[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

We are on our 8th Mega-Thread about Mercy, technically after the 10,000 mark it should have gone to a 9th Mega-thread (and did for a short time) but they decided to expand the 8th one instead.


It can be a model for other studios to aspire to. How to handle negative feedback 101:

  • Step 1: Create a megathread.
  • Step 2: Do nothing.
  • Step 3: Profit.

If by profit you mean that the “streamer following players” are going to fortnite and the only ones remaining are the ones that have been screwed over 'till now (not just us). Well, they got what they deserved… hope things will change soon…

*ofc, i’m not talking about 100% the ones who are following the streamers game by game, there are always small exceptions.


They know, but they really hate to admit their mistakes. In case of Mercy, Valkyrie is dead end of design: buffing damage boost or healing risks to make Supercharger or Transcendence obsolete, buffs for resurrect reduces Valkyrie to “press Q to buff resurrect”, and buffing pistol brings back PTR nightmare with Mercy attack helicopter.


As i say…

A Transformation Ult is no fit for Mercy

*cough *… sorry.


Torb’s meter grows passively and by him doing an action (gathering scrap). Same as every hero’s ult.

But the asks for a Rez-meter all mention no passive gains. So what would be her action? What would fill the “gas tank”?

That fills her ult. And setting it any lower than her ult requirements is a bad look. “Oh, I need X amount of healing to not be able to do enough healing to counter any ults, but 1/3 X (or 1/2, or whatever) will allow me to bring someone back from the dead?” Rez is more powerful than her ult. So, we can’t make her meter lower than her ult, and we can’t use healing.

Sure, performance-based SR has been removed for Diamond and above. But for players that are lower, there’d be no way for them to get out of “elo hell” by being the best Mercy. Because they’d be at the mercy (no pun intended) of the aiming skills of their cohorts. And players in bronze (speaking from experience here on both parts) pretty much can’t hit the barn-side of a broad. (I know, it’s supposed to be broad-side of a barn, just sounds funnier my way.) So using damage-boost doesn’t show how good of a Mercy you are, it shows the aiming skill of your team-mates.

How about her own pistol damage? Well, that now gets into encroaching on Moira’s shtick of doing damage to “heal”. And Mercy is supposed to be a healer not a DPS. Her pistol isn’t supposed to be her primary weapon (that’s why it’s on 2 and her staff is on 1). So that’s out.

And that now leaves nothing with which to charge up a rez meter.

The best way to make her rez earnable again is to lock it behind her ultimate.

And here’s my idea that I shared in EeveeA’s post:

I’ve been a staunch hash-tag RevertMercy poster, but I would be happy if this rework variant were put into the game. It gives her back the possibility of swinging a fight towards her team’s favor. But it’s not oppressive like the original rework, yet keeps the more mobile aspects of it that many people have found enjoyable.

This is an interesting idea.
But Personally,I didn’t like it ^^

Haven’t played for couple of months and when I tried Mercy… ugh, I can’t belive that flying dispenser is her final form. It’s too borring in comparison with other heroes gameplay, thats the biggest issue. Old ult was at least iconic but after this “successful” rework Marcy will might wait some time for changes sadly.
So, stay strong and keep this thread alive!


It’s similar to what I’ve suggested.

I don’t play console, so if anyone does, correct me if I’m wrong, but the E would have to work close to a target because of what button rez is currently using on the controller— same button as angelic descent. So I’m not sure how this suggested E would work on console. I’d rather E be a HOT instead, but this isn’t a bad idea.

I do think 3 instants AND 150% increasesd healing on her beam would be too much. I think even just 3 instant rezzes would cause so much complaining.

League of Legends does that ALL the time. That’s why it’s one of the number one MOBA’s along side Dota 2. Those games you can log on and play your favourite character and still be 100% impactful even if they aren’t considered “Meta”


I’m thinking that the “E” or whatever it is on console activates the ability, and then during its duration, whichever fire (primary or secondary - on PC, LMB and RMB) control which function is being done - just like Valk (Q or console button) currently does.

You press the button, the ability activates, and you continue with primary or secondary fire.

I didn’t have any issue with the link then again I already saw the EeveeA google Doc :wink: , thanks for the YT link for Star’s video I didn’t realize she had made that one :sweat_smile:

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AD is on either the left bumper or right because if you put it on the jump button (like we have on spacebar), you can’t look around while you are descending. I wish I played console at least a little so it would make more sense. I do understand what you are trying to do though.

As I recall Baja is who made the post about how Overwatch is the worst community and used this Mega Thread as one of the examples as to why it is the worst.

As far as I’m concerned: Mercy is balanced, but a Mercy player for the most part has the impact of their choices reduced by the way Valkyrie works (i.e. chained beams, unlimited ammo, 15 seconds timing window), and Resurrect isn’t perticularly rewarding to down right punishing of an ability that works against the flow of the rest of Mercy’s kit atm since its not earned and its balance is all out of whack due it being a common ability.

Then again that’s something that many of us have been saying, but its worth working on the message.

You’d be surprised what some players will draw conclusions from and what kind of conclusions they will draw.

Papa Jeff has, in the past; talked about the kind of mentality they had about Mercy. That they loved her and hoped we would too. Look where she is now. I’ve heard of tough love but this is ridiculous. We were made to believe that Blizzard would treat all of the heroes equally, but looking at Mercy and their reasons for changing her? I can’t help but feel a bit of favoritism.

So I’m HOPING that this was a fluke and that they’re not done with changing her. And that when they do come back to her, it won’t be another garbage dump of a rework.


Then maybe they should make AD toggle-able like Soldier’s run or even Mercy’s beams can be. If set to toggle on/off, jump activates it automatically, and you hit jump again to deactivate and reactivate.

It sounds like the way the controls are mapped for console players, that none of them ever jump/crouch spam on their selected heroes because it’d be too hard.

If Valkyrie is on Mercy’s E, we go back to the problem of Mercy having no way to make a play with her base kit (this is assuming that the chain beams don’t carry over, since that would charge her ult too fast).

All other heroes in the game is known for at least two things they do well with their base kit, while Mercy’s only known for one: her healing. Healing and mobility may be the hallmarks of Mercy’s base kit, but mobility doesn’t contribute to the fight on its own.

So, what else do we give Mercy? Damage is out of the question, since she’s designed to be a pacifist. Any more cc in the support category would over-saturate it. Shields aren’t Mercy’s thing at all.

That leaves only one option left: providing buffs to her teammates. It makes a lot of sense, since she already has a minor buffing ability (damage boost) in her kit, and “pure supports” (which the devs keep telling us is Mercy’s whole shtick) are traditionally known for providing heals and buffs to their allies.

This could be worked into an E version of Valkyrie, if each beam had extra effects during the ability. Having moderately powerful allied buffs on a cooldown would finally give Mercy players the ability to make plays with her base kit, and something to plan and plot around that isn’t rez.

That’s their own stupid fault. They decided to push out the rework in the state they did. They could’ve known it would end up the way it did, but they did nothing. With all the trouble they’ve caused the player base (and not just Mercy’s) Blizz pretty much deserves to spend another 8 months making things right.

I don’t know… Unlike with Mercy’s rework, Hanzo’s rework looks… fine, I guess. I’ve seen some footage, and, frankly, it makes me want to try him out. It’s rare for me to feel like that, with Brigitte being the only prior hero outside of Mercy that I tried out because I actually wanted to.

That one could prove problematic. We don’t know much, other than a likeliness of her TP being put on E, although we do have confirmation that she’s leaving the Support roster and is reassigned to the Defense category.

Not sure about that one, but that’s because I have no idea how much work they put into the first summer games event.


Long time no see, hey there

True, It has a higher Ult charge count yet feels less impactful to many.

I attribute the that feeling to the feature that Valkyrie takes away the normal thought process of beam prioritization (and takes away the reward for doing well), Valk takes away thought in reasourcefully using your Blaster since it has ulimited Ammo (does increase projectile speed, but that doesn’t really make it that much more thoughtful to use).

I would rather see the Mass Rez return as it was a big play if done at a good time, but with a change of Preemptive Preperations made before you can make a Rez(zes):

Stay in the fight and keep your beam dancing around your team (healing or boost) and apply “Rez Potential” (I’d call it “Angelic Health”) which a stat applied to teammates that determines if they can be Rezzed if you have your Ultimate, but the stat decays if you don’t have a beam on a teammate. It would decay faster if teammates left your 15 meter radius (combats motivations for “Hide n’ Rez” perceptions of teammates or just lets them die).


Yeah it doesn’t feel like it takes longer, but IDK why thou.