There are those who like Valkyrie. Shocking, I know, but apparently true. (I don’t know why, but maybe it’s a love/hate thing like the taste of cilantro.)
So my idea modifies Valkyrie, removes Rez from E and puts it behind Q where it belongs, and tweaks it all to make the game-play flow better, and for Mercy to live up to being a mobile healer. She gets back her fun, and she gets back her chance to have a shining moment where she is the literal saviour of the game.
I’d also add a “double-jump” to her. Jump one is her jumping. Jump 2 is the Valkyrie suit spreading its wings. This would allow her to AD from one platform to another at the same height by giving her that little extra boost into the air. It would also allow her a little altitude before she GAs to a team-mate on a ledge (like a Widow) who’s a little too far back from the edge to currently get a GA lock upon.
Although, I recall someone replying to me and saying this is problematic on console because E and Angelic Descent share the same button. So we could either do away with the E - because the “double-jump” would be a great addition, but I was thinking that maybe console players should swap their jump and E buttons. E never has to be held down, just pressed; but holding jump activates Angelic Descent, and then they wouldn’t need to map it to a separate button.