Mercy isn’t OP, but is miserable to play against

Title, Mercy isn’t overpowered. But is easily one of the most annoying hero in the game to play against.

Dumb mechanics:

  • Dmg boost gives dps a consistent 25% advantage with no cd. The 2v1 argument is lame, any other Healer/DPS combo in the game is more enjoyable to go up against.
  • GA, the one ability Mercy had that required any tech was gigabuffed into one of the easiest to use abilities in the game on a 1.5 sec CD.
  • Res, bringing someone back to life with full health in 1.75 sec is absurd. 30 sec CD doesn’t even matter since its off CD every team fight.

Lack of skill required:
Mercy would be more tolerable to go against if she didn’t have the highest skill floor in the game. Before someone says Mercy requires “game sense”, theres 37 other heroes on the roster I could point you to that also require game sense.


I’d rather fight Mercy + DPS because if the DPS can’t aim, Mercy does jack squat. While if a DPS and Support get involved, one of them will be able to hit me because I can’t dodge multiple projectiles while I can screw up one person’s aim. The amount of times I ever meet a DPS + Mercy combo that is actually a threat is very rare.

The other thing too is if I ignore Mercy, then all she does is either 55 hps OR dmg bst. The moment I focus fire Mercy, she’s able to be evasive, draw fire away from her beam target, get self healing possibly for in combat prowess.

The more you focus Mercy, the more power she gets. I’m more afraid of a Zen + Ana combo or a Brig + Hanzo combo because Brig makes pretty much any hero invincible with way stronger healing as needed and provides huge burst damage in a ~155dmg combo.

The other thing too is that if I counter the hell out of DPS or tank, Mercy’s value equally goes to zero. Its hilarious when an entire team goes dive, ignores Pharah/Mercy, then Pharah cant’ land any shots because a 30 m/s projectile against an entire enemy team in the air or darting about is insanely hard to hit compared to when you pick an Ashe moving at 65% move speed being insanely easy to two tap.


Pretty miserable to play as too…

Ngl shes just toxic to the game itself, more so than widow


She has abilities that are nightmarish to design around. She is extremely evasive and she messes with the damage numbers in a low ttk game.

Most of the DPS’ that have been nerfed were nerfed because Mercy quietly shuffled away, hiding the blue beam that swings the precariously perched damage pendulum over, then she does it again… And again. Now it’s Soldier/Mercy that’s starting to raise eyebrows.


That rezing around walls thing is getting REALLY annoying like SUPER annoying a ability that powerful should be open to a ton more counter play.

If your teammate died from there own dumb mistake, you shouldn’t be able to “Fix it” in ways where the enemy team can super body block or deny the 1 person who actually knows to camp the rez…

Taking away the whole “Rez behind walls” thing is legit all she needs.


Nuh uh


I 100% agree, Rez LOS is busted


Just make it so the damage boost doesn’t work beyond 40 range.

Solves both boosted Widows and skybox Pharahs.

Mercy absolutely requires more than most of the roster. It is not a competition, but she is AT LEAST top 5. That makes sense given she is a pacifist and you need to learn to adapt to that limitation, more or less.


no it’s not, she needs a small rework. rez needs to be locked as her E ability in valkyrie while having a brand new E ability outside of valkyrie. rez being in her basekit automatically is completely stupid and toxic for everybody. it’s toxic for her because she can’t receive any meaningful changes, and it SUCKS to go against.

if rez was locked behind valkyrie and further buffed, it would make it impactful ONLY INSIDE valkyrie as resurrect would then be earnable and something you have to, you know, WORK for. meanwhile, outside of valkyrie, giving her a brand new ability that will give her a WAY better midfight potential would feel amazing. give it utility and maybe even nerf dmg boost again so she has utility in her kit that isn’t just damage boost.


Only as consistent as whoever she is boosting, if they miss it does nothing.

Becuase they made it more user firendly, before i had to watch youtube turtorials on how to do mercy teck, not i dont. A hero should be able to be picked up and their movement understood after a couple of games.

Even then there is still alot of mercy tech, it just different now.

If only she was stationary for 1.75 seconds and couldnt act while doing it.

So any hero or ability that isnt CoD level of skill is removed now, winston mei rein junk, hanzo ,ect all gotta be changed becuase they dont require “skill”


She’s even simpler to play now than OW1 because there’s 1 less player on the team. Less teammates = less decisions to be made and this is especially true for supports like mercy who doesn’t deal damage herself but just heals and damage boosts allies. This isn’t her fault though and it’s just the aftermath of 5v5.

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What do you think about 1 rez per hero? By this I mean that if you rez the tank once, you cannot rez the tank again until you rez someone else first or you die. This could allieviate the toxic playstyle of mercy only rezzing the smurf/carry all game.

Pretty much every part of her kit needs nerfs at this point, she has the most consistent healing without having to aim at all or even manage a resource (same with damage boost which is even more busted), the easiest get-out-of-jail card on the lowest cooldown, constant self heal by using her easy to use healing ability and one of the most busted abilities in the whole game that allows even more annoying plays - Rez.

In her current state she is just not healthy for the game.


Mercy has a higher skill floor than every single hero you mentioned.

Mercy on average rez 4 times. How low do you want this number to go. 1 per game.

Mercy was designed to be more passive that is why she has the mobility. The damage boost is there for her lack of damage. .


0 per game would be ideal


Then what you asking for is a different hero as that is not Mercy.

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She just seems super immortal like I have her down to the very last sliver of health and she can just guardian Angel away to the other side and by the time I’m turned around she’s already back at full House just seems a little extreme to me


Res would be tolerable if it wasn’t such an easy ability to use or if it didn’t bring heroes back to life with 100% HP. The LOS breaks in res are dumb, not a healthy ability for the game