80% of people on here: mercy needs a buff

devs: its time for another nerf it’s been too long she’s had it too good… lets make it so it’ll be impossible for her to rez during valk

jokes aside i think it’s hilarious how little the devs care about the opinions of mercy mains on here.


Source for the 80%?

It’s not a nerf, it’s a change.
It’s a buff to true pocket player but a nerf to opportunist boosters.

Mercy’s pretty good right now, just not meta.

And well, what would you buff? Her kit is already balance and good.

EDIT: also, being able to move during Valk is more a buff, we just need time to get use to it. But now, we’ll be able to avoid being headshots or one clip while trying a greedy rez


And where this number come from?

But i agree with you. Some minor buff will not hurt.

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what nerf? you mean the speed reduction being less when rezzing in valk? eh thats a double edge sword for me could be worse


Personal experience and my own eyes seeing how many people want Mercy buffs on these forums over everyone else. Considering there were… what 9 mega threads all with 20k replies? I’d say 80% is a fair estimate.

Any change that makes things harder for a hero can be interpreted as a nerf.

Never said she was bad I’m not one of the people who want buffs for her I think she’s fine maybe in 5 months buff her healing back to 60 but that’s it.

The boop change so if you rez in valk a lucio will send you flying which cancels rez

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20k replies does not mean 20k people.
The mercy mains does not seem to be that many.

Or a buff, depends how you see it. I prefer being able to boost my Pharah and being able to heal someone else when she fired her last rocket than wait for her rocket to touch the target.

It would be a terrible mistake. She was OP with 60h/s, why would it be ok now?

So improve your awareness and don’t rez in front of a booper/grabber/stunner

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20k replies * 9 or so threads = 180000 and everytime I went into any of those threads it was mercy mains agreeing with eachother that she needs changes, not people arguing with them about how she’s fine.

that doesn’t make it harder for mercy wtf profanity removed

she wasn’t overpowered with 60HPs devs know that they nerfed it so she wouldn’t be played as much since majority people complained about her. So the devs doing what they do best which is wrongfully changing heroes to change the meta, and it worked. Mercy meta ended.

I don’t… are you assuming I play Mercy anymore? HA no. Also I’m not going to argue with you about Mercy when I do not carer about the hero anymore. 900 hours on her and I stopped maining her season 8. Go to a “Mercy needs help” post if you care to arguefor days upon days which will lead no where, I refuse to do so anymore.

eh… mercy main here! i honestly don’t want a buff because mercy performs well enough as it is
but i want a rework because

Ok let’s imagine that’s really 100k people maining Mercy (which I really doubt), the total playerbase is aroune 40 millions.
So that’s… 0.25% of the playerbase at most. Oof


Oh yeah, remember double sniper meta where she was the only healer in it? It ended with Brig’s release + her 50h/s nerf.
Devs nerfed her because she was too versatile (too much utility, too much healing). That’s also why they buffed other healers like Ana, at that moment, they needed a place on the stage.
Changing the heroes is healthy. Else we would have just broken vs useless heroes.

I was not assuming you were but since you said it ok.
I’m playing Mercy, everyday in comp or not. I also play other healers but I’m still better with Mercy and guess what? I have fun, I can keep my team alive and I’m climbing the ladder. (I’ve reached my highest on my main account, those last too seasons I’ve gain around 600 SR by mostly playing Mercy)

Nope I don’t have the time. I just wanted to answer to you because you used false numbers in your title.

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actually i played the ptr last night and idk if you’re aware of the bug that mercy has normal speed when rezzing during valkyrie and it’s actually amazing i rezzed someone literally in front 3 enemies and they couldn’t get me (i hope they keep the bug!)

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Source? Only mercy mains want mercy changed

Mercy main here and nope, I love her the way she is and hope they won’t change her again.

Yeah…its not 80% lol


I’m going to need to see those statistics for myself. Where can I find them?

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she can be grabbed or stunned on live right now!

Mercy is just a meme right now…

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I agree. Just when you think Mercy nerfs are enough and everyone is fine, then comes another lol.

I’d give her 60 hps back after this, or make her cooldown like Sombra hack (8 seconds for hacking a person, 4 seconds for healthpack and 1 for attempted hack, but damaged) with her cooldown being around 20-15 seconds, when knocked back.

Plus, ults are meant to feel and be strong, so this nerfs her ult, which takes away more effectiveness, apart from pistol Mercy and flying.
All honestly, I’d rather infinite ammo in valk be nerfed, than anything else, since it would promote more healing and damage boost.

obviously 80% of ow community are mercy onetricks. 19% are genjimains. 1% rest

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True. I just meant, if you want to rez, don’t do it in front of a hero that can cancel you (on Live or PTR with new boop changes)

i contribute to these threads and i can tell you it’s always the same 10-20 people wanting a change it’s just that the arguments heat up quite quickly and no one is willing to give in since giving in means that the game could be ruined for them
the irony is that dps mains want mercy to be bad and ana to be good and dps heroes are only good when ana is bad and mercy is good (also this might be a little anecdotal so don’t roast me k? thnx!)