Dear Sombra Mains

Take power away from hack and EMP and give her more of an actual kit.

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They’ve done that over and over. All it’s done is make her more inconsistent and unreliable each time.


She can’t be buffed while hack/emp exist. These are very underrated abilities and imo one of the most powerful in the game.

She’s always going to be underpowered or overpowered and if she is ever overpowered I truly think she might be worse than Genji now.

Those suggestions were thrown around and around so many times again and again…

The tp cooldown could be shorter so you can use it more to jump around.
Also invis sprint speed faster. After the rework it still feels like running under watter.
Extend the sprint speedboost to cover cloaking/decloaking period.
Maybe decloak shorter? She’d feel more fluid, but it’d probably be anoying to play against.
Add like 10 dmg treshold to her abilities.
Maybe maker her a bit quieter.
Improve the visual effect of hacked heroes, maybe add a voiceline for a succesfull hack.

But I don’t think these would make her more “viable”, just more fluid and fun to play. You can make her work as she is, you just have to get the timing right and get in the moment they can’t afford to pay attention to you.

If you really wanted to push her into better numbers you could do things like have Hack cancel Inspire, make the TP indestructible again, make hack last longer and give her like… 20 more ammo or +1 dmg.

Another option could be to tighten her hitbox or make her stance not so wide and give her 6 m/s movement speed like Genji / Tracer have.

She could have in the past and was used as an ult-bot exclusively by abusing this.

Do you sell paper???

There are also topics like this:

Also @Somvra made a few topics in the past

Also let’s not forget this thread


No just plastic, cuz it’s fantastic.

I don’t get your post though, what does this mean?

The first thing she needs is the sugarskulls on hacked targets. Maybe even show them as purple through the walls. Heck, make the whole hacked character purple!
Another thing would be to add some X amount of damage to interrupt the hack. Just to keep the stray bullets and such from interrupting it.

They could also give her a voiceline for the hack. Much like Echo will tell you which character she copied.

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The biggest issue for the rest of the ladder is that Sombra relies on teammates making up for the difference in firepower and requires a stupidly aggressive tank line and other DPS, and that’s just unreasonable for most of the ladder. Fixing this in a way that doesn’t cause problems in T500 is gonna require an extensive rework, and I’m honestly not sure the best solution is gonna come from someone who likes the current kit.


Lol you think silencing > hard disable like Mei?

Earth shatter, McFlashbang, sleep dart and Mei freeze/blizzard has the same effect.

You want to try again?

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old translocator

  • 20 sec
  • unbreakable
  • 4 sec cooldawn

old stealth


make some changes like this

  • now on resources - 1 sec without stealth = + 1 sec in stealth
  • max time 6 sec
  • 75% speed
  • no collision sound
  • can contest
  • no cooldawn beetween use
  • cannot be interrupted if incoming damage was less than 5 dmg ( Sombra will Shine a little but won’t come out of stealth )


  • cast time 0.8 sec
  • duration 6 sec
  • no cooldawn if it canceled
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You can’t base a hero’s entire kit around people being 6 stacked, all in comms, coordinating together. It’s not realistic.

She needs a kit that gives her independence and not full team reliance to ever be viable. Period.

Revert Translocator and Stealth to their pre-infinite states. (Which includes unbreakable Translocator and faster speed during Stealth)

Get rid of the 2 sec cooldown nonsense and/or revert the LoS checks.

EMP can stay as it is I guess.

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Then let’s add 2 second cooldown “interruptions” to every other hero in the game so things will be more “fair”.

A revert. :crossed_fingers:

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So 0 counterplay for hack? Yeah sure! Why not?

No. A rework. Hack is too controversial ability to balance. It’s too frustrating to play against and clunky to play with it even in middle-viable state.

Widow can one-shot any hero that isn’t a Tank with crazy range. Hog (a Tank btw) can one-shot any hero that isn’t a Tank by just walking up to them. Mercy can revive. Mei can freeze. Several heroes in the game can stun. But disabling abilities with an inconsistent targeted ability that takes forever to get off is controversial.

Not all heroes rely on their abilities. You can still shoot, you can still back up. Hack isn’t as detrimental as you’re making it out to be. She was better in her original iteration.

that would make tank player rage quit lol

imagine keep hacking your enemy rein so your team rein can free shatter their whole team…

yeah not bad idea

but it also should not as easy to interupt it, maybe 20 damage cap before it got cancelled? so no random dva bullets from accros map cancel it