[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Because D.Va’s rework wasn’t a revert? What of D.Va’s rework was a revert?

That won’t happen either, though. Blizzard would sooner keep it clunky than put it back on Q. I’m willing to bet we’d see Hog’s hook go back to a 6 second cooldown than Rez going back to ult.

Mercy has a skill ceiling. The main complaint by these forums is that the skill ceiling is too low. Which is intentional.

The forums aren’t the majority, by far.

I see Mercy plays in OWL or even just in comp all the time. So :woman_shrugging:

I think she was fine in the 1.0. version. The hiding came from the fact that for using the ult Mercy needed some allies to be dead but needed someone alive because she relied too much on team mates. If you think of a Zarya ulti or a dragonblade, they screwed up mercy’s team and she HAD to hide to live otherwise she would have probaly died. they could have toned down a little bit ulti in exchange of an ability that granted 2-3 seconds of free fligh on 11-12 secs. cooldown. i think she is balanced, she need some changes for the “fun” aspect of the gameplay but i dont think that they are the priority. Just that. But does that mean we are screwed for the rest of our life for Mercy changes?

She has such high pickrates in OWL because she is the only healer than can reliably solo heal. She is a pocket healer who enables certain hero picks. When brig comes out in OWL, i’m sure that Mercy’s pickrate will lessen. She is picked for her free second chance on round start (res), and reliable pocket healing. Blizzard said at some point that Mercy is the most played character in the game, hence her pickrate in comp. Even when Mercy was F tier, I played her as many other Mercy mains had because they genuinely enjoyed her kit. Her pickrate has been lowered since mass res. Comparing her now and then, she’s much less impactful and feels boring.


How will Brigitte lower Mercy’s pickrate by any significance if they’re two different roles? Brigitte’s an off-healer. Sure, there are a few double off-healer combos (like Zen and Lucio) but I don’t see Brigitte taking Mercy’s place by a significant margin unless she’s overpowered. Regardless, her being the only healer who can reliably soloheal speaks massively of her powerlevel.

I’m almost to the point where Blizz should just rework her.

I know the idea of a chargable rez was brought up and I think it might be best if they are adamant of keeping rez in Mercy’s kit. They have gone on record that reviving downed allies is a core part of her game play.

Rework her to a 2 star hero with that added charge. She will still be easy and effective to use but that rez on E is too strong.

If OW had larger teams, longer fights, and maybe one more hero that could do a feat then I wouldn’t have such an issue with it as a CD.

New mega-void, er, I mean, thread; so, I’ll re-post my idea here. (Meanwhile, hoping that this isn’t really just a circular file :recycle: where the devs can continue to ignore us)

Its true, back then her pickrate wasn’t even that high. Lucio and Zen(later Ana) dominated the meta.

Her Mass-Ress could do wit some tweaking, but the whole deal with the rework came from cross-eyed DPS players that could hardly kill anything and when they did, Mercy Ressed. Also the hide-and-ress wasn’t even that prevalent(because again, Lucio and Zen dominated), so they change her to be more engagin, then nerf everything that made her engaging.

I think its so funny because they said they wanted Mercy to be into the fight and her hiding was not good gameplay, then give her Valk which lets her STAY AWAY FROM THE FIGHT while healing. Its mind-boggling.


Don’t get me wrong, I would like a version of Rez that you can sort of charge, I would even go as far as allowing it to stack 3 times, and valk filling at least half a charge

still I do enjoy her current state though but I understand what you said and so far you’ve been very reasonable with your points! thank you taking the time to discuss this!


I’ve only played Mercy in this state. Her base kit is the main reason why I don’t mind picking her. She’s balanced and viable even after the nerf hammer.

I can see why poeple would say she doesn’t need to be touched right now, because reasonably she does not.

I’m just disappointed that Blizz could see how Rez was hard to balance in Valk and only thought the best way to handle it was to mess with her flow of play.

And if they ever do try to rework her (after the long list of heroes that in more need of looking at) that they try that chargable idea.

I thank you too. You are not wrong with your points either just pointing out that she is made to work in the game as it is now. And she does work very well.

As I said with Symm having her TP as a CD maybe it could change up some things and how Mercy’s rez as a whole can be viewed.


That’s the problem, many things said, only few were actually done. I guess we are stuck with spectator mode res bot Mercy for now. About hiding, isn’t she doing the same with new res, and they wanted her to heal (Mercy 1.0. used to hide and stop healing just to make this clear, i’m sure u already knew this) when res makes u no longer do that for 1.75. Hilarious. Just hilarious.

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You know what else was said that was subjective? “Her ult (Mass-Rez) is un-fun to play against.”

And gee, if that subjectivity can get us a rework that no-one asked for. Then maybe us saying that she’s now un-fun to play as should get the same treatment.


60 HPS = 60 DPS (Winston’s Tesla gun).
Okay, her healing is negated by the enemy monkey (scientist). There are 5 more people shooting at your team.

The only guarantee you’ve got from Valkyrie is that you’ll likely survive because you’re hiding in the sky-box out of range, and with the free-flight you’ll be able to zip back to spawn to re-join your team-mates when they come back.


Exactly. And the one comment by Jeff “we’re reading your posts” felt an awful lot like when you’re on hold on the phone, and the elevator music stops as the voice says “your call is important to us, please stay on the line for the next available representative” and the :musical_note: music :musical_note: starts back up.


Mercy’s pickrate is less linked to her viability than literally any other hero imo, just because of the large percentage of one-tricks, or at least mains, of the hero in comparison to other heroes. People would keep playing her if she had a 3 second cast time on rez with a 1 min cooldown, and if they reduced her healing output by 20% too. They would be furious, and some might go on strike, but her pickrate would remain high, which is not the same as being balanced or, more generally, in a good state (including QOL).

Her pickrate in the top level of play is due to her being the most effective main healer in the current meta, nothing more. Moira lacks reach and Ana lacks the effectiveness to match her skill cap, among other issues related to the meta. Mercy is able to remain with mobile teams, so she is used, but if the meta was deathball, Moira would be a must-pick, and Ana’s pickrate in the pro leagues would likely overtake Mercy’s.

All that being said, Mercy’s problem is not viability, but impact, in my opinion. As a Mercy player, your SR is almost completely dependant on your team’s performance at this point; she was much more impactful with rez as an ult, for better or worse. Now all Mercy play is nearly the same, which is, by far, my largest issue.


Except in this case, we’ve been put on hold for three months.


I’m glad we needed another thread for all this feedback you’ve been given. Glad you haven’t read any of it, or even in the creation of this thread said ANYTHING about the ideas hat have been given to you.

Fix Mercy. This has gone far too long.


Yes, Mercy’s current “ult” is offensive. It’s very offensive to call “spectator ez-mode activate” an Ultimate.


I still enjoy playing Mercy, but her ult it’s really… not feeling impatful, my points are that:

  • Her ult takes her away from the fight, the opposite of what the devs wanted
  • It lasts so long and is so similar to her normal kit that it doesn’t feel special
  • There are ulti that do better than hers and she can only use one type of “ability” in ult
  1. Let’s say mercy uses all of her time to heal, Max heal output 4500 + she can still be killed - Zenyatta’s ult max heal output is 9000 and grants invulnerabilty to zen
  2. Mercy using her ult for boosting, 15 seconds of 30% dmg boost, Orisa ult 15 seconds ( i think, if not destroyed) of 50% dmg buff, and smaller hitbox and doesn’t require allies to be grouped up
  3. Her gun’s dmg… … … u get it.

The only thing it’s good at is probaly surviving cause some ultimates can negate her 60/s heals and manage to kill anyways the targets of mercy’s healing.

So much for “Heroes never die” i guess.


Mercy’s ult is not very impactful at all and you will never save anyone with its current healing output. The most mileage anyone will get is damage boosting, but it is still vastly inferior to Supercharger in that regard (But you are more likely to survive at least with Valkyrie, so yay?).

To me, it seems like Valkyrie is more of a selfish ult. Sure it heals and damage boosts, but only for the same amount. Meanwhile, Mercy gets freeform flight and a small speed boost as well as infinite ammo.


This Mercy main likes the way you think. I wasn’t horribly unhappy (though I complained to anyone who’d listen) with the first rework that introduced Valkyrie, but that’s in part because it still allowed an insta- (vs. “molasses”) rez, two during ult. I also like the idea of rez as an “earned ability” as it’s completely useless at the start of the game.

The pros play supernerfed Mercy well, but “it just isn’t the same.” Not for the other 99.9999% of us.