💅🏻 Solution for Mercy

It’s simple, bring mercy back with 60 cure per second.

Tank you.


Why try to fix that which is not broken?


If they say she’s balanced, they will definitely not buff her.

That’d be too much contradiction.


Honestly I’d be happy with 55 HPS and 1 rez with no cast time during Valk.


Her whole kit was over all good, she had a good escape with a short cooldown. She had the best ability no matter how long a CD it was it was the best thing in the game besides ults. Her healing was the easiest to do in the game and healed for so much almost as much as Ana’s. Her whole kit was too good they had to nerf a aspect of her kit to make it okay for other healers to be better than her. If she still had 60 HPS she would still dominate the meta. Shes not even that bad right not its not her meta that’s all.
I think people don’t realize people complained about how dive was the meta for too long but for Mercy her being the best healer in the game since season three was okay but dive wasn’t. You only hear that Mercy is bad because Mercy players only want whats best for them. Other Mercy mains who were okay with the Mercy right now aren’t the ones on this forum btw.

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As much as I hate the clunkiness of slowed, cast time res making it instant is not a good thing.

They could keep the slow-removal bug in the PTR for Valk if it works, tho.

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I’d be happy with what she has now

Rez being slowed down introduced counter play to it. Otherwise there would be no counter play to rez at all.


Can’t believe we still get posts like this on the forum lmfao


Mercy is Chacota

There was plenty before. There’s even more now.

I know but if it was only during Valk and it had normal cool downs I’d get a dopamine from it.

Thanks for quoting me with this groundbreaking contribution.


Personally, I don’t think it is groundbreaking, but it is an accurate expression of my feelings on this matter; and as such, relevant to this conversation

Do you have any hobbies outside of arguing on the forums or naw?


Considering the amount of healing already done by other support heroes, Mercy is still good by just being a pocket healer imo

Yes, but I dont think discussing such things relates to the topic of this thread

Cause they never did that before. :wink:

Do you have any hobbies aside from following the ToS?


As I have already said, I think this line of discussion isn’t topical to this thread