Why is the most popular one trick hero Mercy?

I ask that the personal attacks cease

I have tried. I get carpal tunnel trying to stay alive. Everyone wants to eat me. :sob:


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Except it isnt a universal opinion

Not even close

Easy to pick up and semi decent to master, shes probably the most feminine and mature female in the game, she has probably the best skins and she can be fun to play if you learn how to deviate from pocketing 24/7. Mercy is what I call an ADHD players dream hero, mercy is the type of hero you want constantly moving around the map and never having to stop. Her revive is really good and her healing is the best consistent heals you are gonna get from this hero. I can see the appeal, my 8 year old daughter also likes mercy but mostly because of the skins lol.

I ask that all personal attacks cease.

There have been no personal attacks made by me

I ask that the personal attacks cease

Mercy has always been treated that way for not requiring aim. The reality is that most people that believe it would never post a replay because they know they cannot play Mercy and everyone would mock them for their terrible gamesense.


If they hunt you all over the place, be proud!!! That means you are doing something right.

I started out as a Mercy player in OW1 just for her kit. She don’t require any previous skill from fps games.

I would argue that Brigitte have similar skill level as Mercy.

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Glad to see you never change. Disagreements aren’t attacking.

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Yeah, My friend also started as a Mercy OTP, and remained that way for years, and I saw many such cases.

Some people argue that there should be characters for beginners, but Mercy is a terrible choice imo. It doesn’t teach any FPS mechanics and your rank will be way above than your skill to pick other normal characters, so you are half-forced to be an OTP as a result.

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Easiest hero in the game, you can have no prior fps experience and get more value on Mercy than any other support.

You could teach a monkey to play Mercy and just pocket you and they’d get more value then these support players

I’d rather not, thank you.

actually, no to all of the above

She is easy to play despite what anyone wants to claim, for beginners or new players it isn’t hard to hold left click, eventually learn that right click and the shift key does things, and trickle into learning about rez. It’s probably so easy that anyone can do it with the monitor off. They won’t know how to super jump right away but eventually in time they’ll figure that out too(since they made it too easy to do).

The other simple reason, she is an attractive woman to most people, who has mostly attractive skins that are easy free money for Blizzard. I mean why else is she getting the lunar new year skin?

probably because her movement is fun


Mercy can always get good value, so if you are going to one trick a support, she’d be the one to one-trick. You can’t really say that about most other heroes. They just don’t really work as one trick because so many of them have hard counters.

Isn’t Ana far and away the single most played hero in the game?

If we’re going to jump to conclusions based on nothing;

Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to assume the game’s most played hero has a large(r) quantity of “one-tricks”?

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most profiles i see are private…

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On PC I think she is… I see her get decent amount on console. But this weekend not so much.

Who would be the easiest hero if you think mercy isn’t?
If you are confident that mercy is hard in some capacity then you must have a hero that can be easier then mercy, aside from moira she still has the resource to manage so who would be your easiest hero if mercy isn’t one of them in your hero selection pool.

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