Some buffs for Mercy

Now with the new support baptiste i think mercy needs some buffs.

  • Res:
    Cooldown: 30 sec
    Cast time: istant again.

  • Base healing:
    60 hps again

  • Valkyrie:
    More movement speed

Peace, Jeff buff Mercy too thanks.


Remove the counterplay? God idea thooo…

So you can’t hit her at all again?

So she outheals every other support again with her never ending resource of yellow healing liquid?

Those changes would make her a must pic again, something most of us don’t want.
She is fine not a must pick but can be played as well.

I main her and have no problem with other heroes being stronger then her.
I mean if you can’t heal enough then you need to switch. Such like the DPS who don’t pump out enough DMG and you want to change as well…


What about a semi mass res every 20 sec on the new support???

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Watcha mean?
The area which he can create?

You can get knocked out, you can destroy the thingy as well and also hack it/emp it.


Blizzard stole the idea from the rework mercy movement with this ability. The new support is just a better mercy.



Mercy needs no changes.


I dont think but ok, is your opinion, not mine

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Who knows if it is stolen.
Apparently you all got ignored- so they didn’t really see it, am I right?


Love your name!
Can I have one?

Is not about counterplay and she got outhealed by everyone, zen too.

But why do you think Mercy needs buffs?

  • Is she underperforming at the moment?
  • Is she F-tier at the moment?
  • Is she broken at the moment?

That’s how balancing should work. If a hero is in a bad state at the moment, should that hero be addressed.

We shouldn’t change heroes based on feelings.


Because is in a bad spot

Depending on how you play.
I always have gold healing in my games, even in my ranked ones.
I dunno what you are doing then but…

Yeah, Lucio can outhela me as well because I can heal ONLY ONE and he multiple - talking about the start of the round.

After a huge graf combo which Zen was almost unable to outsell? I mean yeah, wow.
What a surprise that he can get golden healing then, especially if he does it multiple times.

It’s a self service kind of deal. Help yourself

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Mercy got buffed on ptr btw if your didnt notice! (Its a hidden buff/bug)

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Any arguments?

(20 characters needed)

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No, she isn’t.

Mercy has:

  • A healthy pickrate, even in OWL.
    (She’s viable, but not meta.)
  • An average winrate.
  • The second highest average healing in the game.

How exactly is she bad?


You still haven’t given a reason other than you “feel” that Mercy is weaker than other supports.


Still your ideas guys. I still think mercy needs buffs. PEACE

You can’t even argue about it or tell us why she needs it.
Then don’t start a conversation about it in the forums…