Open Discussion - Prove Protoss is OP

Yeah he knows. That’s the hustle he’s running. No person on planet Earth could read this garbage and come to the conclusions he did. That was a big mistake in his trolling. It’s way too obvious. If you run a hustle with a troll account whose style is literally being unhinged, you can’t go and say “oh yeah, you’re right, so smart, more composed, blah blah blah”. That’s just a straight up tell that he is the same guy. No rational person could say someone is right as they deny the definitions to words in the dictionary. That’s a gap that cannot be bridged.

again, can you read?? lmao I just said he was wrong. But he usually doesnt sling insults like you. First time i see him losing his composure and saying someone else is a failure in life. Thats pretty harsh to say to someone.

I’m 99% we will have a PvP finals because Trap, which is the only decent protoss top player, simply cannot lose with protoss in its current state against terran. I’ve said this many times, i believe protoss is quite a bit too strong and should be nerfed. It seems you literally cannot read. Read what i told him. I said he wrongly defends protoss. Jesus man. The first MIT teacher to be illiterate.

hmm maybe so, i must say i dont usually pay attention much to what he says because he almost always refute points instead of giving a proper counter argument so there’s usually not much use to reading what he says.

Superimposed for contrast. On one hand, you acknowledge he is completely unhinged and denying reality. The next moment he’s “right” and “more composed” and “reasonable” and better than those pesky “name callers”. Nothing changed between your comments except that his claims became more and more extreme. He denied every statistic in existence, denied the opinions of pro players, denied Blizzard’s own definition of “balance”, denied data from multiple independent sources as “biased” despite never showing any metric demonstrating his imaginary “bias”, and eventually climaxed on denying definitions from the dictionary.

Sorry pal your gig is up. This is just too big of a gap to bridge. I was on to you from the start but this is an example everyone else can understand. I give this trolling a C grade.

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literally never said that lmao, its insane. You really cant read XD

Finding an agreement is a middle ground you absolute baboon. Its insane. There’s no point even having a discussion with you, half of what i right goes over your head and deformed into an aberration worst you at birth. I was content with him saying he thinks protoss is too strong and easier. Hearing him say that is enough for me, coming from him.

I love your work man, S-tier. I know you’re fudging around but i really enjoy banter with you. Makes me grow hairs on my teenager chin.

Right here:



  1. have the same opinion about something; concur

So now the alt account is denying being an alt account, as he denies definitions to words exactly like the other alt account did. That’s why I give this trolling a C grade. It’s just way too obvious.

That’s called a compromise. An agreement means you agree with what they are saying, e.g. it is correct. But here you are doing exactly what he does, taking obtuse and frankly completely insane positions just for the sake of being a contrarian. You legit have to explain to your other alt account what “balanced” means as per its definition in the dictionary. That’s how insanely obtuse you are on that account. Well it’s bleeding over into your current account. It’s hard to keep all the lies straight, INIT?

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Let me bring in some general points here

  1. I’ve never made a mistake regarding statistics - I may be strict in some cases, but I have not made a single mistake. On the other hand, I’ve found the clowns to make mistakes left and right and NEVER make up for them. 100% never.
  2. I have ALMOST NEVER contradicted myself (I say almost in case someone finds that one case and starts screeching like a wild monkey in heat) - yet I find you people (the regular forum trolls) to be contradicting yourself all the time.
  3. I’ve pretty much answered EVERYTHING these clowns throw at me, yet when I hand them a question, they don’t answer. They just throw insults. Clearly intelligent beings on the other side of the screen.

Is today opposite day? Is it smart to contradict yourself? Are you a genius because you claim to be an MIT professor but can’t understand basic statistics, computer science, and mathematics? Are you a tough guy because you spend your life chasing one guy on the forums because you lost the father figure in your life? Is it rational to throw insults left and right rather than being able to sit down for once and have a proper discussion? Is it mature to cry like a child whenever your points get shut down?

Let me make one thing clear: I’m planning on giving up on the forums before the year ends. The shenanigans were fun at first, but you people ran out of ways to cleverly troll a long time ago. This thread is just one final push to show that there’s some crazy people here who are incapable of backing up their crying with solid facts. This is proven over and over again. I dare you guys to dig up an old post where I fail on the same scale as you guys.

107 posts and no one has proven that P is OP,lmao.


That’s a blatant lie.


< Citation Needed >

Your own baseless ego to the contrary, you are not the only person in the universe with an opinion.


Of course not, if you just decide that proof isn’t proof or that facts aren’t facts, nothing can ever be proven.

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Make a list of the accounts all denying the definitions of words from the dictionary. They are all, almost certainly, the same troll on different accounts.

you agree with batz that im college wing or you realize how much of a nutcase he is?

Nope, not roping me into your B.S. You guys fight it out, don’t give a crap.

Well yeah, you just deny any statistic they throw at you, cant lose with that strat

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Denial is a form of concession. If your argument is so weak it can’t deal with simple statistics, then you’re wrong, you know you are wrong but are too biased to say it, so the only option left is denial. This is ClownWings’ entire posting style, in a nutshell, in image form:

I think college wings is mostly trolling with this thread.


Blizzard doesn’t really seem to give a…well, you know, about the game anymore. College is more like the bartender at 2 in the morning listening to you go on about how your wife ran out on you.

He may not be much help but if you did not have him who would you be talking to?

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Love the comparison

Just FYI I don’t deny all statistics. People seem to go real silent after they see I accept that there does seem to be a slight favoring for Protoss based on Aligulac.

As for why I don’t accept some other things (GM ladder, SC2replaystats, individual cases), I’ve given solid reasons. Denial would be crying when your points are proven wrong, which is exactly what your regular trolls are doing around here.

Nothing wrong with my statistics or math either. Feel free to prove me wrong - I’ve already proven the regular trolls wrong and cited proof even within this thread.

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Like most things you say, that’s a blatant lie.

Nobody really talks to this guy. It’s more comparable to visiting the zoo to poke an ape with a stick.

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Batz made double digit topics, and only Flash knows number of posts, doing exactly just that lol. meticulously detailing how protoss is OP. Using a level of statistical analysis I have rarely seen even seen in medical journals.