Just a handful of specifically “Unmatrixable AntiDive abilities on heroes that aren’t OffTanks”.
I have a real problem with you specifically acting like the anti dive utility from supports is the issue. It’s the massive damage that follows it up that is the problem. We need to nerf damage, then maybe tanks can afford to be stunned once without instantly exploding.
I dont see how your data proofs my point wrong. Showing the best Hero at the time doesnt mean nothing else was viable. Everything I said is proofen with usage in korean pro play
During Moth Meta a real Dive just didnt worked, with Mercy being able to just rez your puck away and ton of damage from junk onto you Spam comps were just able to stall out Dives and survive them
Thats why you mostly softdive, you just try to create a bit of space
I mean, I want you to hand me a million dollars. But that isn’t going to happen either.
Just like your idea of convincing devs to wholesale nerf the firepower of half the heroes in the game.
By comparison, across all ELOs combined.
- Brig is not popular, but would be as a frontline brawler.
- Mei is not popular, but would be as a Tank.
- Bap with a nerf to ImmoField, but buffs to his selfsustain would be popular
- Sigma with a beefy barrier would challenge Rein in midtier pickrates.
So you are operating under the assumption that the devs are incompetent and dps bias, no? In which case, why advocate for them to do anything at all?
I’m operating under the assumption devs would nerf a handful of abilities. The majority of which is on 2 of the most unpopular heroes in the game.
Instead of wholesale nerfing half the heroes in the game, and probably causing 10-30% of the players to quit.
early 2020 she got used as one and still wasnt popular. As a Brig main I hate this playstile, because its just braindead
A offtank challening a Maintank, lets go. I guess the next idea is buffing Zaryas bubble size so she can replace Winston
How do you know this? This is just a assumption
As if Sigma with a 1500HP barrier would be an OffTank?
Yes, Shields doesnt mean maintank
He already had a 1500hp shield and still got used as Offtank
Name a tank that is hard counterable other than dva, winston, and hammond.
And that’s because DoubleBarrier had no real downside.
Take out the “Not an OffTank” AntiDive capabilities, and DoubleBarrier would be a cheese comp, even with barriers all the way back up to how strong they used to be.
What his this to do with the point. Sigmas shield was more healthy then Orisas, why wasnt he the Maintank and Orisa the offtank if high sjield HP make you a Maintank?
Because Main or Off is relative to the composition.
Roadhog was a maintank for Hog/Zarya compositions.
what makes you think people would quit if they were nerfed? nerfs happen literally all the time and people deal with it. Why must we baby these people?
Because if we did what you are proposing with the needed impact of what it would take, we’re talking something like a 30% firepower decrease across the board. Not just the 5% tweaks they’ve been doing.
By comparison, Brig isn’t popular, Mei isn’t popular, Bap is practically a DPS, and Sigma’s kit is overall bloated.
This sounds like someone who only plays rock during rock paper scissors wanting rock to beat paper too. The game doesn’t work that way, nor should it.
But you wouldnt be addressing the real problem. High burst damage for little sacrifice is what is killing this game, making tanks leave, and increasing que times. I can absolutely assure you, nerfing damage across the board would help the que times, not hurt them.
If the choices at high tier are:
- Highly durable Bunker (Boring)
- Highly durable Deathball (Boring)
- DoubleOffTank (Sniper spam)
- Rein+Something (All ELOs have bad Tank variety)
- Dive
Dive is automatically the best choice out of those options.
Not to mention,
Devs hate pretty much hate all the other choices.
Except for the Rein one, however that’s choking the game right now.
Your opinion btw. Imo double barrier was when tanks where at their best. On ladder it was certainly when they were their most diverse.