This is the deal with Mercy

If Mercy mains want to get any changes to this hero they need to be clear about what they want and honest about the state she is in. Rambling arguments about the devs ignoring you, the rest of the player base being toxic and the like do not help your cause. Be clear about the problems, be fair to other opinions and don’t flip-flop around on what your argument is.

The issue is not balance, she is balanced. Her healing may be a little lacklustre but is not bad by any stretch. She makes up for it not being too amazing though by having really good utility support abilities. Dmg boost is very nice, rez while risky is has massive impact and her mobility is stellar. While her ult isn’t great its not exactly bad either, like its better than Moira’s for example. The issues she has are in no way related to balance or the effectiveness of her kit.

The closest issue she has to this is she is useless in the current meta. Goats was not kind to Mercy and saying she has been really bad for this reason is fair, though she is far from alone in suffering this. The fact we have a mass of balance changes on the PTR right now make this less of an issue. Yes she isn’t getting many changes but that kinda doesn’t matter. As I said she is already balanced but suffers from the meta, so blowing up the meta might well make her amazing without any changes. Its hard to say what happens to her until these changes happen and settle so just give the meta time. This isn’t the issue either, at least not right now.

The real problem is she is pretty boring to play and feels unrewarding. Its nothing to do with balance or the meta it is just to do with fun. OG Mercy was more fun because mass rez was rewarding. It was a big play, your impact was felt and that’s why people liked it. Rework Mercy with her crazy potential, quick rez, super speed in ult and so on was really fun to play, but it was OP and needed to be toned down a lot. Now she is fine, but we remember how she felt before and that makes her feel weak now, which isn’t fun. We also lack that big I won us the game right here moment, something all heroes have at least to some extent but not Mercy. Yeah you can get a clutch rez every now and again but it’s risky, rare and hardly on the same level as a team wipe, huge trans or anything like that. You can have a prefect Mercy game and have no highlight moment to remember, it’s all a bit meh and that is the problem.

This is what Mercy needs, not a balance change, not a revert or even really a traditional rework. She needs a fun injection. TBH i’d stay away from suggesting what this might be, that will lead to disagreements within the Mercy and general community and more arguments. Just say “Mercy is too boring now, pls think of a way to make her gameplay feel more fun and rewarding again”. Stop the confusing arguments, stop the flaming and focus i n on having a clear, honest message. If you just say Mercy isn’t dynamic now, we don’t want her better or OP just more fun there is no counter argument to that.

Mercy is not bad , the meta is bad for mercy

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this argument has been brought up for other characters. Ana, in 2017, was often told that the meta (dive) was just “bad for her”. While this is true, the core of her problem was beyond the meta, and in other issues.

On that issue, mercy isnt as bad off as ana was. But she’s left in this state for the same reason- she was hugely overpowered and the playerbase is burnt by her. It’ll take a year before we get any changes to her from when she was finally put to rest, unfortunately. It’ll also likely take Baptiste being out, for 4 main healers, to show that mercy’s underperforming and has been outclassed by her competition.

In that vein, Moira will likely face some form of buff after goats dies. They can’t afford to do so until goats is gone.