Hero Bans - A simple way to get rid of Mercy

Introduce hero bans so I can vote to ban Mercy in 100% of my games.

Edit - Not talking about the old ban system. Talking about banning 1-2 heroes on a match by match basis decided by the players via a voting system.


IIRC didn’t they try that at one point and have to walk it back because said Mercy players just… stopped playing?


they tried hero bans and it sucked and nobody liked it. except 1 week where hanzo and mei we’re banned it was heaven.


Other thread got deleted, eh?


They need Hero Bans where the players in the match can choose to Ban 1-2 heroes. Not some Arbitrary selection by Blizzard


that would suck even more and people would hate it even more since it would 1: take time out of players matches for the ban, and 2 frustrate players who’s mains keep getting banned everymatch.


Its a good thing theres 36 other heroes to choose from. If a hero gets banned in 90% of matches then clearly theres a problem with the hero.


Doesn’t work for a game like Overwatch. Partially due to its players but also the game was built on the foundation of swapping heroes, and if the most direct counter to a hero is banned, well what do you do?


or a problem with the playerbase, and not everyone finds playing every hero fun. more over if a counter to a certain hero is banned that’s a problem.


If any hero is banned a high rate (not just mercy) then they’re most likely busted and not fun to play against. I disagree that the player base as a whole would be the problem. Blame the game not the player imo


maybe but more over its a problem with the player’s if heroes keep getting banned its because players are bad at dealing with them so just ban them to not have to deal with them. players just have a skill issue and this would give these bad players the power to ruin others people fun just because they’re bad at dealing with it.


Not necessarily
In r6, clash gets banned a lot (mostly in the lower ranks) just because shes not fun to play against as shes a shield hero. But its definitely not because shes busted.
She just needs a minute amount of coordination to go against.


If Pre-Nerf Sojourn was released today with hero ban’s then i’m confident she’d be banned 90%+ of the time. Would she be banned because the player base is bad at dealing with getting one shot on CD? No it’s bc the hero is overtuned

sure pal. anyway players would ban heroes routinely like you suggested mercy not because they’re busted but because they don’t like fighting them because they’re bad at dealing with them. this would work very different in reality then on paper. it would be abused so hard by players to ban counters or heroes they don’t like dealing with. its very much a problem with the players.


Ill vouch for hero bans when we have more overlapping heros.
Currently we dont have enough heros for that
Especially in tank and support

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even with overlaps I think hero bans are still a bad idea.

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Dota 2 has a ban system, 16 heroes are banned out of 124 or 12% of the heroes are banned. However it still random to a degree so people can still have a change to play a hero or to make it so you can ban all a heroes counters.

Overwatch if it had 4 bans or 12% that could make it so you could ban all the counters to a specfic hero. Want to play tracer, have your team bann all the CC heroes, want to play Junkerqueen, ban all anti and clense heroes, ect. There are to few heroes in the game for a ban system


Fair point, 100% understandable.

I think Hero bans would also give Blizz indication on what heroes would be undertuned (0% ban rate)

we have overlaps now, just not enough to warrant bans imo.
like we’d need 2 to 4 heroes that do similar things in each… sub category for lack of a better term… (like sub categories beyond tank, damage, support.
for example, if we wanted to ban mercy we’d need 2 or 3 other characters who do something similar. Like, i dont know, maybe they have similar movement abilities, or maybe the have a different damage boost ability)
So that’d end up being like a lot of heroes in the support or tank category before bans are introduced

You can see that information in pick rate vs win rate

I’m not saying we don’t just that even with overlaps its still a bad idea.