This is a mercy forum

Don’t bother, I’ve read the same complaints dozens of times, just none are really that convincing to me.

I was pushed into playing mercy after her rework
At first I hated being forced to play a hero that I don’t want to but overtime, she grew on me I guess.

All I can say is, if you really think she’s fine, play her for at least 40 hrs straight without swapping and then make a post about how much balanced u think she is.

For a main healer it ain’t about the overall number of healing they do. A lucio or zen can do 12k healing in one match too. It’s about how much survivability they give to their team. And mercy hp/s is the lowest of all.

It passes zen orb by only 20hp/s.
Another example is ana, she can heal 90hp/s (75hp/0.8s) WITHOUT her nade buff. Add a nade and you’ll have 1.5x the amount


Ana has to reload though, and if she misses she doesn’t heal. Mercy gets that consistency you know?
That being said I don’t think they should’ve nerfed her healing before seeing how all the other support buffs would do.

Quote me.

Is the fact that arguing with them is impossible without being labelled a “babyraging mercy-hating toxic DPS” (this is a quote from someone I “argued” with).
Also, as you said, the fact that many of those guys arguing have no objective thought on the game. They don’t play Overwatch, they play Mercy

One argument usually pushed, which I agree with, is “mercy is unfun”. Why would I even play her for 40hours straight ? I would never do that with any character because I actually play and care for more than one character out of 30.

Doesn’t mean I don’t play her. During moth meta I even “mained” her despite not liking her gameplay, just to have a chance to win.

Yet I have 30% more healing on Mercy compared to Lucio.

Ana has no mobility and long, hard to use cooldowns. Different utility, higher skill ceiling, higher potential input. Do you really have to make this a “buff mercy” post ?

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Ana is bad in dive cuz hitting tracer genji is harder than a slow character like mccree or a tank. But we arent playing in dive anymore so it’s not that hard to hit a shot as ana
I mean, I spam a lot of shots to hit the enemy and do some damage as ana which lowers my accuracy and still I have about 68% to 75% accuracy on her so I can hit most of my healing shots. Healing dive is again, different

Sometimes that’s not enough.

I know better behaved forums with that system implemented and it feels so nice to have a corner to talk about specific things without having to worry frequently that others will come in and derail everything.

And it’s not like it prevents general talks about them in General chat, but when it starts going into nitty gritty details, or specifically about things people who main the hero experience, it makes going to the forums more worthwhile.

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With the recent shift in power from goats we could very well see the return of dive.
Goats isnt even prevalent in most ranks. Just in the upper levels. As soon as we start seeing dps come back in, and not fat tank hitboxes, she’ll have to start hitting those shots again.

She is the most balanced character in the entire game. Might underperform a very tiny bit on the hp/s, but otherwise she’s good.

Please don’t confuse GOATS and other supports/comps being OP with “Mercy is bad.”

She’ll get there, don’t worry. The PTR has some nerfs ready to break up the situation. She’s being used in OWL, she’s being used in competitive play across the board, she can easily go into master and even bruteforce herself into gm if you break a sweat.

I mean, if you wanna make such a big statement talking about removing every single post about a specific hero, you have to have enough playtime both as and against that hero in order to claim that all of the posts supporting that hero are bs and should be removed you know.

For instance, doomfist annoys me so much. Widow frustrates me so much but I’ve never made a post about removing doom or just ignoring his mains or “one-tricks”

The most I did was commenting on a post about the fact that I don’t like being treated as a beach ball by doomfist
Thats all I did


Sorry but ur the one talking about her being “balanced”:


Did somebody call my name?

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How should I know. You came at me arguing how mercy is underpowered, which is the exact kind of post I’m complaining about. Your arguments, just as mine, have been said more than enough times and don’t need anymore ears or mouths.

Well, when I play Doomfist I complained that GA, a 2s cooldown, made her immune to all my CC. Now they bug fix the entire knockback mechanics (for the whole roster) and mercys complain about this being a “nerf” for her…

I have 4 hours on mercy in QP, 10 in comp. How many hours did you have on Doomfist when you complained about him ? 40 hours straight ?

How many posts did you see asking for a doom buff after he got 4 nerfs across the board without compensation in one patch ? More than mercys A WHOLE YEAR AND A HALF after the rework ? I don’t think so.
By the way, out of 20 posts featured when entering the forums today, 7 are about mercy.

Yes. Balanced. Not underpowered.

I like how your name is Pizza and your avatar is a giant pepperoni red “P” with a cheesey yellow underline.

Glad to see my work is appreciated by other intellectual pizza lovers :>


Okay, but what kind of Pizza are you?

I’ll come out and say it. I love pineapples on my pizza. Then again, I love just about anything on pizza. It’s delicious.

Every pizza is beautiful. Except pineapple ones. I’m calling the police


You’ll never take me alive, coppers!!!

starts frantically shoving pineapple pizza into his facehole.


We’re going to let this one slide if you tell me you’re not a mercy main… Or else you’ll be forced to instapick Genji and eat pepperoni pizzas for the rest of your life !

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I main tanks and heals. Mostly Rein, Hammond, Winston, Zen, and Mercy but I’m flexible and also play a lot of Zarya, Lucio, and Mei because I hate everyone apparently.

I mean people joke that it’s a support forum. So my question is it a support/tank forum, support forum, or mercy forum, d VA forum.