Should Dva get ult charge from matrix?

Dva is in a good spot right now but she just can’t seem to jump in to tank metas. She’s only good for certain situations and can be risky to use as she can be the downfall to a fight.

So I wanted to give her a buff so that she can have some threat without giving her a whole new ability.

What if for every damage she takes in she gets some ultimate charge off of it?

Of course she won’t gain ult charge for every single pebble of damage because that would be overpowered.

But what if there was a certain amount to give her some percentage. So let’s say every 25-50 damage she eats she gains about 0.2-0.5% of ultimate charge.

This would give her more options to get her ultimate off which is dva’s most threatening ability, which will cause the enemy team to play more smarter when fighting Dva, making her a threat as a tank.

This would make her a viable tank pick against hit scan characters or characters who do a lot of damage.

Characters like bastion, pharah, or junk rat can be countered more easier with dva. It’ll be up to the player on when to shoot and not to. This also leaves skill for Dva players to know when to use her defense matrix.

Some may say that Dva already has enough value when she can eat ultimates, but never bring up sigma?

Sigma and Dva nearly have the same amount of time when holding up their abilities, Dva is just a little bit longer.

They both eat damage and ultimates except sigma gains shields from it when Dva doesn’t gain anything from it. This essentially just makes Dva pointless compared to sigma except that she can dive.

It’s confusing when Dva’s main tank ability is about deleting large damage projectile wise, except sigma can do the same thing while having many other abilities.

So it seems like a rather odd point to add if sigma gets two rewards while Dva only gets one.

As I state in all my posts, I’m not a balancing professional, so if you see any holes in my concept or if you’d like to add your input. Let me know!

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The biggest difference between Sigma’s and’s matrix abilities is that can turn her’s on or off as she needs it. can choose the damage she eats.

Sigma’s is just used all at once, then is on a longer cooldown than’s even if they both used it all at once and waited for the recharge.

Sigma may get beefier from using, but only if he actually blocks a good amount of damage.’s matrix is way more flexible.

1 Like’s also sticks out in a cone in front of her. She can eat thing going at someone to her side. Sigma has to be in front of the person to eat things.

no, have you not seen the noobhunter clip where someone ate 4 ults?

they ate grav, dragon, mei and (i forgot the last one) SOMEONE.

dva is fine idk what else they can buff tbh.

her dam is good and so is her ult, like legit shes is in a perfect state.

they just need to nerf shields a lil so she has more value i think. (aka trade shields for dva bomb and maybe put a cooldown on the shields if they break.

Well, how they redesign health packs.

Such that if a Tank picks up any healthpack, that they get a temporary regen buff that goes away if they give or receive 1 damage. And it heals them at a rate of however much health they still have missing divided by ten, for the next ten seconds.

Dvas fine after her last buff imo, her problem is that her skill floor is just higher than most of the playerbases skill level

They all try to play her like a worse Winston or sigma instead of playing to what Dvas actually good at.

Dvas who actually know where to be at the right time and use matrix, missiles, boosters, and her ult effectively are scary, we don’t need to buff them so people who aren’t willing to improve can have an easier time.

Yeah, shields are a problem and I think she would be a lot better if it were nerfed. I just wanted to bring an idea to the table that I thought of for a while.

But I’m gonna be honest, to have Dva eat 4 ultimates is an extremely rare thing. That’s like saying mei freezing an entire team because they did a conga line is broken and she doesn’t need buffs/changes (not that I’m advocating for any) it just kinda blocks off criticism or ideas even though it’s an extremely rare thing ( and the enemy teams fault )

would be annoying as ball, playing tank is already a nightmare and then i would just not use healthpacks then.

This would be in addition to the existing health gained from the Healthpack.

Imagine say this applied to all heroes:

So Soldier at 50hp, gets a 75hp healthpack, and is missing 75hp.
So the rate of heal is 75hp/10sec = 7.5hps
And full healed after 10sec

So at 50hp, gets a 75hp healthpack, and is missing 475hp.
So the rate of heal is 475hp/10sec = 47.5hps
And full healed after 10sec

D.Va can have ult charge from Matrix. If Reaper can have his life steal back and be made a tank buster again. Also she can have her ult charged by Matrix, if Sombra get’s reworked/buffed to be viable again. I am not against it, but I am still salty about how there are a lot of characters on here sitting in a dumpster when I think all should be allowed to be viable one way or another.

Definitely not. And I say that as a DVA player.

DVA is in a great spot rn, leave her alone.

No. Hell no. Straight to the bottom of HELL TO THE NO. That would be like saying “should supports get ult charge off self damage” No that would give Dva so much ult charge for free. Unless they cut her ult generation in half then it wouldn’t ever be fair.

Why in the world would health packs need to be changed? It seems like you want overwatch to be an entirely different game.

As such, I’d suggest you just make a hero shooter yourself.

Also true,’s matrix is significantly larger than Sigma’s, making it much more viable for saving people other than yourself

Because healthpacks weren’t designed with Tanks in mind, and devs need to convert DPS players into Tank players.

As for design, I do decently well.

Actually, how were health packs not designed with tanks in mind? You say this as if it’s a fact rather than a speculation

I don’t see any reason why the developers wouldn’t have taken tanks into consideration when designing them considering health packs and tanks both launched with the game.

How about I simplify that then.

The lack of teammate reliance given by healthpacks is a big part of why DPS players don’t want to play Tank.

That doesn’t sound simplified, that sounds like a dodged question

The highest tank hp has always been, while the lowest tank hp has only recently changed very majorly with Sigma(still the same amount but less shield hp). Health packs definitely took their hp amounts into consideration.

And while less damage can be blocked than launch, healing has increased drastically

I think if they want to keep barriers at super low hp, they need to increase heals more to keep dps in check and reduce the amount of burst damage in the game. Ana needs to go to 80 heals a shot, Moira back to 80 heals a second, and Bap at 70. Lucio heal aura needs to do 25 passive heals and 60 amped, Mercy could go to 65 heals, Brig inspire goes back the way it was before it got nerfed and pack takes half the time it does now to reach target and heal them, and Zen orb goes to 40 heals per second. Or rework Moira to have a way to boost the other healer’s healing to give her some utils while removing the bonus healing from anti nade (but keeping 100 burst healing)

Would you prefer something like this, given in a 2018 interview?

Where they realized Tank playstyle desirability was a problem.