šŸ‘¾ Sombra Buff/Rework [Workshop Included!]

Hm kay. I tested your new stealth an i really love how youre forced to think about rollouts again. :slightly_smiling_face:

I also like that you can replenish your recourse meter by shooting enemies. Getting the speed boost immediately feels very good as well.

Just wish you could reduce the cloaking animation, so it could be used as an escape tool.

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Big points for beeing actually the 1st one? so far who has actually included workshop example of howā€™d it look.

But iā€™d just see how the balancing goes in the future if they really did changed something.


I just wanta add that the resource bar stays put after you swap and doesnt increase or decrease just staying at what it was when you swapped off of her, additionally each time you swap off her and back on a new resource bar appears below it

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Itā€™s a good start but I still hope that hack should be replaced from scratch with something else.

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I really hope not that she gets reworked because of some whiners.
She is a hacker in theme and lore.


Hack is just the worst ability in the game to use. I just want to use something different and impactful instead of wasting time to land a hack for the 3rd time in a row.

I like your Rework, but I think Hack needs something too.
Maybe turn 25/50 of her Health into Shields (that are purple in color instead of blue)? If sheā€™s hacking someone with her shield health still up, to stop the hack theyā€™ll need to deal at least 25/50 damage to her. If sheā€™s hacking someone with her shieldā€™s gone, any amount of damage will stop the hack.
Thatā€™d make it easier to more consistently get off Hacks.

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Losing perma stealth has to be worthwhile to be a buff, and I dont think these numbers are a buff. Her meter has too much downtime, and what Sombra needs is less downtime between stealth runs.

Iā€™d recommend most of what you have with some slight changes:

  • 6.0 m/s movespeed, 50% during stealth
  • 0.5s cloak animation(down from 0.7), 50% movespeed buff from stealth applies during this animation
  • taking damage during stealth reveals you for a second, taking damage during your cloak animation cancels it
  • stealth uses 12.5% resource per second(8 seconds total) and recovers at 25/s(4 seconds), shooting hacked targets recharges your meter faster.

So a Sombra who goes in, hacks a target and lights them up a little could potentially have no downtime before she can recloak and go back in. This is what we want, less time wasted between stealth runs.


this version of sombra is x10 times better than the current one it adds a lot layers in her gameplay and feel smoother


Would theoreticaly be possible but I would need to disable her normal stealth ability and create a new one myself which has the drawback of loosing all the animation and coding normal steath has. So I donā€™t really wane do it.

Thanks for the info this is too getting fixed as soon as I can connect to the server again. I also found the problem with the speed basically im giving the speed when your Sombra but I donā€™t lock it to Sombra but to you as a Player. So I need to add a a Rule that removes your speed boost when your not Sombra additionaly to changing all ā€œEventplayerā€ to ā€œPlayer on heroā€.

I really donā€™t want them to remove either of the 3 base abilities in her kit. I am however brainstorming for another ult because I think we can be alot more creative then Base abiltiy * Radius

I thought about that alot too and I would really like it but its not possible for me to recreate it in the Workshop sadly.

Yess thats how i currently made in in the OP and the workshop mode.

I do have it so that it gives you the speed while cloaking and decloaking however I canā€™t reduce the cloak time in the workshop without recreating the whole ability from teh ground up with would also mean loosing the animation.

Exactly how it works rn in the workshop mode.

While the numbers are a bit diffrent currently in the workshop mode that how it works there too

Again that almost exactly how it works in my workshop mode.


Same. But knowing the consequences of buffing the hack, I just want it to be removed at all. Hack is such a clunky ability to use and also is too annoying to play against (and with). Itā€™s just donā€™t even worth brainstorming and must me replaced with something less hard to balance and play with/against.

If you consider reworking EMP, Iā€™d like to keep the barrier removing aspect. Thats different than hack which doesnt destroy barriers but just cancels abilities in general and i find it a necessity to have something like this ingame especially looking at the current meta where barriers are dominating.

I dont want Sombra to be an EMP bot like everyone else, but some aspects should be kept imo.


Perma-stealth was a change that no one asked for. It has not helped her become any stronger. It took away more than it gave (i.e. you cannot contest a point in stealth anymore, your speed boost is reduced, etc.).

All that change did was make it so you canā€™t buff stealth at all anymore and lower her skill floor while doing nothing to increase her potential/value. That change should be undone.


Dang i wish i could help you with the workshop coding, but iā€™m completely clueless.

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My thats one way to look at it I myself however think that if they just would fix the endless amount of buggs there are with LOS of hack it would work alot better. And I donā€™t think we even need to buff current hack atleast not over its 6s version so it should be fine.

But thats a personal Opinion everybody probably has some diffrent viewpoints on this.

Im mainly searching for Ideas that keep this however I also keep ideas that remove that aspact with the idea in mind that they could give an ability thats strong against barrier but not against normal health to another Hero.

Itā€™s quite easy once you get the hang of it. You need some really basic knowledge in maths and Physics and a bit of time.
Iā€™m the best example, I donā€™t have any experience in coding whatsoever but still thaught it myself by try and error and reading the descriptions they give you for every step. If you really donā€™t understand something there are youtube Clips and so on. And even now I still fine new Conditions and Actions I have not known before but could have really used.

Really the workshop looks alot scarier than it really is.

The thought counts in the end so thank you xD

Fixed everything as far as I know Patchnotes + the new code are in the OP

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No changes to hack?

Itā€™s a nice idea either way. Reminds me of TF2 spy.

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I think hack really only needs a whole load of Bugfixes to fix the massive amount of clunky los bugs.
I like the ability and while it may be frustrating I want to keep it. I, however, am brainstorming Ideas for a new ult that should either work completely different or at least keep the shield breaking part. I just think we can get alot more creative then Hack * radius + Shield break.


Maybe some kind of virus type of deal?
Instead of a straight disable you can steal enemy effects to your advantage? Like healing effects from the enemy team target your team as well.

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free scouting during regroups.
Free scouting/manuvering for staging an attack
Free ms for coming back to the fight without really sacrificing a CD.
Free scouting/ult farm at the enemy spawn. We saw pros do this. Sit in stealth near the enemy spawn shoot them in their backs and traslocate back to their team, by the time the enemy team reaches them they will be in stealth again looking for angles around them.

But I think the change might be interesting. Not really sure what problem does it solve with Sombra really, but interesting design anyway.

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Yeah since people cry about it a alot we leave it alone and dont make it more frustrating. However it shouldnt be touched in any negative fashion either.

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