Your Wishlist For A Final Co-Op Patch?

Aside from balancing etc. Be realistic!

What I’d like to see:

  • Commander colours unlocked at P3. I really like Abathur, but dislike his pukey yellow. Would love to be able to give him Zagara’s purple or Dehaka’s teal.

  • XP required from 1-10 lowered slightly.

  • Early vulture attack on Rifts and early air attack on Chain nerfed slightly. With the wrong pair of commanders, this can be insanely difficult to defend.

How about you?

Prestige revamp: some are straight up bad. Some alter too little. Some makes little sense.
Talents reordering: powerspikes are very different for commanders, some talents are bad, etc.
Mutation grouping: this could help the brutal+, because sometimes the mutators are just too binary together.
Achievements: I made a thread about it.


They will do rebalance patches from what was posted. So I sure hope it’s not one final patch.

I do want P3 HH and Abby to be tweaked for the better.


Aside from Artanis and Swann overhauls, I definitely want another thorough glance at prestiges to make them all competitive and enticing for all skill levels. Stuff like Raynor P1, Stetmann P1, explicitly only benefit low-skill players, while providing nothing much for higher skilled players; so maybe a retooling of the benefits they give? (My absolute dream is Raynor P1 converting all his units into merc counterparts, that’d be awesome).

Also not to mention some prestiges are just straight-up stupid in their current incarnations, like Stetmann P3, Vorazun P2, Abathur P3, etc. Those definitely need looking at.

In terms of commander progression, I think Stetmann needs to have either Stetmato Cannon research or Locusceptor Bays research unlocked when you unlock the battlecarrier lord, because in its vanilla state it’s just an absurdly expensive, thicc brood lord; basically there’s no real reason to even TRY it when you first unlock it. Give something pls. And while we’re on the topic of Stetmann, rework the Upgrade Cost mastery to actually provide something. Only reducing the cost of weapons and armor is, uh, it’s not good. Make it a ripoff of Kerrigan’s “Expeditious Evolutions” mastery, and you finally have a good reason to choose anything but Gary cooldowns.

I’d also like passive regen on Mengsk’s royal guard units in general. It’d benefit Merchant of Death the most, because then you can roll emperor’s shadows or aegis guard without then being slowly attritioned to death by Amon.

Honestly there’s just a whole heap of things I’d like to see and I dunno if I can fit them all into this post. (Can Artanis get Hardened Shield on Immortals pls)


Or let’s take them by their word (freeing up ressources for a new game in SC universe). No new patch but let’s expect an announcement during online BlizzCon event next February

Based on this sentence, right?

I’m feeling a bit more pessimistic about that: ‘necessary balance fixes’ doesn’t sound to be like it will include optional revamps to Co-op to improve the game. I read this line as mostly being in there as a hazy commitment to fix game-breaking issues that affect esports.

That said, the OP’s idea of a “final Co-op patch” I could potentially see, for issues like fixing Zagara’s mastery bug.


Yeah, it’s a bit ambiguous but I hope it isn’t that.

Fix the game detrimental bugs, like H&H’s mastery and Alarak’s Mothership.

If we’re feeling spicy, change the prestige that are objectively worse than P0 (Abathur and H&H say hi)

Even the bugs are unlikely though, I’d say.


I really think people overdramatize a lot. We were hardly getting any changes or news up to this point anyway, then few posts and a patch or two and then again 6+ moths of nothing. Other than lack of new commanders, you won’t even notice anything changed.

There’s still some time (guessing at least 2 years?) until SC2 is completely abandoned and we get to the point of a “final patch”.


Further balances on some COs and their prestiges with tweets, not concept changes. They got most of the prestiges right but some Like Swann p1 / p2, Nova’s p2 and few others still needs work.

And Fix bugs.

I don’t think they will ever touch co-op again unless it’s for an emergency, but for the sake of discussion I really wish they let us choose which prestiges to unlock first. I know they did what they did to extend gameplay time as much as possible, but come on… If I want to play P3 first, I want to be able to unlock it first, not grind through the other P’s to get there.


That’s just a perspective for your own convenience though. Another way to look at it is that you clearly don’t want it enough to level it up to P3.

So the difference is someone spent that time (as bliz planned it) and will get to use P3. And you didn’t (which didn’t spend that time) so you don’t get to use it. A total of at least 3 x prestige worth spent (more if you, in this case, grinded to p1 or p2 but never made it to p3).

If we take your approach. Both you and this other person would have spent exactly 2 x prestige time, both got the one they want and left it.

What I’m saying here is the net result is vastly different. One is a guaranteed longer time with potential (at 6 x prestige time), the other is 2 x prestige time (with high likelihood no more since people won’t tend to things they don’t enjoy). Kind of like how the people who don’t want to grind it out won’t grind.

So if that was a choice to be made then as a business I’d done exactly the same way. I want my product (however poor/good) to be played for x hours when I’m designing it. It’s such a simple no brainer logic, yet even to date we see this kind of topics and comments.

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My Wishlist:
New Co-op commander: Ariel Hanson, leader of Haven Colony. A commander that emphasizes supporting the ally and can either militarize or become infested, depending on what is needed. 3 Prestige examples: The Good Doctor, Guardian Angel, and War Farmer.

Valorous Inspirator Prestige for Artanis - Dragoons: Now affects Singularity Charge, one shot every 10 seconds treats the enemy as armored for damage calculation, dealing 30 damage, modified by weapon upgrades and the target’s armor value. Does not apply to targets that are armored.

Heavy Weapons Specialist Prestige: Each upgrade causes the drill’s effect to reduce the enemy’s armor by 1 per upgrade. The effect will persist for 10 seconds after not being drilled upon.

XP Bonus for Prestige Trial: 100% one time XP bonus for trying out a prestige for the first time. Those who’ve already had the prestige unlocked can still earn it if they haven’t. This bonus applies once per prestige.

More Appropriate Skill Recommendation for Commanders:
Recommended for players of all skill levels: Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis, Abathur, Tychus
Recommended for experienced players: Swann, Vorazun, Nova, Stukov, Fenix, Dehaka, Zeratul, Stetmann, Mengsk, Ariel (If she makes it as a commander)
Recommended for advanced players: Zagara, Karax, Alarak, Han & Horner

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Over dramatize, yes, but I’d say the odds of Coop in particular getting much for the two years is slim since they specifically said “necessary” balancing.

However, my bet on the odds is largely assuming there’s nothing in the pipeline for Starcraft. D3 gets very reasonable support still, and I’d say that’s due to the fact that they have 2 games on the horizon for it with D4 and Dim.

You can use custom colors from the settings. I always do it when playing with a Mengsk ally or I would keep aiming at him when targeting from the minimap :rofl:

And Unqueen :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
See Operation Blind Devil if you want to understand :stuck_out_tongue: (from the August 11, 2020 news)

edit: oops, didn’t realize I was answering in a topic where I had the last post, or I would have edited instead. Sorry.

My current wish list is mainly bug fixes:
Alarak’s mothership, Zagara’s masteries (I read H&H could be bugged too?). This could be done as a no brainer which does not require any game analysis to be fixed.

Apart for that the key changes most often mentioned for prestiges would be great (key ability associated with prestige available at lvl 1 and maybe even allow masteries to have an impact when leveling prestiged commanders).

Anything else I can live with easily.

I am completely aware it is for personal convenience, pretty obvious. Also, I am aware they are doing it to extend game time as much as possible.

Obviously they are making it so we have to play more to unlock more. I still am allowed to voice my disagreements about this though


I think I tried that, and it didn’t work.

Ok? I’m not sure why you said this. Nobody said to you that you can’t “voice disagreements” (and neither did I)?