⚠️ Role + TeamComp MultiQueue

Have it so people can queue for LFG groups with specific team composition patterns and locked roles or not.

And when queuing they can pick the role or roles they would like to fill in those TeamComp(s).

And make it so you can queue for multiple patterns at the same time.

Say there’s the pattern:
Flex, DPS, Healer, Healer, Tank, Tank
With locked roles.
And I want to queue to autojoin a suitable group on either Flex or DPS.

But I also want to simultaneously queue for
DPS, DPS, Healer, Healer, Tank, Tank
Flex, Flex, Healer, Healer, Tank, Tank

Something like this would take a lot of the queuing hassle out of LFG.

And it would be really close to a “Role Queue” without forcing meta.


Just add role preference to basic matchmaking with two preferred role and let the option to change open. We absolutely do not need LFG. I dont want to put to a team with MMR all over the place.

Also please freaking add a pause for max 1-2 minutes to the comp games… so when there is a dc it has time to come back.

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Well that’s the trick, one would assume that there would be a SR closeness slider, similar to what people get when creating a group.

Which would also give people a bit of control on how quickly they are able to queue for a game.

The only way this would even remotely work is if there is some type of splash screen plastered so you can’t view your surroundings, otherwise you are giving players time to plan their next move or react to something when otherwise they would not.

This is an actual thing in custom games… btw. So I dont get why cant it be a thing in comp.

Because custom games are meaningless.

Any thoughts on this role queue idea?

I am 100% for role que in Comp mode. I’ll even take a preferred role que at this point. Heck ANY type of role que, just force some type of it in Comp Mode.

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I think the amount of comp variations would be too high. All it would do is reduce this game’s variation.

If everyone would do this and only desire the 2-2-2 composition, queue times for any variant other than 2-2-2 would take significantly longer to queue up for.
Not to mention that a 2-3-1 might not be viable against a 1-2-3 composition, and would require switching up, but if roles would be locked, this would be impossible.

Well, they could allow the roles to be unlocked during the game.

Which doesn’t solve the initial problem of why you would want role queue: people not being able (or wanting) to play certain roles.

I’ve also said it in another thread, I’ll repeat it here:

That would solve the problem at its core.

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I think a lot of healers and tanks get pretty annoyed by 4x DPS team comps.

And a solid team comp makes it easier on everybody.

And from my experience almost only playing LFG, it removes a ton of the stress from Comp.

My main issue is you still run into the same problem that’s brought up with a normal role queue.

If the roles are locked and you need to adapt to the enemy team, your hands are tied.
If the roles aren’t locked, then there’s nothing stopping people from just selecting the shorter queue time then just locking a different role right away anyways.

It just feels like it’s complicating things quite a bit for your typical player without really much of a benefit.

Could make it so the group leader can unlock comps.

Or make it so that people can trade roles easily.

What about a quick lfg function that has 1 dps 1 tank 1 healer 3 flex as forced role? I personally do not believe in 2-2-2. And … hold your breath … what if it would try to pair up players of the same endorsement level together?

Hmm, I do agreed they are probably going to need to simplify it, or have a simple mode option.


2Flex, 2Tank, 2Heal
3Flex, 1Tank, 2Heal
4Flex, 1Tank, 1Heal

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It’s not like the LFG roster is so large that you can’t just look for that.

Yeah, but I’m in the most populated LFG population, and it takes more than 10 minutes to queue.

That said, this above idea seems like it would fix a lot.

Make it so you can pick one or multiple of these 4 queues:
2Flex, 2Tank, 2Heal
3Flex, 1Tank, 2Heal
4Flex, 1Tank, 1Heal

And select which role(s) you would like to play in each queue.

Yes, that’s an issue. First you need to build a group, than it takes a long time to find a match and if your group doesn’t work instantly everyone leaves.

i dont like lFG because the SR is weird, i play on offhours there are rarely groups … i play less ow in general atm because iam sick and tired of the matchmaking.