Your Wishlist For A Final Co-Op Patch?

Wish list

  • lot of tweaks*
  • Big bug fixes (Zagara mastery, Taldarim - Mothership/Warpgate)
  • Prestige tweaks: HH+Abathur P3, Swann+Stukov P2 (a number of others on the extreme wishlist but those are the ones most in need)
  • For ALL prestiges: have them enable their key elements regardless of level (so you can play with them as soon as you get them)

*Hellions, Queens, Cyclones, Corrupters, Bile launchers, Mirages, Karax probe global build range, Mengsk starting mandate+starting bunker, Mengsk Viking, InfBanshee, Abathur Biomass pickup, Primal Igniters, Disrupters, Mecha BCL, Stetelites/Mastery, Mecha Zergling acceleration)

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Until the announcement that Monk left I had hopes for very, very minor changes, but now I don’t even expect that :frowning:

Things like:

  • Making Kerrigan’s Creep Tumor invulnerable or supercloaked in P1 (so you can spread creep aggressively into enemy bases)

  • Removing the dependency of Nova’s Railgun Turrets in P1 (so you can build them without constructing Barracks first)

  • Numerous Hotkey issues that came with the Prestige revamp, like Abathur’s P2 Creeper Host Deep Tunnel or Alarak’s P3 Mothership

  • And of course, things like Zagara’s Mastery issue

But as I said, I will not expect anything after Monk left.


Well, it is possible some unnamed person could still be there to finish working with the prestiges. I would hope that Activison left behind at least one person for maintenance.

If so, then he or she should be briefly introduced.

You will be greeted with a candystorm for sure, people don’t expect too much at this point.

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I wouldn’t mind them adding resources to allow the community to make commanders/prestiges. Maybe there could be a box that allows modded content. I find when developers finish these types of games, the game flourishes if people are allowed to mod it.

For my wish list, I would love to see:

#1. General Warfield and Valerian Mengsk added to CO-OP Commander.

#2. An extra CO-OP mission or two.

#3. And, Nova to be able to build more than one Ghost Academy–like two or three–in a CO-OP game.

=) =) =)

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#MakeCoopAliveAgain and get rid of stupid mutations


To make your units not able to attack your ally enemy units in “Polarity” mutator, because it makes lags and disorientate a little, because you could barely see the “shielded” units.

Fix the bugs, especially bugged masteries (H&H, zagara…).
Buff/rework the awful prestiges.

Further improve the under-performing commanders (swann…)
A proper difficulty above brutal (no mutators).

not gonna happen, but allow you to at least pick which prestige to unlock.
I have no interest in re-doing any CO 3 times, let alone them all.
However Id probably re-do a couple of my favorites if I could pick the prestige to unlock.

Better yet… just make us prestige once for all 3. But hey that ain’t happening!

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Fix Han and Horner death effect mastery.

Don’t fix the Zagara bug, but instead revert Zaga back to pre prestige mastery set (keep set 1 benefit for Queens) as it is better for P0, P2, and P3. Don’t nerf most of Zagara just to please the P1 fan boys.

Most importantly don’t break anything. If you’re only going to be patching co-op every 6 moths, don’t break the game.

As bonus I’ll take a stimpack and/or winter holiday bonus in a month to ease the prestige grind of commanders I don’t enjoy as much in terms of repetitive play.

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Oh man, this so much. Give us a Brutal+ with more enemies and stuff. I hate mutators so much, and it’s such a crutch for so many games.

fix bugs, especially with masteries.

give swann another pass… by far the worst default commander and prestiges.

rework weak or lame prestiges into something fun.

add a proper difficulty above brutal, the mutators are awful and annoying.

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Another thing I’d like tacked onto an Artanis rework is him getting Golden Age skins at level 15 because yes. I want my shiny reavers


Yeah. I’m holding off on Zagara in the hopes that she finally gets a mastery fix.

My wishlist is blizzard one day actually fix Zagara’s mastery bug

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Fix all the mastery bugs, especially HH death mastery so it works with P1

More health or armor for Glevig, he’s fun on P2 Dehaka but made of glass.

Artanis Hero Unit for P1, unnerf P2 artanis, maybe 15 energy.

Abathur needs a Skyzerg prestige goddammit, P1 is boring and P3 sucks, so either one could get the boot IMO. I’d be okay with removing toxic nests and brutalisks for a little gas cost reduction for mutas and big movement speed boost for flying units, that’d be fun.

Swann P1, remove the additional damage and give back the laser abilities, and instead have the laser and it’s abilities apply a debuff to enemies it damages that increases damage dealt by swann’s units. Change the downside to remove turrets to parallel with P2. This would give swann a great laser prestige that also buffs his army, plus he still has tanks and the laser for defense.

HH P3 remove the cost increase and change the disadvantage to lose all other top bar abilities.

Change Stukov P2 to something actually useful, I’d love a prestige that focuses more on his calldowns or maybe a broodling prestige that focuses on brood queens and infest structure.

she plays fine even with the mastery bug, P1 absolute obliterates maps. It needs to be fixed but it’s not crippling like HH’s death mastery.

Complete Wishlist

BUGS: Zagara Mastery, HH Death Mastery, Zagara P3 Frenzy


Cyclones: +30% movement speed increase, Lockon Range upgrade from +3 to +4 and +4 vision

Swann and Nova
Hellions/Hellion Rangers: allow attack while moving, Upgrade that gives +v. light damage also gives 2x width attack

Han and Horner
Deimos Viking: WILD missile reduce cooldown 20 seconds->10 seconds, upgrade cost 100 min+gas-> 150 min+gas

Nikara: Reinvigoriating Burst Gear (Repair Nanites) increases duration and range of effect by 50%, increase “move to heal AI range”, base self regeneration to 20 hps

Mandate: Base Starting Mandate from 0->20, starting “Forced conscription” charges from 4->1
Royal Guard Experience Mastery: from +15% to +30%
Intercessor: increase “move to heal AI range”
Sky Fury: Level 1 bonus applies to heroic as well as massive, Level 2 gives move while attacking, Level 3 Phoenix Protocol applies to ground and air, 50% evasion moved from Level 3 to Level 2 applies to ground and air modes


Kerrigan and Zagara
Queens: Transfuse and Inject Larva autocastable (default off)

Corruptors: Corruption can target structures as well, can autocast, priority increased to above Hunter killers
Bile Launchers: Smartcast, display area they are attacking when selected, Range 15(25 upgrade) to 20 (35 upgrade)

Hive increases biomass pickup range to 12

Infested Banshee: +0.75 movement speed

Primal Igniter: +3 hps regeneration, no armor tag

Mecha Battlecarrier Lord: Mecha Locusceptors attack air
Stetelite Mastery: Increase to -7.5 seconds maximum
Mecha Infestor: Infested Roachnites-1500 damage over 30 seconds, Spawns 8 mecha roaches and 3 mecha ravagers


Tempest: Disintegration 480 damage over 12 seconds
High Templar: High Templars and High Archons can use the same command card, +Energy upgrade also gives High Templars (but not High Archons) triple energy regeneration

Dark Archon: Mind Control 75 energy

Probe: Build range 500
Mirage: Attacks ignore enemy Armor

Alarak: Empower Me, Soul Absorption, Lightning Surge, Wrath of the Highlord range increased to 20, Telekinesis upgrade reduced in cost to 100m 100g
Vanguard: Move speed 3

Disrupters: Secondary nova hits air, -1 supply

Stasis Beam: Duration increased to 45 seconds

PRESTIGES: (changes only)

Abathur P3: Ultimate evolutions unlocked, Ultimate Evolutions can collect Biomass:: UE cost 200 biomass , Ultimate evolutions have -60% hp and -35% attack speed

Han and Horner P3: Strike fighter Platforms unlocked, Strike Fighter platforms do damage to air, -40% Strike Fighter hp, +50% rebuild time if destroyed, +100% +50% Platform mineral and gas cost

Nova P2: Tactical airlift unlocked, Tactical airlift can accumulate up to 3 charges, does not require vision, Griffin Airstrike +300% cooldown disabled

Raynor P2: Afterburners research unlocked

Kerrigan P1: Malignant Creep unlocked

Kerrigan P2: Fury unlocked

Vorazun P1: Emergency Recall unlocked

Vorazun P3: Time Stop unlocked

Abathur P2: Deep tunnel research unlocked

Alarak P2: Empower Me unlocked

Alarak P3: Death fleet unlocked

Fenix P2: Tactical Data Web, Purifier conclave, Kaldalis, and Kaldalis area damage research unlocked

Fenix P3: Avenging Protocol, Purifier conclave, and Talis unlocked

Tychus P3: Odin unlocked

Mengsk P1: Earthsplitter Ordinances and Contaminated Strike unlocked

Swann P2: Turret Structure upgrades are +100% +300% more effective (turrets AND other buildings, ie Fire suppressions increased to 60 hps):: no Vespene Drones

Vorazun P2: Black Hole applies effect as well

Stukov P2: Load all default autocast, reduce range for load all, Infested Banshees can move, load, and unload while burrowed

Dehaka P3: Dehaka+Zweihaka share all essence gained 50-50

300% is significant. Betties / billies /dizzies will be able to fire so far and fast. Double the DPS! I like it.

Your partner may not like this prestige because no vespene drones.

The idea of the prestige is to enhance static offense / defense and reduce army power. I was thinking maybe reduce maximum supply to 150.