Bring back Overwatch 1

Supercharger was so bad though. Getting your teammates to actually during it felt impossible and the enemy akways popped Zen or Lucio ult to nullify it

Mostly in coordinated play.

Personally, I thought Supercharger would’ve worked better if it stayed on Orisa, kinda like how Rammatra does. A transformative ultimate.

I agree, but ner new ult is infinitely better. You can carry with it.

While true, it just doesn’t have as much “fun/impact” to me.

Then again, old Orisa was who got me into buying the game in the first place.

That’s remarkable to me because I remember when she dropped the players complained her kit was stale.

Saw that hsit a mile off.

“Lastly, i fail to see why all of this couldn’t be incorporated into Overwatch 1 as DLC or Add-on. I strongly urge the development team to keep overwatch 1 and 2 seperate games.
If not, hope you have contingencies in place if 5v5 fails to take off.
Ideally just a Quickplay Classic²-Classic-ier option within the Arcade menu.”

Goes to show that out there, someone likes any hero.

I found her Baymax-like personality to be endearing, as well as her more defensive playstyle.

Her current form isn’t all that appealing to me: too stoic, too aggressive, it feels nothing like the hero I found so lovable.

I wonder if that’s how Doomfist players feel…? Or any hero that goes through a drastic rework?

[Self Note: 4300th post.]

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Funny enough. Orisa was my most played character because I played a lot of S76 and so she felt natural. I did well, but her new form is simply better gor fighting all heroes, especually the 1v1’s. Yeah, many Dooms resent needing to be the tank and not assassin

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Now you’re just being generous…


In all honesty, I think what Doomfist lacks is threat potential: his Rocket Punch isn’t anything to fear, and the rest of his kit is laughable for the majority of heroes (except the immobile ones).

At this point I would pay $1000 to never have to load OW2 ever again (cheaper in the long run too)

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OW2 is nothing but a monetized alpha version closed beta of OW 1


Is this another one of those “skins = content” takes? Illness.

Better balance - no
better matchmaker - no, just less new players and thus more certainty
better ranked system - maybe
better progression - literally just pixels compared to titles, now, which also are just pixels, same thing
more frequent patches - now you’re just making sh*t up

I’m not at all, ow1 was patched more frequently almost once a week until they announced that development on ow1 would slow so they could divert more resources to ow2’s Pve.

As for more content, there was frequently new permanent modes getting released (maybe not core modes but more casual arcade modes) so no I don’t think skins=content quite the opposite in fact. (ow2 has less new skins than ow1 and ow1 skins where consistently high quality and not just recolours with a hat for $20)

Heroes were released frequently at the same rate as they are in ow2 and they were not absolute failures that needed reworks less than a month after they released.

As for the matchmaker having a larger pool of players should make matchmaking easier not harder because there are more viable players close to your skill level that can be pulled into your game.

The progression was better as there was always something to work towards whether it be a fancier player portrait or collecting every cosmetic now everything is tied to trying to persuade you to buy the battlepass and they are not even subtle about it.

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Overwatch 1 was going to merge with Overwatch 2 eventually anyway.

You’re not getting OW1 back.

It would require the Overwatch team to roll back a ton of changes to both heroes and maps, and they’re just not going to do that. As for your threat that they’ll ‘never get another dime from you’ that’s fine, because there are plenty of people who will buy stuff from them. They don’t need your money.

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i would also pay to be able to play ow1 again

Ah, gotcha. That makes way more sense, but also makes it irrelevant. “I want OW1 back because 6 years ago we had more patches” just doesn’t follow. You won’t magically get more patches because they re-release OW1. It’s literally true as the answer to “what was better about OW1”, but beyond the literal meaning it adds nothing. I guess that also goes for the content, then?

I agree that they (especially Jeff Kaplan) shouldn’t have started the OW2 PvE nonsense. But that was years ago, we can’t change that. The question is whether the game was better as it was last year. I see minor things like levels and LFG, but I don’t care for either of those anyway :man_shrugging:

re MM:
A larger pool of players does make match making easier and better, yes, but I didn’t say “less players”, I said “less new players”. New players reduce certainty and thus match making quality, that’s the point I wanted to make. Whether these new players are still in the pool I don’t know, though, population declined drastically after all, but it’s an explanation that makes sense to me.

i say bring everything back except 6v6. 5v5 is infinitely more fun and engaging. The rest is just a downgrade honestly. Especially the rank system.

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just bring back ow1, you can bring the battlepass and shop from ow2 but for the love of good bring back 6vs6 dps doom and all that fun stuff

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I would prefer a ranked mode , because there isn’ any .
What is the logic behind ranked mode ?
Players compete in this mode NO
Players climb ranks NO
Players claim good items due to higher ranks NO

Players are matched against similary skilled players YES (and it does not exist in OW2 outside of t500 )