🦉 Great news for OWL

PTR patch is confirmed going to be the one played for OWL.



They will not play reaper xd. Goats will be the meta and the new reaper will destroy the low ranks.



Well, who knows, they could surprise us with a last minute, proper Reaper buff :slight_smile:

Or it’s just going up be Ironclad Bastion all over again, but it will stay in the OWL patch.

To temper everyone’s expectations, Overwatch League caster MonteCristo had this to say:


Put the hero ban system on pro league and the owl will be a lot more fun.

Who knows, maybe Reaper,Rein,Zarya,Brig,Lucio,Moira will be the new meta?

ReapOATs? ROATs?


Not sure why this is “great news” just yet. This, for all we know, could force an even more stale meta of hero dominance. We all know Blizzard isn’t quick to react to their mistakes thus far.

The fact that they’ve committed this untested PTR patch to their “professional” eSports is more concerning to me than anything. It just more solidifies in my mind they don’t know how to run an eSport. :unamused:


Because regardless what happens, it’s going to be interesting.

sadly its still goats, d.va will still have an 100% pickrate pretty much(according to jayne) so it doesnt change too much but it is an improvement

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I personally am not a fan of the ban system for the health of the overall game. However, that is my opinion.

Also here are past comments from Game Director Jeff Kaplan about why the development team believes why a ban system is not the best solution for Overwatch:

Source: Overwatch Forums

Source: Overwatch Forums


Yeah, but he also says the solution to less Dva is a slightly different Dva.

Without acknowledging that people would just run BOTH of those two tanks…

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Besides which if they really want GOATs dead, all they need to do is weaken Lucio/Brig synergy.

I.e. Make it so aura heals don’t stack.

Then compensate Brig with a regen or something.

Honestly, I think the way this will all end up is that Brig is either going to be totally removed or completely reworked. She’s gonna get so nerfed she won’t be useful for anything but Goats (arguably she might be there now) and then nerfed more to kill Goats. At that point, she really has to be reworked.

Their healing is not the issue. 30 healing a second on the team is not an issue. You may as well just make Brigitte a DPS hero

It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. Looking forward to it.

You might be right, but you gotta admit it would weaken GOATs.

Taking away Reinhardt’s shield would also weaken Goats. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for the game.


Do you think Lucio+Brig is common as a doublehealer comp?

Guess we wont be seeing any tanks in ladder

Good for OWL i guess , thanks for ruining the game for us, the actual players


If only they had some system where Tanks could be reliably assured of getting 2 Healers on their team…
