Tbh the only good way that i’ve seen yet to move Sombra into the Support category. And thats comming from Someone that really doesn’t like the idea (mainly because I hate the idea of Hacking Teammates/Transporting Healthpacks which are the more popular ideas out there cause they just don’t fit imo)
There are still some problem manly with her Clunkyness and downtime. That could be fixed with Buffs/Reworks (Very shameless self-advertising)
I think the Healing passive could end up causing some problems tho it’s probably hard to balance around the other Healers. Like its probably really could with someone that has mass healing like Moria, Brig or Lucio but I don’t think it has to much value with Mercy, Zen, and Ana. So having a Sombra is basically just a buff as if having buffed your other healer as long as its a mass healer.
Im kinda scared that it encourages the Sombra 76 playstyle instead of a more flank heavy one but it could be changed accordingly