Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

  • Res cast time reduced in half
    Valkyrie is supposed to enhance all of Mercy’s abilities, however this is the only one that is not. By halving cast time, Mercy is still vulnerable while rezzing yet doesn’t overly waste valuable ult time to cast rez. This would also compensate for shortening ult duration.

  • Remove Infinite ammo, Fire Rate Increased 20%
    Infinite ammo serves no direct purpose and discourages helpful gameplay. Removing infinite ammo and increasing fire rate (6/s during ult) allows the pistol to be more lethal in bursts yet empties the clip faster (3.33s during ult), taking up ult time if the player wants to reload and continue shooting (1.5s to reload during a proposed 12s ult duration) . Therefore, this change results in pistol being targetedly useful for self defense or for securing a kill, rather than dedicating a majority of Valkyrie to shoot people.
    I agree with these two changes, the only issue with making Rez not a CD is Mercy loses her ability to counter pick heroes since she has to charge it, but she can’t charge it if Widow one shots someone. Getting rid of chain healing makes the ult weaker since healing two people with it makes it 120hp/s but with this change it’s healing 90hp/s which means you lose 30 less healing along with the dmg boost portion.

I know she’s not getting reverted which is why I’m trying to find solutions to the problems people have with this heroes that have buffs and nerfs mixxed together, nerfing the passive parts and buffing the active parts of the kit.

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how about
 no instant regen 10 second valk and 1 instant rez hmm?

Lol that will just make her super under powered.

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Ehh not really. 1 instant rez is super strong.

I think my head hit Mercy’s skill ceiling too many times to understand what you are trying to say. Her ultimate would be weaker to account for an instant Resurrect? Why? They should be looking at her whole kit and rearrange it.

I’ll just requote myself because that’s the fix to raise her skill ceiling much higher than 1.0 while retaining Valkyrie’s effectiveness in making Mercy more versatile.


Surprised this hasn’t been sent to the megathread like all feedback. And i just jinxed it.

inb4 this gets sent to the megathread

Hah i beat you to it. Blizzard and feedback dont get along.

YES absolutely, all of this is worth consideration. The OBSCENELY LONG cast time on her res now is honestly the part that feels the worst to me - it’s more of a handicap than an ability, and makes me feel like I’m stuck in goo in the midst of battle, it’s why I have basically stopped picking her - and this was the hero I started on and still love so much. I hope the OW team will at least consider some of these changes :sob:


 w h o w o u l d t o r t u r e t h e m s e l v e s b y p l a y i n g m e r c y ? : )

It’s objectively not. It has the second highest ult winrate only after Sound Barrier.

When a streamer thinks of a better rework than the actual balance team.


Actually I’m pretty sure it’s sound barrier, trans, nano then valk in OWL but Moiras ult charges a lot faster than all support ults and brigettes ult might be the new trans because it’s like a sound barrier overtime with armour you can keep

I’d like to see happen to Valk:

  • duration shortened to 10 seconds
  • 3 instant (zero cast time, no slow) rezzes like current single-target E rez (5m radius, CC and stun interruptible) achieved by pressing Q additional times during ult
  • chained beams removed
  • healing beam output increased 150%

New E ability:
10 - 15 second cool-down, 3-5 second duration
Either current Valk chain beams - or -
Combined beams (100%/50%) - LMB 100% heals (60), 50% Damage-boost (15); RMB 100% Damage-boost (30), 50% heals (30)

This puts her rez back as an earned ability (and locked behind her ult), but also gives plenty of counterplay that was allegedly missing from Mass-Rez. Maintains her mobility by getting rid of the molasses “suicide button” rez. And by boosting her healing ability while ulting helps her live up to her voiceline of “Heroes never die”.


Wow! A Mercy balance post that doesn’t whine and ask to Revert her! Yay!


Hey EeveeA. Nice to see you are back on the forums, but sadly cause of the Mercy issue that is still around. I hope the devs at least glance at this.


There is a difference between a Revert and another Rework though. :thinking:

If we put Resurrect on a charged meter like OP suggested wouldn’t that just reinforce everyone’s idea that Resurrect needs to be earned again which brings us back to her initial form of having to earn Resurrect through healing/DMB.

Wouldn’t be a Revert it would be another Rework. Putting Resurrect back to a charged meter that will separate Mercy tiers once again and open up flexibility through the uses of Valkyrie as an E ability which can be frequently used which I would personally want more.


Those aren’t ult winrates.

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