Since Role Queue was added Sombra got a lot worst She feels horrible Clunky and slow and with this Buff/Rework I will try to fix just that.
General Changes:
- Base movement speed increased from 5.5m/s to 6m/s
- Stealth movement speed Increase will already take effect while cloaking and decloaking
Added Resource meter:
Resource Meter will start to drop as soon as Sombra starts Cloaking and stops only at the end of Decloaking, Sombra can freely go into and out of stealth as long as it does not hit 0%, When it hits 0% Stealth can not be used until its back to at least 40%, Taking DMG while in full Stealth will only shortly reveale you and you will automatically enter stealth right away again, If hit while Cloaking (This includes after automatically cloaking again after taking dmg because of Workshop limitations) You will be fully revealed you are however free to enter Stealth manually again.
Max Time in stealth: 15 Resources/s = 6.666…s
Time till Automatic Recharge starts: 2s
Max time to Automatic Recharge: 20 Resources/s = 5s
Stealth Speed: +50% = 9m/s
Adding Overcharge/Manual Recharge:
When Sombra does Dmg to a Hacked enemy She will gain Charge for her Resource meter The amount of Charge She gets is equal to the DMG/2, She can also Overcharge her Resource Meter to a Max of 200% Overcharge will Increase her stealth speed but the time for it to drop back to 100% is a lot faster as soon as the Resource Meter hits 100% again from Overcharging Stealth speed and Resource uses go back to Normal, If Overcharge isn’t used within 15s it will instantly be lost and go back to 100%.
Max Time in Overcharge: 40 Resources/s = 2.5s
Rate of Manual Recharge = Amount of DMG / 2
Stealth Speed: +100% = 12m/s
Time till Overcharge is lost: 15s
(Quality should improove soon)
Patch 1.1
Code: HMFN4
- Fixed a bug that gave you the base movement speed buff even after swapping of Sombra Found by @Cerburus437
- Fixed a bug that got the Resourcemeter to get stuck and double when swapping to another Hero and back Found by @Cerburus437
Patch 1.2a
- Stealth speed: +75% (10.5m/s)
- Max Overcharge: 150%
- Max Time in Stealth normal charge: 6s (12.5/s)
- Max Time in stealth Overcharge: 3s (12.5/s)
- Overcharge speed and Resource useage = Normal Stealth Speed Resource useage
- Overcharge can now be gained through unchacked enemies at 1/4 of the dmg done
Patch 1.2b
Code: Z0RPD
- Stealth speed: +60% (9.6m/s)
- Max Time at stealth normal charge: 6s (12.5/s)
- Max Time in Stealth Overcharge 2s (50/s)
Disclaimer: Because the Workshop as some limitations, Sombra’s speed can sometimes feel a bit awkward when cloaking and decloaking sadly this is as good as I could manage with the Workshop.
More balancing will also be needed cause I did not have the change to test this change in a 6vs6 environment. It also definitely still has bugs and errors So any kind of Feedback is welcome.
Forgot a “move” inbetween xD
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It does look like a great idea, I really don’t like permastealth so, this seems like a nice exchange.
Getting rid of perma-stealth would undo any buffs and put her back in garbage tier.
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A little bit of feedback on the stealth speed, for some reason theres a small bump at the beginning where Sombra will be moving at 13.5 meters per second instead of 9 this feels very weird and clunky, I’d say its just it thinking your in overcharge for half a second (still clunky) but its even faster than the speed in overcharge
Edit: now that I think about it might be that adding it so the cast time has the 50% boost might be causing it to do 6x1.5=9x1.5=13.5 and that the cast time already has it and it just doesnt feel like it does
Edit 2: Just tested the move speed buff for regular sombra truly does not apply during cast time however I have figured out where this bump occurs, it happens right when it stops casting and the regular effect take place
Edit 3: There’s also another bug its increasing everyones movement speed rather than just Sombra’s
Edit 4: I fixed it increasing everyones move speed just change the reset speed lines from Event player to players on hero
Nice SchWiniX thats awesome. I dont know if i like the overcharge because i’d prefer consistency in stealth speed. I would probably just go back to 75% speed boost.
Also could you make it so your team gets wall hacks on hacked targets and add the timer skull above them?
She is garbage tier already.
Perma stealth didnt add anything to Sombra she couldnt do before. Every Sombra player worth their salt will tell you that. If you just sit in stealth doing nothing, youre not contributing and leave your team 5v6. Stealth is a tool to get quickly undetected from point a to point b. Getting where you need to be faster is more important than the stealth duration.
Maybe make hack not break stealth if it’s not permanent. Idk
Yea it is and im aware of it the problem however I cound’t fix it I tried reducing the amount of time I give the speed boost for cloaking and decloaking that didn’t work tho cause somewhere they just change from giving 13.5m/s speed to reducing it to 6m/s for the same short period of time.
The cause for that is the tickrate of the OW servers basically the game updates either to late or to early.
Its one of the issues I meant with this.
Okey that im gonna fix real quick.
Edit: I do not have the same issue rn could you elaburate further?
Overcharge was just a random idea that popped into my head while making the normal manual recharge (Cause when I made it I didn’t regulate it to stop at 100% so it got further) and I made it into a thing cause I thought it would allow stealth to also be either a bit of an emergency tool and a hunting tool. How good it works ingame idk rn I think it would feel fun to use tho xD.
There are some limitations to that.
- I can make a skull over hacked enemies heads however they aren’t Sombra’s Skull thing.
- The only timer I could make would be a number displayed next to or on the skull
- I can make them see the skulls through the walls, however, as far as I know, we can’t create a wallhack like widow, Hanzo and Sombra use with the workshop.
Edit: I once did do something like this but not with the wallhacks or the timer but only the skulls gimmi a second.
That would be really furstrating and OP tbh
In this Rework Sombra gains alot of Mobility for loosing perma stealth so it should be fine.
It might be a bug with importing if its not occuring for you I managed to fix it myself by modifying the action from being event player to player playing sombra however
Hm guess its still limited for what we can do
Would you add those so at least we could get somewhat of an idea how it would feel if the real deal was there?
Also can you make translocator invulnerable to enemy damage again? Reverting all the unwarranted nerfs from the duration patch would feel really nice.
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So do you mean when a sombra starts to cloak everybody gains the speed.
or if your someone else and press shift the speed activates?
No sorry I made it confusing, I mean the flat speed buff of 5.5 to 6 is applying to all characters putting everyone but tracer and genji at 6 with tracer and genji being 6.55
Okey then it must be a importing issue because all the Heroes for me still run at 5.5 m/s
I dislike the resource for her stealth but the speed sort of feels good on Sombra
Perhaps a simple ms base speed would do the trick for her
I made this quite some time ago how I said its missing the timer and the wallhacks:
Not as far as I know Objects healths are bound to the Heroes health so I can’t edit a objects health without touching the Heroes health too.
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Ok I restarted it and than tried and the heroes were moving at regular speed, however I swapped to sombra and back and now all characters are moving the increased speed it seems the game thinks all characters should have sombra speed after you swap off of her
Ah okey that could be it I will fix that then.
But for some reason I can’t connect to the server rn…? I will do it as soon as I can.
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