What "new" maps are left?

Kresa’s discussion about what commanders we have left, How many characters left?, made me think about what maps Blizzard could convert into co-op.

Oblivion Express is converted from The Great train robbery (WOL)
Dead of Night is converted from Outbreak (WOL)
The Vermillion Problem is converted from The Devils Playground (WOL)
and so on, and so forth.

What maps do you think could be remade into co-op mode? Obviously, they’d have to tweek it a little bit, if I remember correctly Rift Of Corhal is converted from The Reckoning (HOTS). I honestly like maps where you go and kill structures, like Dead Of Night, but that’s just me, what do you guys think, what maps could work?


Sky Shield, of course. It is one of the most aesthetically awesome missions in the whole campaign, in my opinion. Battling on a falling starbase that is burning up in the atmosphere is just so cool to me, that it kills me that they scrapped the beta idea they had to remake that mission in Coop.


Safe Haven / Haven’s Fall, The Mobeius Factor, The Dig, Supernova, Maw of the Void (could be problematic), Shatter the Sky and All In could probably get co op equivalents.

From HotS there’s Harvest of Screams, Old Soldiers, Waking The Ancient, Supreme, possibly Planetfall.

LotV is a bit more complicated in places primarily because there tend to be a lot of fairly unique scenarios, however I would love a map like Into the Void where you have to continuously push up and establish new outposts against unrelenting waves of enemies.


hmm…maybe the briefing announcer could be Valerian, if he doesn’t get to be a commander?

Waking the ancient would be a mixture of Mist Opportunities and The Vermillion Problem, right?

Blizzard apparently wants each map to have its own more or less unqiue objective, so the better question to ask is how many more unique map objectives can you guys come up with for them?

I think most maps could do well with a swapped objective between you and amon, like instead of destroying all the structures on DoN you gotta defend them for a certain amount of time.

If out of missions from campaign, they could always create new ones just for Coop. Should be a nice way to get their creative juices flowing. We’ve already had that with COs since we’re in non-canon territory. Those changes could warrant new missions to suit this narrative.

I’ve came up with some over the years…
–objective is on an island
Some COs will naturally have an advantage here, but you could have 1 to all 3 of 3 transport methods available on the map for those COs who lack transport/drop abilities…
Drop/transport ships, Protoss style teleporter (e.g. Arbiters/Dark Pylons), Zerg style transporters (e.g. Deep Tunnel, Nydus)

–A mission that requires detection
Since some COs can cheese cloaked/burrowed stuff, make this cloaked objective invincible. You need to click on it, and select a command card (like with the bonus obj in Malwarfare). To make it hard, you need overlapping detection from both COs. If that turns out to be too annoying, then make that requirement for its bonus obj.

–A mission like the WoL cutscene where you rescue Warfield
You need to push, quickly to the rescue point. Then you need to set up supply and logistics to properly defend that point

–A mission that requires you build towers in certain locations
Should give Karax a boost (although the Prestiges did help there). People like Swann would lose the advantage of being able to Salvage their towers since they’d need to stay put to remain in effect (they’d need to stay there)

–Themed missions for Protoss and Terran
We actually don’t have one for Zerg. Closest is 2 Infested Terran ones (ME and DoN). A mission where you’ll always run into T or P forces. And these aren’t just ones from standard versus compositions. Special ones either from the campaign, or new to Coop.

–More primary objectives that are air only
Currently, we only have shuttles from Void Launch. That mission changes your approach quite a bit since there are some cases, you could get away with AG only.

Sounds like Temple of the Past, but a “reverse DoN” could prove to be interesting. You have 100 structures that need to be defended, and losing more than 70 of them causes you to fail.


I always thought a co op mission based on “a sinister turn” could be really cool.

As a refresher, it’s the Protoss mission from WoL where there is a hybrid named Maar that leads an attack against your base, and every time he is defeated he comes back even stronger.

For a co op mission, a hybrid hero could lead an assault force of elite Protoss against the player’s base. Maybe the Protoss could use the greenish skin set from HotS that were helping Narud. Each time the Hybrid is defeated, it comes back even stronger. The mission could involve securing and escorting Preservors around the map. The map could be populated with dark Protoss to fight, while random attack waves of any of the 3 races would spawn, as per normal for most maps. It would be cool to have a map-specific enemy that are not infested terrans.

Do one mission based on WoL final mission, only it’s reversed. We have to reach the Artifact. To prevent some obvious cheesing, different areas need to be unlocked before Artifact shows up. And it can trigger and kill everything with a warning every so often.

I’d like to see a mission based on smash and grab, one commander needs to hold a ever increasing onslaught while the other commander pushes.


Honestly, I always thought Smash and Grab could serve as a sort of semi-competitive cooperative mission. Still a Coop, but a way for players to compete with each other in a friendly sense.

Two players with slightly separate starting locations than usual, with two lanes. Can either work together to push one lane really hard, or race each other and see who can reach the end and topple a boss first.

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I thought Brothers in Arms would be a great map for co-op. I think the only issue would be the stun mechanic; maybe it can be used for certain type of units (like bio only or mechanic only), and that can change for each time.

Supernova would be a problem for all Zerg and Protoss CO’s, since they can’t lift their buildings. Even for Terran CO’s, having to rebuild your tech labs and reactors could be problematic while facing Amon. (Less of a problem in the campaign.) They could come up with an alternate mechanic like whatever that LotV moving sky platform on rails misson does (I haven’t done HotS & LotV yet).

Maw of the Void would be a problem for all CO’s that don’t have heavy units and healing - to attack and survive the rip fields. It’s bad enough that some mutations behave this way, but it’s not okay that an actual mission would negate several CO’s.

I like this idea. A variant is - the two players’ lanes are not connected (or only at the middle/end) and there’s impassable air block; and the players themselves are separated. Each has to be able to do some attack + def on their own while contributing additively to some objective. For example, protecting an artifact fragment for X time that spawns at diff locations (in pairs) and at least one has to survive - and total count is from only 1 surviving, not both (so you can’t rush the win). And at the end, somewhere after the players’ lanes meet, two separate fragments spawn and both need to survive. Of course, the way blizz does RNG for attack waves (read: they don’t), knowing where each wave attacks would simplify the mission. They could also start at opposite corners of the map like pvp with a diagonal barrier and one or two long bridges connecting them, again air-blocked if off path so one player can’t just send air support to their ally. Otoh, it can be solo’ed too since only one of each pair needs to survive and they both have access to the last pair.

There was that co-op variant in Asian Arcade server, It was really fun. It was lot more fun when Dehakazilla was so powerful that he can easily wreck Kerrigan’s bases (Dehaka can defeat Kerrigan but only if you can keep consuming enemies to stay healthy).

Unfortunately the developer of that Arcade map brought it down and no longer exist.

Flash Point in Nova’s campaign. It’s a mix of offense and defense which imo can be adapted to co-op in a number of interesting ways.

Not all coop maps are based on campaign ones (Part and Parcel, Cradle of Death…) so even if all campaign maps were used devs could come up with new ones or twists to existing maps like:
reverse Oblivion express-You need to escort trains across the map and Amon is setting up blockades and sends attack waves at them
point control/tug of war hybrid-you need to secure points to push objective forward and Amon tries to retake them.

So IMO there are plenty possible additions.

I´ve thought a similar idea split map. I attach the link so you can give your opinion.

On Maw of the Void (the rip field one), weren’t cloaked units “immune” to the rip field? I vaguely recall rescuing DTs and using them to “snipe out” the defenses while the BCs were being patched up.

Now, if you count “tunneling roaches” as the Zerg “cloaked” unit, that leaves Karax and Stukov as the only COs (that I can think of off top of head) with “no cloaking to speak of” - but since the other counter to rip-fields is “mass with heals”, Karax’s extra lifed and heal beam supported units = does the job.

So poor Stukov is the only CO that has “immediate issues” with rip fields, so what if the infested civvies were “immune/resistant” to the field as well - but you’d have to press the compound to the edge of the creep for the ICs to have enough “time” to reach the generator and actually do damage to it. Now, every commander has an “answer” to the rip field…

Edit: Just remembered Fenix is “almost” in the same boat, his only “cloak” comes from arbiter suit - but again, Fenix can carrier-rush (or colossi-rush) better than Karax, so again, Fenix wins through “massive units”…

Stukov banshee cloaks (but ripfields didn’t damage shielded units)

Still… something worth exploring. I am aware that all of the nuances in Versus/Campaign will transfer over (especially the need to scout and explore), but it’d be neat to utilize their advantages and disadvantages to effect… Terran are mobile, Protoss can teleport their units across long distances, and Hatcheries and their equivalents are much cheaper than their P and T counterparts.

Otherwise, not a supernova, but a “plot-driven” disabling field. You won’t have to rebuild, but you’ll need to wait for the field effect to pass to be able to access those buildings and production there again. (I guess like that HotS mission where extreme cold cripples you and the P forces).

AFAIK, everyone should be fine there with transports and/or capital units.

Otherwise, make available a “shielding unit” available for this mission that’s like a Sentry/Conservator. It would be like CoD and that truck, but just make that thing invincible or easily replaced.

Unpopular mission, but for me… I wouldn’t want to play CoD all the time, but I do enjoy on occasion. Playing that as Pre-Prestige Karax but after unit discount seemed scary, but if you focus all on in on units, he actually pushes quite effectively!

This wouldn’t be kosher. One of the design/developer diaries mentioned players start next to each other so they could help each other out as needed.

That said, I wouldn’t be opposed if they revisited this philosophy.

I think Zerg/ Protoss co can still work perfectly in the what-if Supernova mission. Since they can just add a trigger that gives the player its co main structure via drop pods/ warp like those from the campaign.

It differentiates the gameplay of at least 2 races. Yet, I think below-average Vorazun and Stukov player might struggle on this kind of particular map.