What if D.va ate AntiDive?

So you might lose like 0.1% of the playerbase from support players in the top 4% of the playerbase.


The idea is not to lose any of the playerbase.

You can’t just remove everything that’s anti-dive and claim that fixes the game, we just go back to more stale metas for the high ranks while low ranks are still stuck playing Rein/Zarya because they’re not good or coordinated enough to actually properly play dive.

That’s not really possible.

There are no zero consequences options towards fixing queue times.

And losing 0.1% of the playerbase to avoid losing 5-20% of the playerbase is a bargain.

Unless of course you got a better solution than the guy who has been studying this specific issue for 1.5 years.

Blind optimism and empty words ain’t good enough

Blizzard could start by simply making supports and tanks more fun to play and not feel like a chore to play.

There’s easily 2x as many Support players as Tank players.

They need to fix Tanks first.

And they can’t really do the kind of buffs to Tanks that they need to without causing overly durable metas that are near invincible at medium/long range, and highly resistant at close range due to AntiDive.

How about we don’t do that. Thankyou.

I dunno dude, honestly feel that is Tanks and Supports swapped queue numbers then you wouldn’t care.

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You could say I’m somewhat invested in the idea of a functioning Role Queue system.

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

✅ Competitive 222 vs Competitive Classic

⚠️ Role + TeamComp MultiQueue

Man am I so glad you aren’t in charge of balancing D.Va. Or anyone else.

There should be antidive characters in this game just as much as dive character.

There are checks and balances to these things, so sometimes the opposite gets created as a solution. To throw that out of whack deliberately shows a biased narrow minded view to the cast.

One meta should not rule for a whole year. If it’s just 6 characters that are playable and the other 20+ are just useless fodder, then your gonna lose way more of the player base then you’ll retain.

Everything has it’s counter.

One shot hitscans lead way to Immortality field.

High healing can be negated with Antinade.

High mobility is kept in check with cc, stuns etc.

Bunker comps can be dislodged with molten core, Dragonstrike, blizzard etc.

And guess what, these things can work in the other way. A one shot hitscan can still get value even if immortality exists, high mobility can play around stuns, bunkers can be overwhelmed and healing has been lowered a fair margin so it’s more about the utility a support provides. Which is why Moira is subpar.

Making this game become more of a skill check, then ‘this beats that and now I roll over everything’ like you’d want it to be.

I would like to see Dva being able to eat more like abrigs packs or Rock, maybe lamp too. But I think eating shieldbash would make no sense at all and isnt that needed. Aslong Dva can eat Brig packs she can do atleast something against her

Really no different from shieldbash getting blocked by Rein barrier.

1.: Dive wasnt Meta for a year, it was Meta for ca. 6 months, just like many other Metas like both Doubleshields for example

OG Dive was one of the lost healthiest Metas we ever had. Many people forget because Metas get oversymplified, but during Dive we had multiple comps viable. We had Soldier 3dps Dive, classic Dive, Tritank was still viable on multiple maps and we saw many different Dps

Dps we had: Tracer, Widow, Sombra, Soldier, Doomfist, Genji, Mccree, Pharrah

Supports we saw: Lucio, Zen, Ana in any combination. Even Mercy got used in some situations, if you took Pharrah for example, despite being the worst Support at the time. In ladder she was quite popular. (We had literally wvery Support viable)

Tanks: Winston, Dva in pro play, but on some maps you played Triple Tank too with Rein, Zarya, Dva and in Ladder you played Rein quite a lot

Can you show me any other Meta wich had so much variety aftwr lasting for quite some time already?

(You see: Ana, Zen, Lucio, Winston, Dva, Soldier, Tracer, Doom, Mccree, Sombra, Widow)

(Hereos you see here but not in last one: Rein, Mercy, Pharrah, Bastion)

Your quote "Only 6 Hereos viable"is already wrong because you played already 8 different Dps and 4 Supports

So… just allow Dva to eat every ability in the game?? Seems kinda busted

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Brig has been nerfed enough, so sorry, nah @ the Shield Bashing. Eating the Healthpacks is probably a no-go too since she NEEDS to bring that to the table to be even worth using.

Also, D.Matrix is on a Diver, so really, it wouldn’t be ideal to make it anti-dive. Otherwise it’ll be another “You gotta use Widowmaker to counter Widowmaker” type of scenario, which is laaaaame. Her D.Matrix does need a tune-up, but anti-dive capabilities is not it.

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Dva is a Diver wch didnt got used to Dive for years now. Good Diver

Less her fault and more Hammond’s fault for being outright better than her at everything. She’s still built as a Diver and probably always will be, which is a shame imo.

Brig doesn’t need to be good. She can be mediocre if needed.

Fixing Queue Times by increasing the desirability of D.va/Winston, and being able to bring Sigma and Orisa to Rein level without triggering DoubleBarrier.

That’s mandatory.

They can throw Brig some other buffs instead.

Are you talking about high tier play (pro play)? It was ran from April 2017 to Mid-April 2018. GOATS was Sept 2018 to June 2019.

You misunderstand, Dva got used multiple times at Dive but only as bodyguatd and you never Dived with her. Just look at Ball/Dva for example, where Dva just protect Zen and never Dive with Ball/Tracer

Dva is really bad at diving herself nowdays because a single brig or Bap makes her useless at this

It was used but not really Meta at this time

Even in korean pro play (Zhe place where you used Dive the most) you used TriTank and Dive equally

Dive became Meta in may not in april

This is wrong. Just because you use Winston Dva this isnt a Dive

after Mercys rework the Meta transformed into a Spam Meta, expecially after the Junk buffs. At ladder you played at this time a lot of Orisa bunkers, in pro play you used them sometimes too but on some maps replaced her with Winston, but the playstile of the comp stayed the same: Stalling time to poke enemy down

Proof: https://youtu.be/B7OM0aTiZ6I

On every Map you use atleast Junk, Widow or Pharrah and Tanks mostly Softdive and dont go too aggresuve to stall time

Btw, even if it would be Dive:
Look at all the comps played, they only played:

Rein, Dva, Zarya, Winston, Orisa, Hog (Every single Tank)

Pharrah, Junk, Tracer, Genji, Mccree, Widow

Lucio, Zen, Mercy, Ana (Every single Support)

Oh man, only 6 Hereos viable

Goats didnt allowed more then half of the roster to be viable

During the entire lifspan of Goats we had 9 Hereos viable (10 if you count Moira and 11 if you count Bap who got played very rarely in the last 2 weeks of Goats)

During the entire lifespan of “Dive” we had every single Tank, every single Support and more then half of the Dps viable