What if D.va ate AntiDive?

And what would be the problem with that?

They’ve had 3 years of high durability bunker or high durability deathball, ever since right after the Hanzo rework.

Winston-based Dive has only been meta maybe 6 weeks during that whole stretch of time.

Devs could easily just let Dive be dominant at high tier until OW2 launch.

I would laugh if it turns out to be D.va/Rein.

I mean, there were only 2 metas previous to Dive that didn’t allow for duplicate heroes.

  • OG TripleTank: Ana does 2x Healing than she does currently
  • BeyBlade meta

Don’t think people could see into the future at how problematic high durability comps, like GOATs and DoubleBarrier would be, all the way back in 2017.

That wouldn’t explain the current disdain for dva tho. Every buff she gets gets insta shut down.

They singled out dva and continue to do so.

Dive is a weird paradox…we want it, but the heroes that make it get the most hate. Most recently: hamster :hamster:

She’s sucked for so long, she’s basically a throw pick.

And the only time she was good was during that 3 week time period of nearly unlimited booster.

Interesting that one second worth of booster equates to unlimited especially again, when hammond does exist in actual unlimited motion

I timed it once on Junkrat concussion mine. Takes him about 3seconds to go from ground to air to ground. If he had a 3 sec conc mine, he’d just be like an instant charge Baptiste

And yeah, that’s not unlimited, but it is a lot.

They also wouldn’t intentionally make dive the permanent meta comp

You’ve got to stop


And isn’t that the point of dive?

The things people want in dive: speed, independence…that’s the stuff they nerf.

They aren’t nerfing dvas damage. Or hammond’s .

Anywho sorry. I already have said in the past my view on why this isn’t a vision I’m for. Didn’t mean to add to the pile on

Not permanent. Sure. Just for like a year or so.

They don’t intentionally create metas

Intentionally creating a meta is the opposite of balancing. It’s literally unbalancing the game. Your ideas here are terrible


Lol, as if anything in the past 3 years makes you think devs don’t deliberately do changes to determine the top metas.

Furthermore, as if it’s possible to get GM/Pros to use more than 2-3 Tanks within a “solved” meta.

High tier can’t really be balanced for a high variety of hero usage. They are gonna need some sort of a ban system or equivalent to do that.

Id rather not, as I would rather Dive not be a thing. I don’t want D.Va buffed or anything that counters dive to be nerfed.

Dive is just better than High durability Bunker, high durability deathball, zerobarrier, or ReinZarya with no variety for all ELOs.

Not to mention, it’s humorous when people act like “I don’t want GM tier Dives in my Plat games”.
As if that was ever a realistic concern.

So we created antidive mechanics

To buff dive heroes to the point of ignoring antidive mechanics?

Do you see the problem with the idea here?


Not really.

They created something +3 years ago because they thought it was a good idea at the time.

That idea is making it so it’s functionally impossible to fix queue times and Tanks, which could easily lose 5-20% of the playerbase.

There’s still plenty of AntiDive on OffTanks.

Devs never really liked DoubleBarrier anyways.

Pros and Streamers would be frothing at the mouth with high praise for a patch like this.

By clearing a path for equalizing Orisa and Sigma to Rein, and removing some AntiDive, Plat and below would have a wide selection of Rein comps, Orisa comps, Sigma comps, and Winston comps.

They might lose maybe anywhere between 0.1% to 1% of the playerbase, but they could easily regain that from returning players.

Or just not lose that many players passively due to queue times slowly getting worse over time.

Whatever downsides exist that you are implying, probably aren’t that meaningful when compared.

And there is no solution to queue times with zero downsides. So just implying “downsides exist” is just closing your mind off you all solutions that might work.

Man this guy is OBSESSED with removing everything anti-dive.

Dive should be viable yes, but it shouldn’t be uncounterable.

Bad ideas all around my guy, putting a green checkbox next to them doesn’t make it any better.


CC and all the beams/melee weapons in the game.

More like I’m obsessed with fixing queue times. And this is pretty much the only good method of solving that.

Since even if they go with that 800hp Rein barrier from BlizzCon, that would probably just make it so DoubleBarrier is the top meta all over again.

Yeah, support players would love dive being uncounterable, I’m sure that’ll fix queue times.