. He lives in Singapore these days, and for the last 2 or 3 years we have played this game together just fine with me as the host. His ping was usually around 100-150ms, and I live in the Midwest.

Since the change they made where you no longer need to port forward (which is a great change, don’t get me wrong), his ping has been more than double. He currently averages around 300-400 ping which has caused us to stop playing this game we have loved for years together.

I’d really like to at least know if it’s an issue that is on the radar and could be fixed in the future, or if we should find another game to play.

Thank you for the work you have done on Warcraft 3.


its not sarcasm if you didn’t add /kappa or any words , otherwise people could say any racist S**T and cancer jokes and when people accuse them they will say ( google the following word: s-a-r-c-a-s-m ) nice try kid

actually to your major surprise people not brain dead are capable of reading between the lines

PS. It is just in ladder games in customs it’s normal