Is Overwatch a dead game?

Im just saying that I felt in this cause’ of the lore. I didn’t say that lore is good right now.

Na even friends are toxic sometimes, they even don’t want to switch for you. But it depends who your friends are.

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I think the main problem with Overwatch is that some of it’s features are inherently toxic.

Primarily, deciding who gets to play each Role.

Here’s my attempt at fixing that:

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any real interest on this post die there

I have actually seen your posts before and these are some great ideas. But let’s be honest here, how does blizzard even know what to even change sometimes? For example, people have been asking for skill improvements for reaper cause he is slow in terms of mobility. But instead, they have been buffing his lifesteal instead which is good but it doesn’t give him an edge in mobility.

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Well, sometimes I see changes ingame that are pretty similar to something I posted…

For instance, “Let’s reduce Mercy HPS to 50, do a healer balance pass, then focus on buffing underpowered heroes, such as giving bastion reverse spread, a wider beam sym, and make Roadhog’s hook pull sooner, disable momentum, have better shotgun spread pattern, and reduce the hook cooldown. Oh and here’s a fun picture of Krampus Junkrat in a Santa Suit.”
Coincidences, right :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, for Reaper stuff, I got ideas:

Declining not dead. Dead is Lawbreakers or Battleborn


Something that really worries me lately is how bad the matchmaking has gotten in QP and arcade. You’d always get the occasional game where someone much higher or lower than everyone else slipped in, but now that happens in almost every game I play.

Private profiles mask a lot of this, but there’s usually 2 or 3 open profiles per game, and I’ve seen bizarre stuff like a 4200 sr player playing with me at 2900 and another person at 1100. It’s like the game can’t handle a lower pool of players to chose from and is just jamming anyone together to get a match going. There’s no way our hidden MMR thinks we’re similar players.

Needless to say that match was awful.

Its not dead, but its certainly sinking.

I want the game to be good again, but I just dont want to invest myself in a game thats so self destructive.

Seems like you need different friends.

kinda. seems like most people have quit.

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200k people watching OWL which is higher than LCS(LOL) right now, So the game is probably not dead

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Lol no it won’t. People have been saying this crud for as long as the game has been out. I think these people are the kind of people that constantly think the sky is falling the moment there is any drama whatsoever. Overwatch will be fine, and I’ll be here to tell you I told you so in 2026.

No. It’s not.

However, reading conspiracy theories on the forums is proven to decrease enjoyment.

Agreed, Blizzard have screwed it.

Can you find games when searching for one? Yes.
So is it dead? No.

I wish people would stop throwing this phrase around.

Hey everyone. Here we are nearly 5 months later still talking about this “dead game” people were speculating over back in February.

KISA… why bump this cold case?

Don’t know about the game, but this thread sure was ,at least until now.


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