I think mercy mains are right

Yes I know another mercy post but here me out. One common aruguement mercy players said to bring back mass Rez was to counter ultimate spam. And looking back at it that really is a good point. There is no ability that counters a braindead team that throws all of their ultimates together. We had symmetra teleporter but got this unfinished rework and mass Rez is gone. It was great for teams with poor ultimate economy but now just get a rein/zarya and spend all of your ults in a team and 99% you will win the team fight. Even with defensive ultimates they can be bursted through. Mass Rez was healthy to counter teams who do that.


Its a terrible point. Mercy just dies in the ult spam. Smhā€¦


Thank you. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one. A lot of Mercy players (and also non mercy players) have been saying this for a while as well. In spite of all the arguments, us Mercy mains do have some good suggestions from time to time. :blush: :blue_heart:

YourOverwatch has also given excellent arguments regarding how Mass Rez could counter GOATS and Ult Spam, as well as debates with a coach who held an opposing view. I highly reccomend giving those videos a watch if you have the time as they go into depth on itā€™s effects on a pro level, and not just from the opinions of us on the forums or reddit.


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Ult spam? more like ult combo, you can use barrier+zen lucio ult or outplaying them with your own ult, i mean you are not defenseless after all.


How about just put systems in place that limit the prevalence of Ult spam to begin with? Or adjust the Ultimates that are prone to it? Iā€™ve always held the belief that the biggest gameplay issue holding Overwatch back from being near perfect is the dominating nature of Ultimate Abilities. Yes, they should be strong, but to what extent, is what I think the devs need to focus on next if they havenā€™t already done so.


Yes, lets counter ult spam with more ults /s

Stop bringing up a dead topic. Jeff said its fine officially twice now.


:spider_web: We need something to encourage better ult economy but mass rez ainā€™t it, sis. It would just be ult spam --> team wipe --> rez --> counter ult spam --> counter wipe.

Itā€™d come back down to which Mercy was better and I donā€™t want to experience those days again, no thanks.


If this goes on, like that.
We will need a Subforum, just for Mercy and Sym


Iā€™m not sure an ultimate is a counter to ult spam. It just becomes another cog in the wheel.

ā€œbait transā€
ā€œbait EMPā€
ā€œbait resā€

Doesnā€™t really change.


This whole mass rez as an ult spam counter argument relies on the Mercy surviving the ult spam, not being caught in it. Then with no invuln and possibly a cast time fly in and rez, probably dying in the process.

Acting like mass rez would be even semi reliable as an ult spam counter is super naive and sort of shows a lack of understanding.


True , fair and fun btw
Mass rez was never fair or fun , and the truth is its not coming back .


You mean which mercy is better at hide and seek would win the game


The problem is that mass rez countered any successful teamfight, even if you used no ults at all. It felt brutally unfair if you just won because you fragged out and played amazing, especially if Mercy just popped out of spawn and did it with no counterplay possible whatsoever.

Bonus misery points if the Mercy playerā€™s team immediately ult stacked yours.


Itā€™s not really a counter to ult spam though.

We need prevention during ult spam, such as Trans, Beat drop, or Baptisteā€™s E ability (although it doesnt survive well during ult spams)

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Except, well, the fact that theyā€™ll wonā€™t win next fight. Or they can throw everything to be transcended away. Or immoā€™d

ā€œbut if itā€™s overtimeā€ then they are not braindead and saved their ultimates for deciding moment.

Should rez go back? No, not as an ultimate. It is terrible ultimate ability that requires your team to die to be effective. Not to mention it was the thing that held her down.

But if instead of Mass Rez she would have something similar to Zileanā€™s ult from League of Legendsā€¦ That would be kinda cool


And still they continue to directly or indirectly nerf Mercy. So much for being fineā€¦ :laughing:. Her ā€˜on fireā€™ is also still busted, not adjusted to suit the nerfed version of their unfinished rework.


ult spam really isnā€™t an issue. it can win you the fight but that means you are out of ults for the next one.

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What was the most recent nerf to mercy, because im pretty sure that damage boost change was made specifically for pharmercy.

Pretty much. Kind of helps with Junkrat too as now you just have to boost when he shoots instead of trying to guess when his nade will explode. Makes damage boosting rat far easier and less time consuming, helping with bunker comps.

I wasnā€™t here when mass rez was still a thing but I did join like a week before it changed and looking back at videos it was pretty effective!

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