šŸ [Reaper] Will he become a GOAT?

If Reaper stays as the is, you know the dominant strategy for a lot of skill tiers, is going to be hard pocketing the Reaper.

And you know what that means?
2 Tanks, TripleHealer, and a Reaper.

Will Reaper become that which he was meant to destroy?


With Reaper is already true in the lore, now we shall see if it happens in the meta I guess


Now I want a goat skin for Reaperā€¦

He can become a goat if he goes with someone that can take care of the snipers.

Iā€™m calling it, Beyblade is going to come back in some form. With a stronger Lucio Speed Boost, NanoReaper is going to tear through things.


Buffing his self healing is all good and all, but it wonā€™t fix his fundamental issues which is initial engagement of the enemy

Heā€™s slow
Heā€™s loud
Shadowstep is still awful
Spread is atrocious

But I still love him, he my bae


These forums are all so funny. Tracer and Genji get treated like some monstrous chupacabra devouring helpless supports. Brigitte was some glowing Savior instead of a horribly unbalanced, incredibly low skill hero. And apparently Reaper is just another monster waiting to be unleashed?

Yeah heā€™ll be better. Yeah the numbers on his healing are surprisingly robust. But ultimately he doesnā€™t struggle because he needed like 50 more hp to succeed, he struggles because he canā€™t overcome tank abilities or cc; most Reaper deaths are from instakills, a stun, or getting focused and sadly floating away before being finished off.


One question whose answer I think I already knowā€¦

Is the selfhealing buff a buff of his ultcharge???

If Reaper gets a goat skin, Iā€™m maining him.

Move over Junkrat, this guy gots goats!

You have a lot of imagination my friend, in the bad sense.
What is he going to tear though? He doesnt do more damage nor he is a reliable damage source.
His ultimate is BS, its a 510 glorified animation looking AOE that happens to be linear and not truly AOE so ā€¦ yeah.

Theres nothing more scary than a full charged nano Zarya, and even Reaper would wraith away instantly if he sees one :smiley:

Remainder that Reaper still big target with gigantic critbox that anyone can outrange him.

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B U D G E T. B E Y B L A D E. M E T A. I N C O M I N G.

Iā€™m so happy.

Daily reminder that the comp goats is called goats because a team named goats in a tournament went from the bottom of the bracket to wining the entire thing by coming up with this strat though they were saving it for contenders but had to use it to enter contenders. So any comp that isnā€™t 3/3 is not goats.

The difference between Reaper and Tanks are that you can One Shot an unarmoured Reaper with one well placed headshot with snipers.

Either that or Just Cree E+M2 in decimation.

Unless they changed it, yes.

Well, at least it is a fun ult to die against.

Reaper needs a rework/buff that will increase his skill ceiling. Thatā€™s his problem. Reaper is really good in lower ranks, and I canā€™t imagine how bad it will be now. But Reaper is terrible in higher ranks. They need to increase his skill ceiling so higher skilled players can get more out of him in higher ranks, while lower skilled players can still get the job done.

Dva still exists so reaper will probably still be pretty bad tbh. He could have 1000% lifesteal, it doesnā€™t matter because of how close he needs to be to do his dmg. 2 seconds of denying a reaper is more than enough time to force his escape or just kill him.

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Unless of course, heā€™s escorted by a ton of tanks and healersā€¦

Well, with the buff and nerf on armor, Reaper will pretty much be RAMMING the tanks, if you know what I meanā€¦

Speedboost bubble reaper likely wont be worth all the effort that needs to be poured into it. Especially when the enemy team has so many tools to delay reaper from dealing his dmg. Tracer can already compete with reaperā€™s tankbusting capabilities without the need for crazy team support.

These changes are super overhyped imo. Goats will probably still be incredibly strong.