What if D.va ate AntiDive?

Haven’t really fully fleshed out this idea yet.

But what if DefenceMatrix cancelled out the AntiDive aspects of “Unmatrixable AntiDive”.

For instance, Defence Matrix could

  • RepairPack: Gets gobbled up
  • ShieldBash: Nullifies the stun
  • Accretion: Nullifies the stun
  • ImmortalityField: Prevents the field from doing anything

I don’t want dive viable. It makes my life as support annoying and I don’t want to get good at the game. While we are at it, we should buff Brigitte back to full launch status. She’d be balanced in 2/2/2 now.


Uh… What do you do to counter dive if one of the principal dive characters counters dive counters?


You still have to deal with the insane amount of poke and spam damage that has come into existence since dive was a thing.

Good luck with that.

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that would be odd considering she is a part of dive or was

I mean, 90% of that is just storm arrow.

And he doesn’t need that crazy firepower now thathe has Lunge. And if that’s not enough buff Lunge.

OffTanks mostly. Like D.va, Zarya and Roadhog. Hammond knocking the Dive away would be good too.

Why? That’s my question

Brig and Sigma are not holding anything back these days, and you may as well shoot the immortality field at that point. And if she can eat repair pack, she should be able to eat harmony, discord, and nanoboost too, so that’s a whole other can of worms.

So they could buff up Orisa and Sigma to be on par with Rein, without triggering some sort of overly durable composition like DoubleBarrier.

Additionally it would give a lot of viability to Winston and D.va.

And fixing Orisa/Sigma/Winston/D.va and Tank variety in general, is like 90% of what it takes to “Fix Tanks”.

You should know more than most that the status quo isn’t good enough when it comes to tanks.

You can fix D.va without making her uncounterable you know? Just undo some of the goats nerfs for goodness sake


So to make Dive meta, you want to make it have no counters? Not a fan


Just nerf Hanzo. The biggest issues surrounding a possibility of dive right now are damage characters deleting diving tanks too easily and not Brig or Bap.

The trick is, I don’t view it as a reasonable goal to have Tank variety at high tier.

At high tier it really comes down to a choice of:

  1. Highly durable Bunker (Boring)
  2. Highly durable Deathball (Boring)
  3. DoubleOffTank (Sniper spam)
  4. Rein+Something (All ELOs have bad Tank variety)
  5. Dive

Dive is the best choice out of those options.

Brigitte’s anti dive potential is 10x weaker than it used to be. These changes are unnecesary.

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You do realize metas are basically defined by the comp with the least counters, right?

If the goal is to create a stagnate meta, then you don’t have balance in mind. That would make your opinions an automatic disregard for the devs :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Wise words
Her rework sucks

No I’m aware, but you’re suggesting that D.Va shuts down every big dive counter.

Look I know dive is the community’s favorite meta overall but that’s not the way to bring it back


Then I would legit leave for good. I see too much dva already.

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More like alternating between Dive and AnchorTank+PeelTank.

But decisively removing DoubleBarrier as a meta option.