Overwatch 2 beta feedback

Before i begin i would like to suggest you put a link to the beta forum within the invitation email as to prevent cross and double posting.

Orisa is A+ right now. Cool rework. Also extremely oppressive.

Trickling and “overwalk” is still problematic.

Scoreboard - Friggin love it!
Should’ve always been in overwatch from the beginning.

Mei is just sad without her ability to freeze.

Ana sleep and anti-heal have no place in OW2.

  • Week 1 nerf has helped substantially.

Hanzo needs a damage nerf.

  • Week 1 changes have helped.

Winston right click will need icon and charge indicator - I found this new ability to cause insufficient damage.
Would prefer to have a maximum charge similar to Symmetra.

Dva needs something extra.
Lower booster CD and perhaps extend her missile barrage for a moment longer.

Sojourn is very fun!
Missing ultimate timer though. Ultimate ability slightly underwhelming.
Perhaps make the beam larger only during ultimate phase.

  • Week 1 changes are exactly what i had in mind. Great!

Bastion rework also quite fun.
Would like the ability to change my reticle when he is in turret form.

The ping system is a neat addition, not very many people use it yet though.

I do not like the medkit cooldown timer. I also dislike that it takes longer for them to respawn. What i would prefer is having the CD display above it in 3D and through walls.

TLDR: Healing is insufficient between encounters unless support are in good synergy with the rest of the team.

Tanking is unfortunately not much better.

Especially with Wrecking ball and Dva.
It has however improved with Winston and Orisa.

I can’t speak to Doomfist as i’ve never liked his kit so haven’t dove into it yet.

So far the beta experience feels like it relies heavily on pocket healing.

Aim feels off.
This despite toggling the high precision option from the gameplay menu.
I use dot as reticle. It feels off to the right side and doesn’t register hits for about 0.6s. Not a latency issue. I checked and doubled checked.
If i sway left to right frequently then a few shots start registering. It doesn’t feel right to play this way though. I play at 1800DPI / 9 sensitivity within the game. I have 240hz g-sync and 165hz freesync monitor as my daily driver.
I’ve tried toggling those options on and off as well as the Nvidia reflex options but with negligible results.
My primary system is as such:
Ryzen 7 2700x
32gb 3200mhz
The game is running off SN750 NVME drive
And RTX 3060 i am using the 512.59 WHQL drivers from april 26th.

The beta is far more enjoyable on small maps.
I’m not fond of PUSH as walking back to the objective is a major buzzkill.
Also not fond of 5v5 quite yet.

  • BUGS
  • Cannot remove a player from the avoid player list as the option is greyed out.

Random tidbits:

  • Queue times are still horrendous even for a closed beta. This is simply unacceptable.
    Priority queue an illusion. Heavily favors support roles.
    Because they are the least fun to play in this version.

  • Upon launching the beta and completing a round, i receive the “Thank you for reporting…” pop up every single time. That’s annoying!

  • Week 1 patch has fixed this issue.
  • Sixtuple kills still in the game. Perhaps change that to Quintuple.

  • On fire as well, though not visible on border. I recall reading it’s removed and may return later. So not a big deal.

  • Tracers melee is …weird for the lack of a better word. It’s delayed or something doesn’t feel right.

  • I would love you forever if you gave us a map selector for Quick play classic modes.
    This means you could have left Paris and Horizon in rotation for those that opted to play them. As well as cut down simultaneously on leavers and backfilling.

  • Many of the characters talk through the game (additional voice lines not triggered by the player) most of them are cute and/or funny.
    However, D.va’s lines were a bit too much and too frequent. Bordering on annoying.

  • The loading backdrop for lijiang tower still indicates “Lijiang Night” even though it’s the day time version. Perhaps an oversight? (One could even say…Over…watched? ha! Video game pun!)

Lastly, i fail to see why all of this couldn’t be incorporated into Overwatch 1 as DLC or Add-on. I strongly urge the development team to keep overwatch 1 and 2 seperate games.
If not, hope you have contingencies in place if 5v5 fails to take off.
Ideally just a Quickplay Classic²-Classic-ier option within the Arcade menu.

That’s all i can think of off the top of my head.

Thanks for reading…i think?

These are of course just my own personal opinions and experiences i do not care to argue with other players one bit.

Have a lovely day!

(This is now double posted. My original post was locked and marked as inappropriate by a moderator for two perfectly inoffensive words. I have now copied it over to the regular overwatch 1 thread.)


Personally, I absolutely LOVE the Sombra rework. It makes her so much more fun and dynamic. When it comes to Orisa, I find her as a VERY strong pick, almost to the tendency of OP. But Orisa’s rework itself is very nice :slight_smile:



D.Va is incredibly strong right now. She’s a safe jack of all trades pick into any comp or map.

Doom I understand the misperception - he is very strong at GM levels of play but will likely suffer for the average player now as landing his left clicks is far more important


you just need to relog in and it will appear in the categories for the forums


I love the frequent talk of D.Va, it’s realistic.


I think that overwatch 1 was better. Every fight in OW2 ends very quickly because if one players dies, it instantly causes a chain reaction and the entire team dies. Fights in OW1 were a lot longer and I had time to turn them into my favour. I just had time for that. And for some reason I did not see any close games in OW2. Team 1 rolls team 2 or team 2 rolls team 1, when in OW1 basically every game was hard and close for every team. OW2 is very aim-requiring, especially for supports. If OW1 is a MOBA-shooter, OW2 is just a shooter. In OW1 it was possible to carry with game sense. And it was possible to rank up with good aim(just pick an aim-requiring hero). This is what I love OW1 for. It gives every player a choice. OW2 requires the player to be good mechanically whatever he/she is playing(except for Mercy, Reinhardt and Winston). I could be bad at aiming, but carry with biotic grenades and sleep darts as Ana. Now i just cant do this. I have to fight dps as a support much more often than I have to in overwatch 1. I think that obtaining game sense is much more interesting than endlessly grinding aim. Not to mention, we lost all the tank combos. Tank combos were a lot of fun. They required communication, teamwork, cooldown management. Now the game is centered around hitting shots. How many games do you know, that are centered around hitting shots? I know Valorant, CS:GO, Call of Duty. But does overwatch have to be the same as these projects? OW2 lost the identity of the original game. Overwatch 1 was something unique, more than a shooter, a shooter where abilities and combos could carry more than aim. Sometimes it was even possible to win against an aimbotter using shields and Wrecking ball/Doomfist! OW2 feels more like an overwatch-containing product.


I played day 1 beta for about 5 or so hours no issues and day 2 My game keeps crashing sometimes mid game, beginning of a match and or towards the end of a match and i cant figure it out. training grounds works just fine with all heroes and everything else loads fine. just lost and not sure what to do and would love some help because the beta has been quite fun

5v5, and only 1 tank has completely imbalanced this game, in my opinion. Because:

  1. Supports are now so exposed, way more than before. Especially if the enemy team has the likes of tracer and sombra.
  2. if your one and only tank decides to run off alone, then the rest of the team are just completely stranded, no defensive line, nothing. results in team wipe.
  3. Removing all CC (apart from ana’s sleep dart) from the game as well adds to the exposure of all supports.
  4. with less shields in the game due to one tank, characters like soldier have free reign to just annihilate the other team.
  5. What on earth is going to be done with reaper? Apparantly he cant even 1 shot a mercy or zen in the face at point blank range anymore, his ult takes way to long to generate, especially being 1 less big target for him to hit. He was ultimately a tank killer.

5v5 is imbalanced, support is horrendous, no CC is ridiculous.

bring back 6v6 with that 2nd tank.


Think people are sleeping on mei….yeah she can’t freeze you….but in the time it would’ve taken her to freeze you before, you’re now dead….that left click is no joke!


She’s still an off tank. Blocking people off while slowing them down is a death sentence and can quickly swing the fight around. Not to mention her ult is still aMEIzing, particularly on payload maps.

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Just played Overwatch 2 for a bit. I will need to play more. But from my experience the maps need to be smaller if there are 5 people. It seems that there is less team synergy . It feels more like a brawl than worrying about the objective/objectives.
Doomfist does not seem very viable as a tank.
Ana grenade seems less viable to the enemy team as well as her sleep dart. I do like her passive ability to heal as this makes it easier to try to survive.
With 5 players the game seems to have less of a stable gameplay as it feels more like a brawl/deathmatch.
The minimalism screen is great, however, there should be a rez counter for mercy.
As a support main, the one less tank is very noticeable. Between the tanks focusing and dps focusing healers, it is harder to survive and because of the brawl/deathmatch feel to the game, you do not survive very long.

I need to play more to have a better understanding of the reworks of some of the other characters but this is my first impression.


I enjoy ow2 but it has quite a few problems that I’d like to give feedback on.

I personally think the queue time problem is mostly due to supports having no reworks or new characters but it’s an issue. It’s just ow1 all over again, or even worse possibly, having 8-10 minute queues for dps/tank and then some games are over in 2-3 minutes. Not a fun experience.

The payload push in escort maps feels even worse in 5v5. The team wants to push up towards enemy spawn on attack but someone has to stay and push the payload. Pushing the payload is boring and if no one does it you can win in terms of kills but still lose the game. I like the game feeling more deathmatch-like but pushing the payload completely contradicts that style and it feels like a chore. Not to mention it naturally disadvantages attackers because someone has to sit on payload. In Pugs with randoms no one wants to do it and whoever does can’t have an impact on the fight.

Balance is an issue as well and 5v5 only amplifies it. Having a teammate pick a non-meta hero in 5v5 feels even worse because they actually have a larger impact on the match. Like if your tank picks anything besides orisa/doom it feels like an uphill battle. If the dps pick anything other than soldier its game over. If the supports pick anything other than moira/lucio same thing. This is a massive step backwards. I want to play an overwatch where every character is viable not an overwatch with a hero roster than forces you into a small number of meta picks.

Reworks to sombra/cassidy made both characters less cheesy but somehow more annoying to play against. Cassidy lost a stun but gained, somehow, and even lower skill one shot combo. The tracking on the magnetic grenade is outrageous, I have been stuck by it around corners many times, and then cassidy only needs to land a body shot to one shot you compared to at least needing to land a headshot with flashbang. I think the magnetic grenade would be fine if it didn’t track enemies around corners but it absolutely needs to be tuned down imo. Sombra struggles to have impact or keep up in terms of damage. Her being able to stay permanently in stealth while hacking makes it challenging to balance offense and utility while playing her and being perma hacked and targeted by enemy sombra is somehow even more annoying than old sombra. I think both of the reworks have potential but they need some more fine tuning.

I love the new maps, they feel great. I like the new sounds but they give less actionable feedback than old sounds and some things that do a lot of damage make almost no sound at all. 5v5 feels amazing for tanks so great job on that. It feels good for dps as well but I wish soldier wasn’t an absolute must pick or you’re throwing hero. I have actually enjoyed playing support as well and its been what I’ve mostly played. I think supports need to do slightly more damage in order to be able to actually duel DPS. I’m a pretty experienced ana player - I consistently win ana paintball games and I’ve played a lot of ana in general. If I pick ana in 5v5 it feels like I’m not helping the team as well as I could be no matter how much I pop off. I can easily outperform ana in terms of damage and healing with moira and I’ve barely played any moira. That’s a problem imo and I think certain heroes needs more tweaking so that it’s not so easy to outperform high skill supports with easier high floor picks in the support category.


temperatures okay?
you update drivers?

Pretty good feedback, I agree with most of your points except I love 5v5 and I think tanking feels amazing. I am a ball main and have been highly effective with him in 5v5. Zarya feels really good too, orisa op, Winston definitely needs adjustments to right click ability, imo it just feels clunky and not worth the time it takes for little dmg.

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So do you solo queue out of curiosity?
I’m a 4K Dva and very often play ball as well.
Solo player.
It’s a long queue even with priority pass.

so far I’ve really not enjoyed 5v5. it feels far too chaotic and not in a good way. I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing the entire game. There’s no protection, so healers have more to do, and with half the tanking, playing tank is just pain now


Yes solo queuer mid diamond.

I haven’t played beta a ton but so far here are my thoughts from a plat/diamond level “casual” player. Casual due to being a busy adult with little time.

1.) How is there not a dedicated forum for beta feedback? I mean, that is basic, get on it.

2.) The UI is too plain and the scoreboard is good but needs a redesign. Mostly it needs to put the players and character picks in the middle and then fan the stats out to the sides rather than stats in the middle and character picks on the side. I often tab to check character changes (on both teams) and having them so far apart is awful. If I am looking for a stat I am generally looking at 1 at a time, I don’t need to see them all next to each other as much as the hero picks.

3.) Doom’s CDs seem like they are bound in reverse of what they should be by default. His leap feels more like a buffed seismic slam so I want to press E, and if I am protecting myself as a tank I am used to pressing shift (like orisa or sigma). I know I can rebind these and I did, but the default just doesn’t seem natural.

4.) I don’t personally like the direction of OW2, I know a lot of higher end players do, and that is great. But what I always liked about the game was the multiple ways to play the game and while that could mean it could get too ability focused, I think OW2 swings too hard to the other direction. The time to kill seems INSANE to me right now which means that you often die before having any time to react (and can often kill just as fast too). I am not saying that is a bad game design, but it just isn’t the game I fell in love with originally and if that is the theme going forward, I have just lost my favorite game and will have to move on. I fully expect to be a minority opinion here but I feel like it is worth sharing in case it isn’t. To me this feels like playing “America’s Army” 20 years ago (dating myself). It was a game I really wanted to like, it seemed to have a lot of polish and well designed systems for it’s day but right as you are getting into it you just die in half a second. I have never found that fun. I am ok with being as a massive disadvantage based on position but having literally zero counterplay isn’t fun to me and it FEELS that way to me now. You can tell me to git good but all I will do is “git” another game.

EDIT: Also soldier is crazy good. Anytime I feel like I am sucking on dps I go soldier and clear the board. With people being more spread out and lack of shields in the game you can just charge someone and fire a few rounds and throw a rocket and have a kill in about .3 seconds.


There is, you’ll need to logout and back in to view them.

I see it now. Well ok, you can remove complaint 1 then. :slight_smile: