Make shadow step nearly instant

Instead of the 50% healing buff.

Now Shadow step can be used to engage and disengage (escape). Also you will now be able to use wraith form without worrying that your only method of escape (and your only useful ability) is gone.

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You have summoned the Falcon that is Grey.


Those changes are pretty good. Honestly I would prefer a lot of things over the current changes. As reaper will just become “Good at dealing with GOATS” and will be bad at everything else

hmm, i really want to say an instant shadowstep would be unbalanced but it lets us pull off the “nothing personal kid” meme in-game.

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Yeah, it’s like the should have taken the armour nerf, and just gave that to Reaper, or even have him ignore armour. Instead of the lazy things they put forth

Don’t mind the shadow step change, but maybe just make the first half super fast? Like hack speed fast?

They can balance it by having a vapor trail travel from between points.

Ill be happy to teleport directly onto you and make you regret asking for this.

Reaper will always be lower end of viable as long as he continues to have a useless E.

Make his wraith similar to moira’s [it can escape grav so clearly it has the same properties]
and either give him a secondary fire or replace E with something that can deal with goats from a greater distance, say 10 to 15 meters.

This made me chuckle. :joy:

Wonder if disappearing and reappearing is more descriptive than “First half” and “Second half”.

Yes, it should be disappearing and reappearing.

Flashbang - FTH

Dead Reaper :smiley:

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30% healing buff, wraith form, and instant shadow step seems a little too strong to me. youd be giving reaper an easy way into the fight, tons of sustain during the fight, and an easy way out of the fight in case things go wrong.

the only way i can see instant shadow step balanced is if reaper doesnt have self healing or if its reduced. i feel like this change would allow reaper to be more tolerable in the lower ranks, but still most likely a bad pick in the higher ranks, as this change would not allow him to be the tank buster that blizzard just changed him to be.

I think it’d be better vice-versa, Reaper already has one of the best escape ability, his problem is that he can’t really engage. Instead of invulnerability on reappearing, maybe visuals before reappearing (that red cloud) can’t be seen from certain distance, like 10-15 meters.