Neither this idea nor the Workshop mode are made with 1-3-2 in mind this is solely based on 2-2-2 and 2-2-2- balance. Because 1-3-2 is as said by Jeff himself not likely to go live anytime soon.
This is a Sombra “rework” (Probably not big enough to call it a rework) idea that I already made a post and a Workshop mode about back in September 2019 However with the new experimental mode and the changed balance since then in mind. I remade it better and IMO more Balanced.
Base movement speed increased from 5.5m/s to 6m/s
Cooldown reduced from 6s to 5s
Stealth loses its infinite duration and its cooldown. Both of those are now controlled by a resource meter.
Resource drain rate: 12.5%/s (8s max duration)
Resource regen rate: 25%/s (4s max recharge)
Time till Resource regen starts: 2s
Drain on hit (In stealth): 50% once
Speedboost during Stealth +50%
Speedboost now also applies during both cloaking and decloaking
Speedboost during cloak and decloaking may feel clunky if your ping is higher than ~50ms
First of I’m not sure if this Passive is actually a good idea I know it’s fun but I’m not sure if it’s balanced also I didn’t put too much effort into the script so there is a few things that shouldn’t be but are (for example the Teleport is depending on where you look at. or there some places to glitch out of map)
When Sombra finishes her Stealth cast and stats in front of a wall She will be teleported through the wall if it’s less then about ~3.5m wide and there is something she can stand on. The video should explain this best: Stealth Phase - YouTube
Workshop + Guide
First of Ws codes:
Code Normal: 1K3WM
Code With Phase: 6VV6V
Secondly here is a guide on how to change some of the stats easily even if you aren’t used to the workshop Guide - YouTube
The stats you can change easily are:
Resource Drain rate in %
Base movement speed in [m/s]
Added stealth speed in %
Time till regen starts in [s]
Resource drain rate in [%]
How much % of dmg should be added to Resource meter
Max Overcharge in [%]
Resource drain on hit [%]
Changes not is WS
Timed skull over hacked enemies
Teleporting with TL does not stop active reload
These changes should reduce Sombra’s downtime a lot while also allowing her to play more aggressively. A lot of this was a thing back when Stealth still was limited but after they removed that She became more boring this changes IMO fixes this together with her biggest issues of downtime.
Share your Feedback
As the title says I hope you can give me honest feedback on this and leave your own ideas to this or other Sombra changes I’m happy to create some of them if they are possible in the Workshop / my skill level!
Base and TL buffs are fine. Stealth on a RM is good, but she needs her +75% speed back if she has short invis times again. Overcharge is probably to much. Phase is to easy to abuse i think.
I wouldn’t put the passive because I think it’s easy to bug the game… I’d stick with the opportunist tbh
As for the rest, I gotta test… Can’t play today but I’ll test it tomorrow and see how it feels
I agree with Phase it could be abused.
Overcharge is a side thing to make it a bit more complex and interesting but I can see it being to much.
for the +50% speed remember that old limited speed was 5.5+75%=9.625 and with this change, it would be 6+50%=9 with 75% it would be 10.5. You can try how it feels with the help of the guide video where I put it to 75%.
It shouldn’t replace opportunist it would coexit with it so a second passive.
But I agree that is prob to wonky to be implemented its fun but thats all.
So what i figured is that “phase” allows her to take short cuts and reduce downtime even further. Which i wasnt really thinking about at first glance. Its a great change.
Mh I just think Sombra shouldn’t run faster then Hammond can roll.
And even with 9m/s she can make quite the distance. So if we really want to increase it maybe we should start lower? Maybe at 66.666% so we get en even 10m/s.
Sorry for my always late replies have a lot to do rn but here are two codes with adjusted speed:
66.666% = JAF23 (Just so it gives an even 10m/s)
75% = HWW42
so I tested it and this is how I feel (the original 9m/s)
Invisibility kinda gets wasted when declocking because it wastes the same ammount of resource even when you’re not invisible. It makes sense that it wastes some since you’re still faster than normal, however, it should waste less since you’re not using the ability in its full essense since you’re not invisible just yet. Same with trying to get into invisible although that one feels less of an issue for some reason
Phase is definitely not going through. Although the concept was interesting, is pretty bad that you can only do it while casting invis and not whenever you want, might be balance thing which would make sense but problem 2 comes out of nowhere - YouTube
you can get into enemy spawn lmao
this is… not good… I guess
imagine killing zen who was on the right door of hanamura just waiting lmao
As for the rest, invis feels better, it seemed bigger than what it actually is, you could consider a very small buff that comes in handy, same with translocator. All small buffs that won’t make sombra op, but it definitely feels better playing her (at least against bots because i’m lonely PepeHands)
The main reason I did not change the Drain in cloak and decloak is:
I don’t want to add too much complexity to the fairly easy to understand the concept of a resource meter it could lead to confusion of players that don’t care too much about the depth of the game and how different abilities work.
I could, however, make a new Stat that can be adjusted to change the drain during cast so everybody could change the drain themself and test it like most of the other stats (Check the Workshop + Guide tab to see how and what can be adjusted easily). But I would need to do that tomorrow evening (CET) to late right now.
Probably not its a fun and cool concept if I can say so myself but it would be to much work to implement.
Exactly I thouth that would add some risk and managment skill to it. I think if you can use it whenever you want in Stealth even if it has its own cooldown it would be pretty op.
Yea there are currently some problems with it because I was lazy when implementing it what it does currently is just checking whenever you’re close to a wall (and looking at it), if you are it will place a virtual point 3 meters away from you in viewing direction and then search for a walkable space (Which also includes spawns and out of map “walkable places”) around that virtual point in a 2.5m radius. If this would be implemented properly there would need to be either out of bound checks or all “walkable places” outside of maps would need to be manually removed. Well and ofcourse there would need to be some kind of block for spawns but that’s probably the least painful.
Goal mostly achieved then I guess. This is intended to be a small buff overall that aims at making her more fun to play while also reducing downtime. While also not triggering a new Sombra nerf wave at the same time.
Here is the code with the added stat of “drain during cloak and decloak” I have it on 6.25(%)/s on default. Personaly I think it feels a bit akward I rather have it on either 0 or the full 12.5.
You can change the number the same way most of the other stats can be changed its the last action in the “INI (stats)” rule.
Code: 17Q7P
Probably should not be 0 tho because you could set up a macro that spams your Stealth key to and get the 9m/s benefit for no resource costs.
Feels better but i noticed spamming it sometimes bugs the code and makes you run at the slow speed of cloacking for a short time probably because the code is conflicting with the vanilla game, i still don’t know about having it in no cooldown… I feel like 1sec Cooldown would make it more counterable and at the same time have a bit of conciousness of what you’re doing instead of spaming shift hopefully you’ll get out with the extra speed
yeah, that’s why 1 sec cooldown could be good too but no cost for speed movement seems very good. That’s why i sometimes would rather have less cast time than making that cast time better
I don’t know what to say, nice try doing changes with the workshop, i had fun with it and hope you can do more for other heroes.
You have my support
(why isn’t there an option to follow people’s posts yet)
These are just bugs that I didn’t manage to squash.
This is why I personaly like it more on full drain even during cast this way it can’t be abused and you can just take the cast instead of the Cooldown this way there is a 1.4s timeframe between stealth uses in which you are rather heavily punished if hit. Dva, for example, has a Cooldown because it has no cast and could be spammed. Sombra’s, on the other hand, couldn’t be spammed while also being punished if you just spam the button (by simply getting hit during cast)
Thanks. By the way there is the Option to bookmark posts atleast.