Hero bans will be great for OW

Title, hero bans will be the greatest thing that happened to this game in years.

The only people who’re upset about this are one tricks and mercy mains (same thing). Hero bans will be the culling of mercy otp’s.


no it wont you dont realize how bad of a negative backlash when they experimented with hero ban before they quickly removed it…they need to quit listenign to people like flats and emong


Good to know you hate people that play certain characters. You a sexist too? Racist? Wouldn’t surprise me.


They experimented with hero rotation before. not the same thing as hero bans…

im about as far from a one trick as it gets…and no

its an awful idea…defeats the entire purpose of the game


I am neither of those things and I don’t like the idea of hero bans in a shooter that features so many abilities and not enough heroes to warrant bans.


True. Ban all entry level heroes like solder, hanzo, torb and ana. No more aim assisted hitscans.
And air battle – phara, echo mercy in the air and rein with brig on ground. Bright new world

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I know I wouldn’t waste a ban on one of the worst supports.
Ana? Sure. Kiri? Why not. Bap? I see why you hate that kit.
But once you ban one of these, it makes the rest of the that role much more annoying.
This is a good idea?

Nevermind the ban will actually go towards something that makes sense. Like a tank, or Sombra.

And look, I can already see the ban meta forming.
It’s still not a good idea.


Bans the same few heroes; makes heroes that are only kept in check by other heroes playable

Now those heroes will need nerfs because the other characters who keep them in check can be banned

Fun fun fun


Hero bans are just a band aid for bad balance.


Because hero rotation is definitely not hero bans under a different name.


It will drive people away. Bad move.


Bro same thing happened when the great one trick debate happened.

Like the backlash was the same with the arguement being “So what Blizzard. I can’t play my hero? Gonna let players dictate how I play?”

Then it was never really the other players but the game design.

Then it was also convient that pros started popping up showing how the counter mechanic could be overcome with enough skill and experience.

So several things wrong here off the bat.

The one tricks were displaying anti social and anti teamworking biases. Yes the pros and prodigies were good but that did go against the original design.

In a show of defeat. Blizzard caved in and started to cater to these players whims.

Now look at the current state of the game. Counters mean a ton more and the game continues to be divisive and anti social and yet throughout 7 years of lessons. Blizzard refuses to address the toxicity that is one tricking and smurfing.

They allow this selfish attitude and continue to let their basic teamwork philosophy rot.

i try to socialize if i can safely and i try to work with the team if i can but with some teams it doesnt work out

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Hero bans sound plausible on the surface but I predict that it will largely result in hero targeting based on dislike rather than strategy.

Making some heroes unaccesable most of the time for the majority of the player base at any given rank.

Which will drive engagement with competitive down. Not a good thing considering a much smaller player pool engages with comp compared to the other modes already.


One-tricking is toxic? How? And since when?


Same reaosn as treating live humans as targrt dummies.

Its inconsiderate inhumane and ruins it for everybody.

We are not your sparring partners nor target dummies.

We are your teammates, fellow players, who are all looking to enjoy it as much as you are.

That doesn’t make one-tricking toxic. One-tricks may not be as valuable as someone who’s proficient at multiple characters within each role, but that doesn’t mean they’re lesser in terms of skill.

I would rather a one-trick who knows how to play around their counters than someone who can play multiple heroes, but doesn’t switch even when they’re getting hard-countered and bringing no value to their team.


Good thing I’m a semi one-trick.

You can say what you want but I’m done after 30 seasons of flexing for others.

I’m playing for me now. So I think I’m alloted some time to one trick after spending so much time trying to prop others up.

Which is hardly recognized anyways because “Oh my God! One tricks are so cool!”

No they are not…the flex players pocketing them and providing support are cooler.

That has nothing to do with the conversation though?

That has nothing to do with this though?

You’ve yet to actually explain how one-tricking is toxic.