This Forum is an Echo Chamber

Sure, it might just be a coincidence, but the idea of Classic Comp came way before Open Queue was ever announced.

Just for the record, the idea didn’t originate from Robo. The thread you have used to cite and give him credit actually states that he was convinced about it by someone else.

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Huh, news to me.

I've changed my position on qpc, and having a ranked version - #58 by Nightstream-11165

Also looks like he was made aware of the idea elsewhere. But that competitive Lucioball convinced him.

But man, I was so close with these two ideas.

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They listen more on the Overwatch Reddit. People are less toxic there.

Seems like a joke from my perspective.

Unless you where thinking r/Overwatch and not r/CompetitiveOverwatch.

Yeah, I always thought it was odd how you kept crediting their thread when they said this in it

Mostly because, I was a hairs breadth away from the idea already.

But that I had an earlier conversation really convinced me on the 6flex and 2-2-2 idea with RobotWizard, in general. (Which it looks like you were a part of as well)

Delete this post - #44 by RobotWizard-116887

Back on track here…

GF, in your opinion, why haven’t the devs delivered on a more KDA-oriented scoreboard, tracking stats like healing given/healing received/damage done to tanks/support/etc? Why are we still being defaulted to a flawed medal system?

  1. During match. Because they want to give people a fantasy of false competence.
  2. After match. Dunno, cause there always seems to be something more urgent. I.e. Queue Times, OW2 development, figuring out how to not burn out pros with hero pools, but also not get the audience burnt out on watching the same composition every match.

They dont even listen to the “money makers” if they did then genji would have been buffed a long long long time ago and to a lil bit of a higher degree. Bastions iron clad would have not been what it was when it first got put into the game. Moira would be more of a healer than a back line healer diver and people wouldnt be able to abuse her to climb from bronze to diamond doing only dps as her.

All in all the devs dont listen to anyone till their game is threatened by people playing it less.

Yeah, the only Idea of mine they grabbed wholesale is one I would be killed for meantioning (because a lot of people did NOT like the result)

It can stay on the old forums (however, I still say it worked, and did EXACTLY what it was designed to do)

i read this in a doomfist hater post
make doom hurt himself for the ammount of damage his abilities do if he misses them

I’m not against you per se, I just want to point out that a kda scoreboard might look really bad for some tanks or supports. Would definitely need some more context if it were ever going to happen. I mean for instance, even if it could show you, say, heals, it might not necessarily imply the full usefulness of that healer in the match. If the heals are low but deaths are still high, bad positioning and burst damage, or players trickling in and feeding might be to blame. But “We’re 4 minutes in and you have not yet cleared 9k heals!” could easily become a point of toxicity. I’m not against a scoreboard. But it seems like a really tricky thing to keep in context.

I think they do, but don’t makes changes based on it, wich is good because the forum is just a vent place to players(at least most of the topic I see are like that).

Because something that OW does right is giving oputs to think the player is playing well.

I mean, love it or not, they’ve given us the reason many, many times…

Overwatch 2

“This forum is an echo chamber!”

An echo chamber is one where you hear no differing opinion and everyone echo’s the same perspective.

These forums have a plethora of different opinion. The back and forth’s of discussion board can get quite lengthy (and amusing).

This is incorrect. You can easily track down numerous replies from the Blizzard Development team. Especially Jeff Kaplan.

This indicates that do indeed read the forums. They may not always reply but they clearly do look at what we express here.

The Streamers and Owl players make money for Blizzard because of the interest of normal players like us. If we do like the game anymore. We will typically not watch others play it.

This is all supposition with no basis in fact. Even if this were correct it would indicate that they do infact read in order to respond.

I meant a KDA-styled scoreboard, but one that tracks and displays important stats to give context, which would benefit tank/support players [not only in justification for actions taken, but to show who they’ve healed the most/least/etc.]. Raw healing/damage blocked numbers (that are displayed to the player, but not the entire lobby) would be decent examples of “stats that matter.” Stats on a per-player basis (but not necessarily displayed to the whole lobby) would be beneficial too…e.g. you’re playing a support character, and it shows to you (and only you) how much healing you’ve given each person on your team vs. how much damage they’ve taken-- or conversely, you’re playing DPS and you’re shown how much damage you’ve taken vs how much healing you’ve received. … May fuel some hatred for the support but may also show you need to work on positioning.

Does that help clear up what I meant?

MMM somewhat. Might be nice if you could choose to share those things as well though. It would be nice to be able to shut down a claim like “Our healer is only dpsing” by going “no really, look.” but maybe that’s asking too much.

Duplicating post: MrFriendly


I really hope we don’t get a scoreboard. People in this game can’t even handle medals or public profiles.

Sure. Let me correct myself-- This forum is a choir of retarded children screaming into the void of a major AAA game development team’s feedback/discussion forum-- most of whom are people complaining about some perceived imbalance and/or asking for basic QOL features found in similar titles, some simple and easy to address while others are more complicated, little-to-none of which have been addressed, regardless of merit or potential benefit to the game/community.

Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, but you got my point nonetheless. On a percentile basis, I suppose that you’re correct in saying that responding to 0.01% of posts is a net positive in developer participation and that I’m wrong in saying they do not read it at all, but that was me using hyperbole to make a point and elicit a response.

Sure. I understand that, but it doesn’t seem that some of the fundamental gameplay issues have been addressed in the game’s current state, let alone be addressed in OW2. Everything is so under wraps it’s hard to say if the franchise is going in a positive direction overall. New features are great, but unless the old underlying issues are fixed, what’s the point?