[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Is anyone else seeing two posts from 9 days ago appearing at the bottom of the mega thread or is this just a glitch on my end?

LIne of sight check would be an awful idea as it’d make the ability way too inconsistent
I think a better solution if you want to go back to mass rez would be to make it require the current range of one soul before it can be activated, this is just to avoid the rezzing through walls which while uncommon had a few very problematic maps where it was easy to god
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Nepal Villiage.

E res, yes. Ult Res? no.


Well happy 19k. Shame it’s come this far.

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I think that could be alleviated with the provision of a stat that allows teammates to be “Rezzable” if Mercy keeps her beam rotated sufficiently around the team and continues to do so in order to maintain that “Rezability” which I think would combat both “Hide n’ Rez” and “Mercy lets teammates die to Rez” mentalities because neither of which would be claimable in order to make Rezzes possible.

I’d combine the change with Rez going back to the Ultimate as an AOE with Valkyrie being trimmed down to an “E” ability.

I’m wondering if going on a Jeff “Tigole Bitties” Kaplan style rant would get the devs to pay attention to any of the great suggestions in this thread.
viewable at https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/7t6jd4/after_the_latest_developer_update_i_have_a/

For example, my own:

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20k posts, here we go.

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Ah, yes! Forgot about Healbot 2.0.

Do we unlock a Developer response at 20k?


Of course. For only 20$ per word!


I think this version of Mass Resurrect addresses concerns of both:

  • “Hide n’ Rez”
  • “Mercy lets her teammates die to Rez”

The pick-rate in comp means nothing, because there you play what the team wants/needs.
For example, i play Mercy in comp only because is needed, not because i enjoy her. In QP almost Never i play her.
Also, If i Remember right in QP She have far less pick-rate than pre-rework (if im right, her pick-rate in QP was like 10+%, now is 5%), so i don’t think we are the minority here.


The nature of Mass Resurrect (with some changes) creates a natural control on the Ultimate to prevent SPAM for a positive gameplay reasons rather than negative gameplay reasons.

Because Mass Resurrect could be used to turn a fight it means that single picks are not likely to be Rezzed because that throws away the possible fight turning Ultimate unless it is determined that the teammate downed is worth the risk of using the Ultimate to bring them back right away.

Since Mass Rez can potentially turn a fight the Mercy has to consider its use carefully otherwise it could be reversed entirely. However, those considerations fall away when the goal is no longer good play or winning, but instead SR gain maximization (the SR Exploit) or the glorification of POTG. These two possibilities and possible perceptions of teammates are the issues of a problem not routed truly in Mass Rez, but instead the ability for passive play to be rewarded greatly.

Those reasons above are not reasons to throw away Rez nor Mass Rez, but instead fix Mass Rez because its use in the pursuit of victory creates natural controls on it to prevent SPAMing unlike the current single point Rez which is SPAMable, and thereby watered down to accommodate the SPAM which is not very thoughtful play.

OFC, to address the problems of the past and current I’ve noted to you Lithy a possible, but maybe messy and needs further critique Angelic Protection Concept.


The ONLY problem I see with this idea is Flankers. If the only way you can Rez them is IF you had healing on them recently. You have a Genji or Tracer who go off on their own, away from the team, and you don’t get a chance to heal them because they are always far away and relying on Health Packs (an in Genji’s case spamming “I need healing” while at full health). Same with Widowmaker and Hanzo, an to a lesser extent Soldier 76, being away from the front line in difficult to get to areas.


I think Mass Rez can be balanced and still be fun, but i think it needs “maintained preparation” to give a positive reason for Mercy to stay in the fight and not hide or let teammates die (or rather being perceived as doing so).

I propose an “Angelic Protection” stat applied to teammates through your beam (either one) that decays when you are not tethered to the teammate and decays faster if you are not with your team. It would have leeway between 100% applied to 70% applied to allow “Rezzability” which allows you to rotate through the team. Tanks would take longer to get to 70%, but would also take longer to drop back down to the 70% threshold while small health pool teammates take less time to reach 70% and drop back down to 70%.

Ideally this gives back the more “Heroic” Resurrection Ultimate while also preventing “Hide n’ Rez” and “Mercy let me die to get a huge Rez” sentiments.

I find Mercy is still fun in the base kit and rewarding there, but Rez has lost much of its thoughtfulness and Valkyrie reducing the need to make thoughtful prioritization of who you aid or if you use you Blaster it too is less thought because it can be SPAMed since it has no ammo limit.

I believe Mercy’s current “Q” and “E” work against thoughtful play and have been shoehorned into balance.


I’d say you’re not alone. I believe the rework was the result of a quick fix attempt to the issue of “Hide n’ Rez” which caused PR problems and I would say also caused problems for Mercy’s who didn’t want to play that way.

But, I don’t believe that Mass Resurrect should have been condensed to a single point, common ability as to make it balanced has reduced its meaning.

Hopefully they take all of that into consideration with any future changes.

Address the past problems and today’s dissatisfaction with better design maybe its OK if it means its a bit harder to do.

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That is a feeling I’ve had all to often, but I just ignore it for now in waiting for a better future while also chatting with you all to maybe find a solution its another issue entirely ofc to know if the devs see, but better to try is what I say.

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That is likely, but I’ll respond with logic nonetheless. Its all for a better Mercy in a better OW.

I too find Mercy’s basics (the Core Kit) to be fun, but the Ultimate and Rez I find to be more show and that fights are just as well won (and even better won) without their use.

I find Valkyrie is best used to fly from spawn or just for myself not the team.

Its a fairly selfish Ultimate.