💀 Real reason this Reaper change is wrong

If doesn’t do enough to make him better at high ranks, and it does too much to make him better at low ranks.

I think something like this would be a much better fit for benefiting him at high tier, without obliterating lower tiers.


  • Hellfire Shotguns
    • Damage reduced by -2 against armor, instead of -3.
  • ShadowStep
    • Disappearing is nearly instant and invulnerable.
    • Reappearing is unchanged.

Makes him better against tanks.
And it makes him able to use Wraith as an approach tool, announcing his presence in a way that won’t feel unfair.
Then do some damage, maybe get a kill or two. And if no enemies are nearby, he can use ShadowStep to escape at an offangle from ranged enemies. Or teleport behind a friendly tank or a highheals healer. Or pray the enemy team doesn’t notice.

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They seem to have been doing that a lot lately… Smh

Blizzard wants him as a goats counter.

If Reaper can get in, do better damage, then escape. He would be a pretty strong GOATs threat.

And that top change seems insignificant, but it raises his bodyshot damage vs Armor, from 80 damage, to 100 damage. (Currently 60 on Live).

But he needs to stay longer in the fight to actually get a pick. He has to fight against barriers, matrix , Zarya bubbles, Shield bash and S-ton of healing.

More damage, more health regen.

30% of 70 damage is 21heal
50% of 80 damage is 40heal
30% of 100 damage is 33heal

Which is probably close enough.

we just wanted better mobility for reaper and they added this irrelevant change

That’s only relative to armor. Once he gets to regular health it’s no longer comparable.

Perhaps, but if they just boost it overall. Then Reaper is too strong against non-tank heroes.

Which was the problem with season 1 McCree, and Brig. Is that they were too strong against heroes they weren’t intended to be strong against.

Your change will make him weaker in low and high tiers than the 50% lifesteal.

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I don’t think so because Reaper has the same low range as before. The most efficient way to kill a Reaper is to shoot at him at a distance and position yourself in a way where he has no easy access to. You just need dps to peel for the tanks. Or you play mobile tanks and just don’t let him brawl with you

I think you underestimate the power of doing 67% more damage to armor, having self heals vs Armor halfway between Live and PTR, and having excellent mobility and escape.

That’s why is so critical that Reaper have a strong approach tool to get into his effective range, and then be able to get away without dying.

That’s a flanker design, but blizzard wants him as a tank buster

Mobility is king in high tiers, if you haven’t noticed.

And if Reaper can’t get into his effective range without feeding, then he’s kinda useless.
(Unless the entire team pockets him to get into position).

Either way, higher ranks are much better at kiting than lower ranks.

That’s blizzards thought process. You pick Reaper against goats and the enemy can swap to range to counter the reaper. They don’t want Reaper to be a generalist who is useful in any situation

Flip that around.

What’s the point of buffing Reaper to counter GOATs, if you basically need a GOATs comp with one substitution to support him against GOATs?
🐐 [Reaper] Will he become a GOAT?

It entirely defeats the purpose of doing a buff.

You can run Sombra Reaper to counter it.

I think your proposed changes would actually be worse for the low and high ranks. Buffing shadowstep, but what counters it (and still would) is awareness.
And Reaper would also be way worse at fighting tanks than other tank busters.

Buffing the lifesteal was a great idea, now Reapers can finally be secure within their own range if they’re fighting a tank. Considering how difficult it is for Reaper to get close, that’s fair. It also buffs his ultimate, which was terrible before.

Still sounds a lot like babysitting Reaper into he gets into an effective range.

He’d still need a Rein and a Lucio at a minimum, in addition to that.