Why is the most popular one trick hero Mercy?

Not a ot. When i do play Mercy it so. I can relax and let other do the work. All i have to dmg boost/heal at the comfort of the cover.

Clicking on things with a computer mouse isn’t the be-all of human skill expression. If that’s all I wanted out of a game I’d play Cow Clicker. Y’all who play a goofy game with hamsters, gorillas and amusing voice lines and cute sprays who think its about clicking on red things kinda take yourselves too seriously.

I have almost as many hours on Lucio as Mercy. Another hero with unique movement and not so much focus on clicking on cows^H^H^H^Hred things.

I like playing Moira because she pisses people off.

I like playing support because I want more out of my time spent than clicking on cows^H^H^H^Hred things.

You’re not fooling Mercy players. I snicker at your sophomoric attempt to hurt my feelings.

I think Mercy draws these types of claims because there is a stereotype of the kind of people who play her, and you don’t like that kind of person. Sophomoric on so many levels.

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I just played Mercy because I liked her design and wanted to flex. I wasn’t even interested in playing support but I did want to play as the Angel girl. I have more hours on dva than mercy and I chose to main dva for the same reasons. So no, it’s not just because she is easy.

I play a few games of Mercy every now and then and find it insufferably boring. Even when I pop Valk and become Hitmercy. Just… so dull to me. Yet I still, every now and then will play her thinking “Maybe I just didn’t ‘see’ it before and now I’ll see the fun.”

Nope. Never happens.

But I’m sure Mercy mains would think the same of my hours on Junkrat.

Huh? Lucio not click heads? Does not compute. I’ll see you in your backline :slight_smile:

In that aspect it is good for adhd but that doesn’t account for the periods of downtime where you’re just sitting around blue beaming people. Your mind will wander away from the game and before you know it you have no idea what just happened in the last 30 seconds or so.

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the type of people who play mercy want the most praise for putting in as little effort as possible


Most Ana’s don’t cry if you take their hero and are capable of flexing to other supports. Ana might have more “mains” but not as many one tricks as Mercy.

I implore you to find a different personality trait other than “Mercy players are one tricks and I want to ban them”. You ask questions, I doubt you consider other people’s thoughts or considerations when you ask them. You’ve already decided.

I literally just play a hero because I wanna vibe and have a fun time and it has nothing to do with me wanting praise. In fact, I just want to not get flamed. I think a lot of people do. We don’t care about praise. We just want to play who we want and have fun. It’s not that deep, you weirdo.


is there any other hero that allows me to go to the toilet while still providing my team with almost everything my hero is capable of?

yeah lucio, but thats less value that toggle beam on a ashe / soj.

Valid data idk.

But personnal experience over the years have proved to me that his statement is true.

Almost Everytime i inspect somebody that is playing mercy its something like 500hours mercy and the 2nd most played (often moira) is at 50hours.

When i do that with dps/tanks and other supports its not the case, even ana mains plays something else as well.

(Ok ball mains are often OTP on him as well, but ball mains are rare)

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Because of consistency. You can have “off” days on other heroes where you are not playing well and thus not contributing alot but with mercy, you can just hard pocket your DPS and still perform optimally without any issues. As long as your DPS is competent, you can have a broken arm and you could still get value out of her. Her skill ceiling and floor are extremely low so you can’t really have any “off” days.

Plus, it’s pretty easy to pin the “not playing well” title on other heroes but that’s not the case for mercy. The worst you can get is someone asking you to swap, other than that, just remember to rez someone and suddenly you will start playing well in their eyes and get praised and thanked and endorsed too.

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It is because the skills have the least transference.

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as someone with 2k+ hrs on mercy, its literally because there is no mercy similar option in other fps games. and no, the doctor from tf2 doesnt fly or have any fun mobility, he just runs around with beam… same as the finals lmao. ground mercy is not fun

other fps have multiple weapons, but no other fps, not even paladins, has a mercy similar character :frowning: literally the closest comparison there is would be an mmo like wow … not an fps :sob:

[billions of genji 1 tricks enter the chat]

TBF if you can master Mercy you can prolly dodge any bullet in any matches as any hero.

char design in its totality, VA, accessibility, uniqueness in an fps, lowest skill floor.

very self-explanatory.

Lucio has the worst weapon in the game. He’s dangerous only because of his movement. He gets into position to even take a shot because of his movement, and he escapes because of his movement. Or he spams. Mostly, he harasses.

He gets kills because he can fire his weapon while doing his support duties. He has nothing better to do than fire his really awful weapon.

I have a 57% win rate on Lucio FWIW.

I’m the weirdo but you responded with a barrage of random posts I don’t care about, ok.