Stop, leave Doomfist alone

Ok, I have to speak up for my boy now, you’ve been gutting him way too much recently, what do you have against him??

You literally just removed 16 fun techs that made his movement feel nice and fluid as a Tank, now he literally just feels like a cheap copy of Winston.


Leave, the hero, alone, stop making him less fun to play, why do you hate him so much? If you hate him that much just remove him.

So absurd bro…


As a Hog main, and somebody who posts on the forums.
I’d argue you’re going about it the wrong way.

Acting like a verbal roadblock that the devs will 100% ignore isn’t that useful.

Instead, the approach should be “Okay devs, I see that you are going in this direction, that’s fine, but if you’re going to do that, then this is how you do it properly to make those hero mains happy.”

do they even listen to us when we put it like this?


What they do??
Please tell me

I really want to feel sorry for you, but I can’t.
Doomfist should have never happened to begin with.


-GetQuakedOn, Sep 29, 2022
(https ://

bruh… im finna go back to roadhog

Did they nerf him again or something? Was there another balance patch?

Accept that it’s TIME FOR THE RECKONING.

He had a bunch of techs removed from his Seismic Slam.

OKAY let’s not get ahead of ourselves! this has suddenly become a top priority issue for me. i will now join the doom mains in protest of this change

we CANNOT afford more hog mains, blizz pls go back

from GQO:

tank doom is dead
stair slam / turn slam dont work.
about 16 - 18 techs / tech variants do not work anymore.

skill ceiling dropped a ton
hero is very boring to play
cant spot a good / bad doom if you see one

i’d rather see nerfs on abilities than killing his movement

(https ://


I do a little bit of trolling

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I was very disappointed to see this. Its not like Doomfist was OP or even very good with those techs.