Can we buff mercy just a bit

Mercy has the lowest healing potential of all three main healers. While some people point out that an Ana missing all of her shots would be worse then a Mercy lets not forget that she has sleep and bio-grenade. Moira also gets more healing, more damage, and a get out of jail free card. Mercy gets healing, damage boost, mobility, and the ability to rez if someone died in a convenient place. all we need to do to make most of the mercy community happy is to raise her healing by 5-15 healing per second. No mass rez, damage boost is fine, valk can stay as it is, just 5-15 healing.


15 more healing is outrageous, that’s stronger than she was before the healing nerf that turned her from slightly overtuned to garbage. I think 5 healing would be alright, but 10 would make her more satisfying to play. I was a mercy main until the 10 hps nerf but giving her more than that would be a bad idea.


5 is the best option. 55 HPS would be a great middle ground between 50 HPS (considered too low by many) and 60 HPS (considered too high by many).

60 HPS or higher has the potential to be very busted.


We can argue about numbers all day but the reality remains…Once Baptiste comes out…why would most people wanna play a healer with a single target slow heal and a mediocre ult where you ‘heal slightly faster’ and you don’t have mobility by yourself…

…when there’s a new healer with better gun, aoe healing, burst healing, self mobility without needing others nearby, and an insane ult and an invincibility skill…

Mercy and Brig are gonna be soo much more ignored once he comes out


I desperately want 60 heals back…


I laugh and cry because I constantly go into Valk outside of battles simply to heal at a decent pace (esp tanks) instead of popping it during fights :joy: :disappointed_relieved:


Mercy’s actual healing in-game is far closer to her maximum potential than the other healers because she dosnt face as many interruptions of healing as the other 2 do, and her healing is more likely to be fully absorbed rather than wasted

Some Examples (there are many more):

Ana misses. Mercy generally doesnt
Moira can miss, Mercy generally doesnt

Ana has to reload. Mercy doesnt.
Moira has a limited resource. Mercy doesnt.

Mercy, Ana, and Moira hit a wounded hero down 40HP with their healing. Mercy’s healing wastes only 10HP, Moira and Ana’s healing wastes much more, or said another way - all three heal the exact same amount in this moment in the game

In real in-game healing throughput , the differences are not very pronounced

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Exactly. In all my life playing Mercy not having at least one teammate around doesn’t happen unless your positioning with her is that terrible.

Mercy was and always has remained the consistent healer with high mobility. That’s why you want her on your team. CONSISTENCY.

She also has damage boost and of course rez in her kit to round things out. She’s in a great spot and I love playing her. She still is my go to healer when I’m playing support

How about we don’t buff support that doesn’t need any changes?

We if you can’t make use of Baps’s utility well or can’t aim good, Mercy is still a reliable alternative. That’s what she’s kinda meant to be. A reliable alternative to all the shooty bang bang. Some people want a more passive healer and will still pick mercy.

Why not give Mercy an AOE rez while Valk is active if it’s off Cooldown? Seems fair. That’ll promote some CD management and give Mercy the ability to make a play.

Mercy was buffed with the new changes to Damage Boost.

so you’re requesting mass rez, then?

Correct. Only if Rez is off CD and she is in Valk.

She needs a lot more than just a heal buff.

It feels great, but it’s next to useless.

The mobility is definitely the best part of Mercy’s kit but her ultimate is an absolute joke. There are so many tiny tweaks that would make it more useful than it is but as is Valk is literally just Mercy, but you can float.

Mass rez is imo the single worst ability ever given to any character in this game.

I am glad it has been removed, and hope it never returns

If that was an accurate and complete description of Valkyrie, I would probably agree with you on that it is a joke

emphasis on the “if”

Alright then, but more important from healing is her gun (blaster) after nerf, she can’t protect herself from (for example) Moira or Ana if team can’t regroup and she stand alone - she just easy to kill. Would be good to bring back her old blaster or with with 20% buff.

And now we have a prevent death ability for 8 seconds. I hope to see a unique FPS ability make a comeback. Whether that be a more balanced version, but it should make a return.