Sombra possible buffs/nerfs :)

~ Sombra possible changes ~

Some people say Sombra is OP, most people say she’s weak. Based in my few hours with her, i made these changes. ~ hope u like it c:

- Weapon -

She is not supposed to fulfill the DPS role, but since Role Lock she lost a bit of power because she’s basically -1 DPS, being a Off-Support.
I would slighty buff it to make her 1v1 potential more consistent, since she basically needs to one-clip someone before the enemy team kills you.


2.4–8 >>> 2.5-8.5*
-Falloff range:
15 to 35 meters
-Spread angle:
Max: 2.7 degrees >>> 2.5*
-Rate of fire:
20 rounds per second
-Reload time:
1.5 seconds >>> 1.2*

- Hack -

Hack is already a strong ability if correctly used and followed up by your team.


-Hack now has a temporizer just like health packs.
-Immortality field’s blue effect is disabled, to make it visibly easier to not target.
-Opportunist also triggers for your allies when the enemie is hacked (its color being light purple).
-Damage required to break:
0,1 >>> 5


-Casting time:
0.65 >>> 0.75

- Stealth -

Makes infiltrations very easy, but the uncloak is loud and stealthing/unstealthing time is big.


-Casting time (stealthing/unstealthing):
0.8 >>> 0.6
-Damage required to break:
0,1 >>> 5
-Sound effect and voiceover distance
15 meters >>> 12 meters

- Translocator -

Versatile movement ability that is commonly used to get out of danger or EMP. Its agressive playstyle (not putting it on top of a health pack) was recently nerfed by its 6 second cooldown.


6 seconds >>> 4 seconds
Immediatily resets its cooldown after EMP.


The cooldown only starts when it touches the ground.

- EMP -


-Casting time:
0.65 >>> 0.5
-Opportunist also triggers for your allies while the enemies are hacked (light purple color)


-Zarya now gain no energy when the barrier pop, but its target will not be affected by EMP.

I’m not high level or rank so it may be very unbalanced.
English is not my main language, so sorry for the clerical errors.

~this is my first post and i have social anxiety disorder (literally dying here)

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The only thing I think sombra needs is a buff to her gun. Hack is already powerful and theres no need for her invisibility to be changed either. Sombra is being slept on because of how crucial communication is with EMP but once people do communicate she becomes really, really good. However you cant make her gun too good or she will basically become a doomfist/mei situation and we’ll fall into a sombra meta.

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imo the change i think sombra needs the most is a change to how quickly her ult charges. if it charged quicker she would be able to shine more as a snowbally character. i dont think her damage should be buffed because I think then we would have a baptiste situation where the character is too well rounded.

i know communication can almost double her potential but it just doesnt exist on quickplay/lower ranks and not everybody can speak (thats why i made the opportunist thingy) the weapon buff was to make she fulfull her dps role better :slight_smile:

I don’t think Sombra needs a buff to either her Gun, Hack or EMP

All are already Powerfull enought/Don’t need to be stronger besides some QoL changes.

Her Current Casttime is about 0.65 when tested in WS.
But instead of Shortening it I would give her the Speedboost of Stealth already when casting.

With the rest im mostly fine tho I don’t really think its the optimal thing she needs

So what I would do is simply reduce her Downtime with Mobility changes

  • Speed increase of stealth starts when cloaking and only stops after decloaking. (As mentiond before)
  • tl doesn’t cancel an active reload
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so what are u going to do about hit and run sombras. sombra getting away scot free shouldnt be a thing. isn’t exactly fun to play against. u can litterally play brain dead and get away with stuff you shouldnt? i just want to know ur opinion on this because everyone says its not a problem but yet everyone complains about it.


thats basically her only purpose right now, ult to win the fight. almost every game you’re unnable to do more and i think thats really sad

Might want to redo your rework thread. With the experimental card in the works for more “crazy” changes, it might get more serious attention from the devs if it gets enough support now.

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Maybe been thinking about redoing the code anyway.

there are lots of things that can scare a sombra away or even kill her, mccree flashbang, hanzo arrows, road’s hook (most cc abilities and hitkill) if a sombra dies shes not building ult the same if she translocates away (and the hack nerf give more time to react and possibly kill her)

Yeah no
Making it it require 10 dmg to break back and 5 for stealth removes alot of counter play options to sombra with certain heroes.
I say keep them the same and add in some not all the buffs

These are indeed some of the biggest issues with her. You either have her hit and runs not do an awful lot and turn her into sort of an EMP bot as is currently the case or you make a lot of people justifiably angry. Her playstyle is at the root of her problems.


it was just to make it more consistent since literally everything cancels hack/stealth (a dva firing through the map for example)
maybe reduce hack to-break-dmg to 5? :thinking:

Legit why I mentioned it.
You are effectively cutting out a big counter to sombra and this will effectively make her really powerful in the right scene

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Its a semi-rework. Stealth will lose infinite duration in favor of a rcourse meter based system, more speed and not being cancelable mid usage to make it a viable escape option mid battle.

(:space_invader: Sombra Buff/Rework [Workshop Included!]

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sorry i didn’t realise you were talking to him/her

That’s a little too much, but I agree that her gun needs a buff. Stealth and TL have never been a problem and fiddling with them will continue to do nothing for her. She needs to be a more reliable DPS now that role queue is here, although a direct dmg buff is pobably not needed. Less spread and/or looking at her falloff (but NOT +20 meters!) seems to be a good idea.

Makes less sense than current. Zarya should be a full hard counter to Sombra in the first place. Her bubble should logically block the affects of EMP entirely.

the way i view this is like tracer. u can see those things coming. not really hard to dodge if ur good at this which u should be if ur going to play sombra/tracer at least. like at least when i play her, i just get greedy cuz i feel like i can get away with it (only in qp tho) in rank i play more safe, ult to win style.

yea i was thinking of removing translocate with something else movement wise. make her be apart of the fight rather than a hack and run and let ur team handle it.