Open Discussion - Prove Protoss is OP

You have not said this multiple times. But it’s good you’re not too delusional to admit at much.


Who’s ready for the PvP finals in Code S? You know, to match the rest of the pro scene. :laughing:

Terran and Zerg players just try harder? They’re just better players? Holy cope.

He told me he quit the game. No progression on his Terran offracing. :frowning:

That is “random.” My God, do you know what the word even means?

~5000 MMR.

You play the game?

Diamond 1 is where you start learning the game, you essentially have 1% of the game knowledge. The issue with SC2 is that you have to build up a mechanical base before your games even resemble real SC2, so sub masters games don’t really teach you anything other than very very basic RTS principles, nothing specific to SC2 itself.

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Just a bunch of trolls left over in my thread. Easy flag - one is trolling hard, one is an alt account, one is jealous over basic reading skills. It’s clear this discussion is over unless anyone else that’s sane has something they want to bring up.

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Reality hit him like a freight train. There’s a reason AlphaStar was best with Protoss. The bot holds all factors consistent to such a degree that is difficult to achieve with a human-to-human comparison. Did you notice how Zest was using blink disruptor to beat Rogue? Yeah well AlphaStar was doing that at a similar MMR level 2 years ago. The MMR differences between its P/T/Z matched GM results too. There was a roughly 600 mmr difference between its Protoss and its Zerg. Just taking into account the win-rate in GM, Protoss get +300 mmr. Take into account the win-rate of the Zergs/Terrans demoted to masters, and it’s very close to 600 mmr.

Anyone with even an ounce of honesty and a modicum of brain cells knew Protoss was OP and had a lower skill floor. SC2 is primarily a game of APM and the APM stress scales with the number of units you have to manage. Protoss has fewer units to manage which means we should expect lower APM values per league for Protoss which is exactly what happens. The problem is entirely with the supply cost of Protoss units. If the game is ever to be fair, they need to redesign Protoss to require more APM. Assuming they don’t want to redesign the whole Protoss race around different supply values, try making spellcasting require more APM. Reduce the duration of revelation so it has to be cast twice as often. Reduce the duration of forcefield so it has to be cast twice as often. Etc, etc. Keep the peak power level of Protoss the same, just adjust which apes are able to achieve that power level.

Given that Zest can’t even be bothered to move his void rays out from under a bile, or to move-micro hurt carriers to the back, I think it’s unlikely that he would ever win another tournament if the APM requirements of APEtoss were adjusted. I don’t think there are any high-skill individuals who play Protoss at the absolute highest levels to be honest. The potential will be there. It will just have to be unlocked by a player as good as Rogue/Serral/Dark/Cure/Maru.

JUST FYI - proving the insanity of one of the trolls around here (don’t even bother fixing your statement to something like “oh I mean within this thread”):

The few of you trolls around here just hit yourself in the head with a mallet as hard as you can and just forget these things. I most likely can pull up more examples, but these are the three prime ones that stood out from an immediate search. I am sure you’ve read at least one of these based on how obsessed you are with me - you just have a selective reading disability.

Just want to say I’ve already at least addressed these two. Of course, you resorted to crying out at me - just like you always do. As for the others, pull them up so I can easily search them.

I’m not sure how to take the opinions of pro players. You have some that are level-headed, and some that have a reputation for crying. This is the same for some casters. I think this just comes down to actions speaking louder than words - all pros have an incentive to win. If someone has a good winrate against Protoss, but still cries about how broken they are, that doesn’t really make sense.

I think there was a point where I’ve said listen to the pros, but now I’m not so sure. Why would they want to see their own race nerfed? That would make it harder for them to win money. So then they point their fingers at the other race. And before you both say the other two races point at Protoss, it’s clear that there’s a widespread culture of bullying Protoss even when it was clearly in the low (2019 being one of those times). That’s just insane to me, and everyone should have self-reflected on their actions - but of course that didn’t happen once the whining continued when Protoss received a few buffs in 2020 and Blizz called it a day. This is why I’m not fond of pro opinions now.

Right, this is what I thought you’d do. BOTH the other races are just bullying Protoss. Your race isn’t OP and no amount of evidence would prove it to you. You’re Goba. Just lean into it.

Right. Just can’t admit you’re wrong when I’ve shot down all your points. Only thing left is showing me some form of tournament statistics on a reasonable scale. Completely crazy from start to finish.

I see things for how they are - you see things in a delusional world like the handful of others here. Proven over and over again. I’m not going to link the post where I proved you’re just an irrational madman on the streets again.

You should uninstall SC2 and delete your account - and maybe seek medical help after that. Unless you’re an old man, I’m sure you still have a few years left to reflect on your sorry existence.

I feel the issue is that what is “enough” prove for one may not be prove enough for others.

I fixed some of your spelling errors there.

I really don’t think Protoss is op. They’re strong but people tend to quote pros too often and how X game was unfair or whatever but fail to understand 2 variables;

  1. Pros have their own meta and will hard counter one another based on replays they’ve watched in advance to prepare


  1. there’s a thing called tournament fatigue where even the best players will make sloppy gold league level mistakes.

On the same note; without complete statistics we have no idea what’s happening on Ladder and that changes wildly with each league so my experiences in Plat or Diamond will be different than someone’s experiences in GM or Bronze.

Most of the people crying that things are overpowered and use dumb phrases like PPP or TCF or whatever are just trolls; if there’s actually a balance issue they’d be able to elaborate and explain why something is overpowered - and there have been very few incidents of things being overpowered in SC2 with most incidents being fixed at this point. I’d argue the only imbalanced things left are Disruptors vs Mech/immobile unit compositions, Widow Mines vs Probes, Ultralisk pathing (not the overpowered kind of imbalance lol), EMP radius upgrade and Thors vs Carriers/Brood Lords.


You know if you’re going to try to rewrite what I wrote, at least make it make sense. Something like: just can’t admit you’re right when I’ve decided to deny any and all… etc.
Also “Protoss is no OP” really? If you’re going to try to troll me like this, at least do it right. You’re not even good at trolling, and at this point, I’ve given you more attention than your fatherless sorry little existence deserves. You’re done here kiddo.

Oh, wow, you got me, I made a typo. How insignificant you feel to consider catching a typo to be a “win.” Don’t worry, princess. Some day you’ll get off food stamps and get a job, even with your room temperature IQ.

Wake me up when you decide not to be a failure in life desperate for attention

Wake me up when you’re willing to back up your tough guy act with some actions, or just avoid that nonsense altogether.

i feel like we had a pretty decent discussion and we ended up agreeing. I feel like what you’re asking for is reasonable, even though it might be hard to find. I think you’re being a bit too picky in the data that would satisfy you and not seeing the big picture but i understand where you’re coming from.

PS: you’re more composed than them, dont get baited in the name calling. You’re better than that.

I was on the edge but this comment just convinced me. Player and ClownWings are the same poster. I 100% guarantee it.

lmaooo, and you’re the one who calls people paranoid you donkey. You realize that college has called me a “little troll” and several other names often right? And that im a terran borderline grandmaster, he’s a low master protoss player. I argue for terran he argues (wrongly so) for protoss. We couldn’t be further apart. But Having opposite opinions doesn’t necessarily equate to throwing poop at each other like monkeys.

ClownWings is universally agreed to be the most biased troll on these forums. He legit can’t admit to the definition of “balance” as per the dictionary and instead hurls insults. I have known for some time he is just a contrarian troll. His only purpose on the forums is to spam insults and take contrarian positions. You praised him like you were tenderly caressing the locks of your girlfriend’s curly hair. You said he was right :clown_face: and not to be “baited” by the “name calling” when that’s literally the only thing this guy ever posts. This guy is so far from right you’d have to be on crazy pills to say something like that.

You are definitely, 100%, without doubt, the person behind the ClownWings alt account. How on Earth could you describe something like this as “composed”:

Lmao. That’s just way too obvious pal. Turn it down a notch. Seriously. We’re headed towards a PvP finals in Code S. They win 3x as many major/premier tournaments as zerg, have almost 2x the GM representation and lead by at least 15% in win-rates. It is a proven fact that Protoss is overpowered. You can spam contrarian opinions on your alt account but it’s just useless noise. The nerfs are coming for Protoss and anyone with >3 brain cells knows it.

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Speaking as someone who, I assure you, has engaged in the most heated and lengthy of disagreements with Batz for years, across multiple forums - no, Collegewings is not more composed. CW is an irrational childish troll.