Your Wishlist For A Final Co-Op Patch?

My wishlist… I think at this point I just wish for any kind of patch at all.

I’m just hoping that they’d fix the various bugs highlighted in a post of mine

For the sake of this discussion though, I’d like for them to change Abathur’s P3, so that we only have to collect, say 150 biomass, instead of 200, and a new map like maybe Sky Shield.

A few bug fixes like Kerrigan’s achievements and at least a few new missions other than that I hope they announce something for Starcraft in February

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  • Blood Hunters added to Alarak. Require Ascendant Archives. Void Stasis available from the start. Researchable: Blink. Both Supplicant upgrades from the Death Council would also benefit Blood Hunters.
  • Avengers added to Artanis. Require Templar Archives. Emergency Recall from the campaign remains. Blink is researchable.
  • Artanis’ Tempests finally get the Purifier skin, which is the only solution considering they’re using Disintegration.
  • Artanis gets his hero prestige, as discussed a lot here. He would also get a Golden Armada Prestige, adding Carriers and other air units to his Stargate. He also gets a Daelaam Mothership for high cost at his Nexus.
  • There’s also more unused units from the campaigns I would like to have on certain commanders, but the post would get too big. I’m sure a lot of you would welcome more available unit comps for commanders, and more skins being used.


  • Brutal+ gets an overhaul. You can now queue up randomly on all + stages. Now you just need a group to do B+ on sub-15 commanders. Other changes: +1 = 1 random mutator, +2 = 2 mutators, and so on. +6 does not necessarily need to have 6 mutators active, but let’s say after +5 you can get the more annoying ones such as Propagators, Void Rifts, Polarity, and so on.
  • Alarak’s Gateway hotkey mess is fixed. I have my Gateways on a different hotkey since it happened, but it still feels weird. The Mothership does not need to be linked to W.

There’s still a lot more, especially for commanders. Like another commander getting Tempests, since Artanis is the only one, or an actual Ihan’rii commander. Maybe part of a new Zeratul Prestige, where his hero unit is gone, but you get more army options. Annihilators for Vorazun, stronger Dark Archons… A Fleet Beacon for Alarak’s Death Fleet (will also benefit the temporary one, when you’re not using P3), maybe even Tal’darim Tempests… Wish list is long. :^)

However, I’m stopping here so it’s not one giant post. It’s already quite a lot of text.

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