Why is the most popular one trick hero Mercy?

There are much easier heroes to play. If a mercy gets too much value simply by existing, it’s just the sign of a low elo lobby. Moira, junk, torb, and Illari are much easier to get “free” value from.

Mercy is just fun to play.


Correct. Most of these posts sound like they are either coming from wood rank, or they are fabricated or parroted.

These people simultaneously complain that she’s hard to hit because her movement is OP, and that she stands still behind cover.


Prolly low elo where ppl cannot aim. Or just refuse to switch to anti air and got rolled by a Mecry.


Do the average Mercy mains from your lobbies look like this? xD

Honestly if I pick another pedestrian from the roster, after a few days I can feel motion sickness when going back to Mercy

I’m very precise with with mobility. And I also like to multitask between different flight paths

Plus, the flying fantasy is awesome xD

I dunno. Ask Moira, Lucio, Hammond or Doomfist mains how they experience swapping to more traditional characters for a few days and then getting back on their mains.

I’m mostly positive that you are going to find similar answers across the board

motion sickness

Maybe that was a little exaggerated, but I can lose some pixel perfect from mobility.
Like having a different feel on acceleration, and camera speed from micro movement.

And unlike other mobility heroes, many times you can find yourself reacting to different things that didn’t go as planned


Maybe its a Vortex in middle of the way. Or a none planned Wall ride.
Or maybe is just a target getting out of range, so now you gotta improvise.

I can buy you next Premium Battlepass if you got some gameplay worth watching on the character xD

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because everyone has a different definition of fun, and for a lot of people flying around and playing passive, not playing a violent hero in a shooter game is their calling so be it

i dont play her outside of like mystery heroes but its fun being a healbot and the number one priority for every solo ult lol

These topics reads out as “Why don’t players play the way I want to play?”

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The real answer is Mercy is a very unique hero with a very particular playstyle that doesn’t translate well to other characters and there are no other characters that really match her mechanics so the people who find her fun tend to not play other characters and simply play the game for her gameplay. But no one really cares about that answer they just want to fuel their own incel agenda most of the time so this will probably fall on dead ears.


I would bet dva is a strong second.

Mercy is babies first support that has a simple enough kit to understand how to play her. Now it changes as you go up ranks because mercys get abused between gold and diamond till they understand her mobility.

At least for people that i know, you kind of get stuck with hardly any transferable skills.

They tried to branch out but quickly fell right back into being a Mercy.

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when the mercy one trick swaps to a hero like ana… i die inside like no girly please just play mercy i don’t need you missing every single heal :confused:


She’s a one of a kind hero
How people actually play such a pacifist in a shooter game and not wanna die is beyond me but its very clear cuz shes just incredibly unique

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I feel like that with Mei, she hit rock bottom, nearly died, and still wears a smile on her face, No powers, just her smarts and her Snowball.
She’s basically a bundle of fun.
Just wished there was a mode where her primary attack can freeze, I mean at least make that a PVE feature.

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the bit of evidence with me on that char has been locked away in a vault- never to be seen again

this take is so fking weird

I mean … yeah.
Its the easiest hero you can use that gets a good value in return for a basic investment on 2 skills:

  • Try not to be seen by the enemy
  • Try to be near the person that needs your heal/boost

With GA and almost zero aim requirements, those 2 things are not hard at all, so its pretty relaxing to play Mercy honestly.

Why would anyone not just play [insert my own main here] ? I don’t get it. This is such a puzzling thing to me. It is literally incomprehensible. I have lost sleep to this for months trying to ponder how is it possible that people don’t like things that I like. It has never occurred to me ever during my life how this could possibly be. It is simply impossible. Wowzies I am literally mindloved by this totally new and controversial thing that all the doctors hate. It goes against all the laws of nature (sources: trust me bro, it occurred to me in a dream)


On the forums? That’s going to be difficult considering more than half the people who post here’s whole personality revolves around hating Mercy.


It’s because a sizeable portion of Mercy’s playerbase are people that specifically want to play a “full support” role. They only play full support in other games and they don’t usually play fps games but Mercy brought them in. You can’t get them to play something else because they don’t play fps games and don’t really want to shoot stuff.

Because they selflessly wanted to give the rest of us something to complain about forever