This is a mercy forum

Ok so just nerf mercy and give her nothing in return
Mercy can’t have anything nice apparently
What’s the point of Mercy?
I miss this game. I miss Mercy
Is really Mercy getting a nerf again?
Mercy can’t catch a break can she
Why is Mercy’s healing still 50hps?

(Can we please mark these as “spam” ?)


Most of us are ignoring them


i mean regardless of my opinion on mercy, people are free to discuss whatever i guess. there are the occasional threads (on any subject, not just mercy related) that i’ll report as spam if they’re super low effort/toxic/etc though.


I miss the mega threads.

The ones I didn’t report… They are indeed free to post the same things over and over again and complain in an echo chamber.

I think mercy mains are right
This is the deal with Mercy
Some buffs for Mercy
80% of people on here: mercy needs a buff
Why Mercy should have been a Male
Can we buff mercy just a bit
nail_care🏻 Solution for Mercy
Jeff Interview Feb 27, 2019 - “Mercy is fine”
etc… Mercymercymercymercymercymercy. Everywhere, everytime.

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excuse me

Okay, I’ll mark this as spam :slight_smile:
Seriously. Dont complain about Mercy spam while simultaneously posting another “no more Mercy spam posts” as if we haven’t had dozens already.


It’s what happens when a bunch of players decide to organize the constant re-opening and hijacking of threads with their highly volatile and even antagonistic stances, because they want thing XYZ.

At this point there should be a Mercy-sub. Mods cant strike them, because its perfectly fair game for them to voice their opinion, but they could move the spam out of the general discussion atleast, so the board stays clear.

It would take the power out of the spam, because noone who doesnt care about it would see their spam anymore.



Fixed a bug where this thread would reach intended locations

(its clear this thread isnt going to end well)

Edit: Wait a sec why havent they done this for all heroes yet? It would make a lot of sense and prevent a lot of “spam” from reaching General


Sure, whatever justifies your false flagging. A dozen is not enough apparently. Since one year, how many Mercy posts there are about the same subjects ? Not dozens.

Made by the same deluded people complaining while everyone but mercy one tricks argue she is balanced.

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You said to flag all Mercy posts as spam, this is a Mercy post :thinking:


The thing I hate the most about the Mercy spam is that it’s basically showing that some people are pretty biased and want a specific hero to be and stay meta at all time, outright ignoring the dozens of other people that could actually use buffs (Reaper, Roadhog, Symmetry) in favor of having Mercy getting buffs “because she isn’t fun/doesn’t leave enough of an impact/isn’t OPAF like in the Moth Meta” (and that second one basically implies most people who play healers are doing it for the attention and nothing else)

I left the forums for a year because of the Mercy spam and nothing has changed at all

Jesus christ

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That’s why it’s best to just not click on them. Or recognize the names, which you shouldn’t have to, to avoid them.

They should give us a proper filter to the forums. Let us tag things like “Mercy” “Soldier 76” so we can block posts we dont want to be seeing.

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It’s the same dozen or so people sitting in their own echo chamber for like a year now… sadly some Sym players are starting to do the same thing…

At least Symm players have a reason to. Same with Junkrat players.
Mercy isn’t going to be changed, Symm really needs buffs.

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Honestly? Because it really wasn’t necessary. The general discussions were actually well-behaved and well-moderated most of the time. The forum-rework did some magic, too.

As someone who does a lot of Sym, I am not convinced tbh. Some game mechanics are fixed like the teleporter, the only real problem in her kit is the questionable design of the primary.

If you come on once a week to reminisce about the good old days of Sym 2.0 you are just wasting everyone’s time.

Why can’t we just block users? Blocking trolls and spam posts would be so helpful.

They are kinda part of the landscape now, those threads are everywhere, so much that we don’t see them anymore.

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I could go into it, but its off topic so we’ll leave it at that :wink: